Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 125: 125, wind sound

   Chapter 125 125, The Wind

   Actually, the moment he said the words, Qin Tianru immediately realized that his words were too ambiguous, especially after hearing the man's low laugh and joke, his face blushed.

   "I didn't mean that, I meant that no one needs to wait for someone to sleep, let's sleep together! Oh, I'm sleeping."

  Qin Tianru suddenly realized that the explanation was unclear, and instead, the description became darker and darker, and he immediately pulled the quilt to cover himself with a red face.

   What is she talking about?

   I always feel that if a girl like her speaks it out, there is nothing wrong with it, and the girl still has a sense of shame.

   Seeing this, the smile on Qi Han's mouth became stronger, and there was endless tenderness between his eyebrows and eyes.

   Seeing Huanhuan getting shy, he wasn't ready to joke anymore, and said softly to the huddled silkworm baby, "Good night, Huanhuan."

   Qin Tianru, who was hiding under the quilt, heard the mellow voice coming from outside the quilt, pursed his lips, and replied softly and briskly.

   "Good night to you too~"

   It was a quiet and small room, no matter how soft the sound was, it was enough for Qi Han, who was an arm's length away, to hear it.

   Qi Han smiled silently, then reached out and turned off the white light in the room.

   Good dream, my Huanhuan!


  The next day, Qi Han and Qin Tianru wandered around the county town for a day and purchased all the supplies they could buy, which were basically everyday items.

  Hongjiang County is not bigger than Ping County, and there are not many shops along the street, so the materials that can be purchased are very limited. Although the number is not large, it is better than nothing.

   The two of them don't dislike it either, and the accumulation of small amounts will always be useful.

   I don't know if Hongjiang County has heard any rumors. The two of them didn't buy any food.

  There are two grain stores in the city, but the annoying thing is that you have to check the household registration book before buying grain. It is not for local residents, and the local people have limited purchases.

   This operation is obviously controlled by local departments.

   "It seems that the wind has been heard in the vicinity."

   Looking at the passers-by in a hurry on the street, Qin Tianru sighed with emotion.

   Qi Han said calmly, "It's normal, after all, we weren't the only ones who got off the bus in Pingxian two days ago."

He thought that things about the famine had spread to many places in the past two days, and the train they took would pass through more than half of the cities in the south. Anyone who has experienced the carjacking by refugees should get off the train Afterwards, we will definitely tell each other and take precautions in advance.

   Therefore, it is not surprising that Hongjiang County can take precautions.


   Qin Tianru suddenly realized that Ping County is a big county. After all, it is a county town with a railway station. She remembered that there were a lot of people getting off the train at that time.

   "Let's go, go home and pack up, let's go back tomorrow morning."

   Qi Han felt that there was no need to stay in this county anymore. Anyway, it has already consumed a day today, and it is reasonable to return tomorrow.

   "Okay." Qin Tianru replied obediently.


  The next day, Qi Han and Qin Tianru pretended to leave the city with a few bags of luggage and came to a road in the suburbs.

   The direction of this road is Xiangyang Town, where the Victory Production Brigade belongs.

   At this time, the two were hiding behind a bush, Qi Han carefully looked at the surrounding environment, and after confirming that it was safe, nodded to Huanhuan.

   Qin Tianru closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, and concentrated his whole body.

   Qi Han's eyes have been locked on her body, his eyes are full of concern, because this is the first time he has seen Huanhuan use his supernatural power to produce seeds.

   Suddenly a shimmering light flashed, Qi Han's pupils shrank slightly, and he saw many tender shoots, emerald green, emerging from his Huanhuan's fingers.

   Today's update is complete~!



   (end of this chapter)

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