Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 120: 120, split action

   Chapter 120 120, Split Action

   Qi Han seemed to feel the mood changes of the people around him, and calmly held her little hand.

  The area affected by this famine is too wide, they can't help everyone, they can only help as much as possible.

   But in his opinion, relying on others is better than relying on yourself. How long can others rely on?

  The women on the courtyard dam were still sitting on the ground crying and crying, while the men did not sit on the ground and cry, but they were also in a bad mood.

   A man in the crowd rushed to the stone platform and asked eagerly, "Captain, is there nothing you can do? Can't you get any grain?"

   "Yes, Captain, we can't just wait to die like this."

   When someone asked a question, other men gathered around them one after another. They are the pillars of the family, and every household is old and young, and they need to be supported.

They can't vent their emotions like women can, they have to be tough, hold up a piece of the sky at home, so many mouths are still waiting to eat, they can't sit and wait to die, they have to try their best to find a way out Row.

   "Captain, if you have any idea, just say it, no matter what, I will follow you without saying a word."

"Me too."

"And I"

   Qi Zhongkang was relieved to see that everyone had finally aroused their fighting spirit. He was afraid that everyone would slump and lose hope of living.

   "Everyone, be quiet, there are always more solutions than difficulties. Our village committee cadres have discussed it, and now the three production teams are each responsible for one task."

   There is no way, now the time is urgent, we can only mobilize the whole village to act together.

  The grain station is out of grain, but it doesn’t mean that all private grain stores are also gone. The grain station has no hope, but they can’t give up the grain.

   After all, this is related to the ration of the entire production team. Once the harvest is achieved, there is no need to worry about the problem of running out of food in a few months.

   Although you have to spend your own money to buy it, the current situation can’t take into account that much. As long as you can get food seeds, it is worth overdrafting all the money in the public account.

   In the face of famine, no matter how much money is not as important as food, this is the foundation of survival.

   Before other places have reacted, their production team can take the lead and buy a batch of grain from other places at a high price.

   Of course, it’s best if you can buy seeds. Even if you don’t have them, you can have them.

   Therefore, the task of the first production team is to purchase food. Each family sends an adult male to divide into several groups, and each goes to the surrounding counties to buy food.

   The task of the second production team is to go up the mountain to collect materials on the spot. The men dig traps to capture and store as much game as possible, while the women pick and harvest various wild vegetables, and then dry them into dried pickles.

   As for the third production team, they were responsible for the farm work in the fields. Taking advantage of the good weather, they quickly planted potatoes, radishes, cabbage and other vegetables and fruits that are easy to grow and store in the fields.

   Even if there is no staple food to eat at that time, at least there are other foods to cushion the stomach.

   Last night, Qi Zhongkang specifically asked his nephew Qi Han, according to the current trend of famine development, how long would it take to affect them in Ping County.

   And his nephew also gave an answer: two months at the latest!

   Therefore, when he was discussing with the village cadres this morning, he decided what vegetables to plant in the field according to the time, and all crops with long growth cycles were excluded.

   They have to ensure that the crops in the field can be picked up after two months.

   (end of this chapter)

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