Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 113: 113, inform

   Chapter 113 113, inform

   Qi Zhongkang also thought it was his cousin's family who was embarrassed to say something. As the eldest son in the next room, he felt that he should take the lead in expressing his position.

   "Yuanhua, you can talk about anything, we are all family."

   Qi Yuanhua gestured to his eldest son, "Just say it."

  Qi Han nodded and turned to look at Qi Desheng, who was sitting in the first place, "Uncle, I took a look. There seems to be a lot of empty fields in our village, don't we plant food?"

   Qi Desheng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this grandnephew would suddenly mention this issue, but when it came to this topic, he was also very angry.

   "As a peasant who depends on the land for food, there is no reason to leave the field empty and not plant grain. Hey, do you think we don't want to plant it? We have no grain to plant, so now we can only wait."

"what happened?"

  Qi Yuanhua took advantage of the situation and asked a question. When he was visiting the village this afternoon, he naturally noticed this phenomenon. Although he already had the answer in his heart, he had to pretend.

   As the production team leader, Qi Zhongkang knows this issue very clearly and is also the person with the most say.

   "Hey, this year's grain seeds haven't been distributed yet. I went to ask at the beginning of the month, and the staff at the grain station said that it hasn't been distributed yet, so let's wait.

I went there again two days ago, and I still said the same thing. The grain seeds were distributed early in the past two years. At this time last year, our team planted wheat. I don’t know what happened this year. It's too late to go down. "

   Since the land reform three years ago, the village has implemented a collective work point system. Every year, task rations are handed over. After the prescribed task rations are handed in, the rest is the team members' rations for the next year.

   As for the grains, they are not kept by themselves at all, but are distributed uniformly by the grain station above after the spring of the following year.

   The reason why the production team is not allowed to manage grains is that some team members do not know how to be thrifty and put grains in their minds, which will cause the team to have no grains to grow.

   But who knew that something went wrong this year, it was almost spring, but they haven't seen any seeds yet, so how can they not let the team members get bored every day.

   Qi Han's eyes sank slightly, "You don't have to wait, this year's grains are not expected to come down."

   "Huh?" Qi Jiaxing was slightly surprised, his face full of doubts.

   Qi Zhongkang looked serious, "Ahan, what do you mean by that? Why can't you come down?"

   Qi Desheng, who was in the first place, took a sharp puff of grass cigarette, and his eyes showed a wise light.

   "Xiaohan, do you know something?"

   Qi Han nodded calmly, "I guess the original batch of grain should be moved to the north for emergency rescue."

  Qi Desheng frowned and looked solemn, "Go on."

   Qi Han replied simply and rudely, "Famine broke out!"


   Qi Zhongkang and his son stood up from their seats in shock, their faces full of panic.


  The country folks know this all too well.

   The cigarette stick in Qi Desheng's hand trembled and shook. He quickly put the cigarette stick on the table and calmed down a few times before restraining the consternation in his heart.

   "Xiaohan, what the **** is going on here? You said it all at once."

  So, Qi Han talked about their experience of taking the train back to their hometown through Qiong County, and then borrowed the identity of the train conductor to emphasize the authenticity of the famine!

   Today's update is complete~



   (end of this chapter)

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