Lu Mingfei doesn’t want to be a superhero

Chapter 198 (bei) Assistant (guo) Hand (xia) Strange

Kama Taj, Ancient One is in the room.

Gu Yiduan sat on the futon and looked at Lu Mingfei with a look that was half kind and half encouraging.

Lu Mingfei blinked, his head filled with questions.

Master Gu Yi, what did you say? Lu Mingfei suspected that he heard wrongly.

Mingfei, are you interested in becoming the Supreme Mage? Gu Yi asked again.

Lu Mingfei rubbed his ears and murmured to himself: I really heard wrong.

You heard that right, Gu Yiyi said, I don't have much time left, and the Supreme Mage bears the important responsibility of blocking threats from the multiverse. For the safety of the earth, I must find a suitable successor as soon as possible. I’ve thought about it carefully and the most suitable person right now is you.”

It took a few seconds to confirm that Gu Yi was not joking, and after digesting the huge amount of confidence in this sentence, Lu Mingfei shook his head decisively: I feel that my ability is insufficient and my level is average. I really can't afford such an important position. , Master Gu Yi, please think about it carefully, for such a big Kama Taj, there must be someone more suitable than me.

Lu Mingfei refused without hesitation - the greater the power, the greater the troubles to be faced. The position of Supreme Mage bears such a huge responsibility to resist the invasion from the multiverse, and the requirements for strength must be very high. And the danger is also huge. As the leader and teacher of the mage group, he has to face many things and even teach and educate people. However, he does not want to take any responsibility at all. He just wants to eat and wait to die and enjoy life. The position of Supreme Mage is very important to him. It's a big trouble.

The mages in Kama Taj can be divided into two categories, warriors and ordinary mages, Gu Yiyi said, Ordinary mages account for the majority. They all found Kama Taj because of physical disabilities or psychological trauma, and Those who are left to study magic are not weapons for them, but a tool of life or a philosophical concept. Those who can take on the responsibilities of the Supreme Mage are those who have the qualities of a warrior. There are not many such spells, and There is currently no one who can assume the responsibilities of the Supreme Mage.

Wang, can't you? I think he is quite reliable. Lu Mingfei said.

He can't, at least not yet. Gu Yi shook his head.

What about... Hulk? Lu Mingfei changed his subject, He must be powerful enough to be the Supreme Mage, and he can withstand the cost better than ordinary mages.

Ancient Yi shook his head: I'm afraid Kama Taj isn't enough for him to hit.

To be honest, I also know a friend who is a superhero and a super genius. Let him learn magic and make sure he learns it accurately...

Lu Mingfei was interrupted by Gu Yi mid-sentence: Not even Mr. Stark, he has his own way.

I don't think I'm good at it either, Lu Mingfei scratched his head, To be honest, I have no intention of learning magic at all.

Lu Mingfei was not being polite, he really didn't want to learn magic.

To be precise, he didn't want to learn any magic that required borrowing power from a powerful magical entity.

As a native Chinese, Lu Mingfei instinctively resisted words like loan and debt. He didn't even want to default on his credit card, let alone borrow power from those powerful beings.

Moreover, the power he gained from the dragon bloodline is not weak. Although he cannot compare with a supreme mage like Gu Yi, at least he does not have to worry about the eighteen credit card repayment balance being broken like the current Gu Yi. Instant thunderstorm.

Therefore, Lu Mingfei had only learned Spiritual Body Out of Body from Gu Yi before, which did not require borrowing power, and had no intention of learning other magic.

Besides, he was learning magic for the first time in his life, and before he could borrow any power, he was targeted by a little devil when his spirit body was out of body. It was inevitable that he would have a bit of PTSD.

However, to Lu Mingfei's surprise, Gu Yi smiled slightly: When did I say that being a Supreme Mage must be able to use magic?

Lu Mingfei was stunned and said to himself, Master Gu Yi, are you listening to what you said is human?

This sentence is like saying Who said you need to know English to be the president of the United States? or Who said you need to know football to be the leader of the Football Association?

This sentence doesn’t make sense anymore!

If the Supreme Mage doesn't know magic, isn't that just like the God of Cooking who doesn't know how to cook, and the imperial examination champion who doesn't know how to read? Why is this called the Supreme Mage? This is not even a mage!

Seemingly understanding the Are you kidding me expression on Lu Mingfei's face, Gu Yi explained leisurely: The Supreme Mage actually has only two responsibilities. One is to protect the earth from threats from the multiverse. , but in fact, the earth itself has three major temples built in ancient times that can resist the invasion of the multiverse. The defenses developed by the three temples can resist the entry of most powerful beings. The Supreme Mage's duty to protect the earth is mainly reflected in the protection The temple will not be damaged by fish that slip through the net and will be repaired in time after the three major temples are damaged.

How can you repair the temple without magic? Lu Mingfei pointed out the key to the problem.

You can't repair the temple even if you know magic. The temples were established very long ago. The mages who built them at that time were extremely powerful. The magic knowledge used to build the temples was also extremely complex and vast. However, most of that knowledge has been lost now. Gu Daodao said, The Supreme Mage can restore the temple by relying on a more special power.

Gu Zhang opened his hand, and there was a string of pendants suspended in his palm. The pendant was an antique copper color, engraved with hollow patterns, and the shape looked like a horizontally closed eye.

The gap in the hollow pattern seemed to open for a moment, and a faint green fluorescence flashed through the gap, and then disappeared.

From the corner of his vision, Lu Mingfei seemed to see a short figure crouching in the corner. He couldn't see the face clearly, but he inexplicably felt that the figure resembled a little devil, and the little devil's face was facing those eyes. like pendant.

But when Lu Mingfei focused his gaze, there was nothing there.

Did this guy really appear for a moment and then disappear? Or is it because this guy has appeared too frequently recently, making me so nervous that I have hallucinations related to him? Lu Mingfei complained in his heart.

Master Gu Yi, what is this? He focused his attention on the pendant again and asked Gu Yi.

The Eye of Agamotto is the magic weapon of the Supreme Mage, Gu Daodao said, Before you truly become the Supreme Mage, I cannot give you all its secrets, but I can tell you that it can reverse time. Methods are used to restore damaged things. Although most of the time this behavior may interfere with the timeline and cause undesirable space-time chain reactions, repairing the temple is not included in this.

So the Supreme Mage of all generations did not rely on magic knowledge to repair the temple, but just used the Eye of Agamotto to rewind time with one click to restore the temple to its pre-damage state? Lu Mingfei raised his eyebrows.

Gu nodded: Yes, so in theory, anyone can repair the temple as long as they master the method of using the Eye of Agamotto. The Supreme Mage is only the person most qualified to keep and use this dangerous magic weapon.

What about the second responsibility? Lu Mingfei asked.

The second duty of the Supreme Mage is to use his own magical knowledge and experience to guide other mages in learning magic, guide them on the right path, and restrain them from making mistakes as much as possible. Gu Yiyi.

I can't do this, Lu Mingfei spread his hands, You see, I don't know how to use magic at all.

To teach other mages to learn magic, why do you need to know magic yourself? Isn't it enough as long as you have sufficient reserves of magic knowledge? Gu Yi looked at Lu Mingfei meaningfully, It just so happens that you have the skills in this regard. Far beyond the average person’s learning ability.”

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment. Although there was no evidence, he somehow felt that Master Gu Yi knew about his Mirror Eye ability.

But what about the second half of my responsibilities? Lu Mingfei argued, I may be able to teach, but educating people is too difficult for me.

The king can assist you in this aspect, Gu Daodao, He has been assisting me over the years. You don't have to worry about his ability in this aspect.

Lu Mingfei:...

He found that all his reasonable escape routes seemed to be blocked, and now it seemed that the only way to refuse was to lie on the ground and roll around.

Lu Mingfei quietly lowered his eyes and scanned the ground - he didn't know if the ground was clean or if rolling around would stain his clothes later.

Seemingly seeing Lu Mingfei's reluctance, Gu Yi continued: Of course, the Supreme Mage bears huge responsibilities, and naturally has some benefits that are difficult for others to accept. For example, all of Kama Taj's collection of books and magic will naturally It is open to the Supreme Mage, and all magic weapons can be studied by the Supreme Mage...

Lu Mingfei's eyes lit up - although he did not intend to borrow power from those powerful beings, magic itself was a means of operating energy. In theory, he could also refer to Kama Taj's magical knowledge to create some more powerful creations. Methods to use one's own power efficiently, such as using the cold air in the body to cast ice magic without borrowing power from other beings, and also to study the structural knowledge of magic weapons...

But compared to the lot of troubles that being a Supreme Mage has to face, Lu Mingfei feels that this benefit is not so attractive.

Of course, I also understand that you have your own life, and your life cannot be all about the Supreme Mage, Gu Daodao said, Actually, I had other plans and candidates for the successor of the Supreme Mage, but...

Just what? Lu Mingfei suddenly felt as if he had found the scapegoat.

It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Before I had time to train him, I couldn't hold on any longer, Gu Daodao said, If you really don't want to be the supreme mage, you can also train the person I value and let him be your student and disciple first. Assistant, help you share part of the pressure of the Supreme Mage. When you feel that he has grown up, you can transfer the position of the Supreme Mage to him. And this process should not take too long, he has a high talent for magic.

Help me share some of the pressure? Lu Mingfei's heart moved slightly.

If this is the case, it seems that this Supreme Mage...isn't impossible?

Master Gu Yi, who is the heir you value? Lu Mingfei asked, rubbing his hands.

He is still an ordinary person who does not understand the existence of mages. He is an excellent surgeon named Stephen Strange. Ancient One said leisurely.

Lu Mingfei was silent for a moment, then narrowed his eyes slightly and guessed: Master Gu Yi, Doctor Strange had a car accident not long ago. Could it be related to you?

Gu Yi remained calm for two seconds as if the network was offline, and then he showed a surprised expression: What? Was he in a car accident?

Lu Mingfei:...

In Tony's laboratory.

The portal with flying stars opened, and Lu Mingfei walked out of it.

Tony and Strange were standing in front of a pair of holographic projections of arms talking. Perhaps they were so engrossed in the conversation that they didn't even notice Lu Mingfei approaching from behind them.

Lu Mingfei stood behind the two of them and listened, feeling that Strange was indeed a super genius in medicine. Although he didn't know much about engineering, once it came to the fields of medicine and physiology, he could keep up with Tony in the conversation. You must know that although Tony is Iron Man, his research on dragon genes during this period is undoubtedly the top field in medicine and biology. There are only a handful of people in the world who can keep up with his pace.

Tony and Strange are discussing integrating flesh and blood into human tissue structure. It is not simply embedding machines in flesh and blood, but an organic combination of the two, which is somewhat similar to the biochemically modified people in the movie.

Lu Mingfei listened for a long time and found that the two people had not noticed him yet, so he coughed lightly: Ahem, sorry, let me interrupt.

Tony and Strange were startled and turned their heads at the same time.

Mingfei, are you back? Tony, who has seen too many paranormal events and even come into contact with aliens, seemed very calm, Did the mage just come to see you for anything?

The only time he saw a supernatural event in his life was Lu Mingfei's Oriental Witchcraft. Strange's ability to accept it was not so strong: Mr. Lu Mingfei? Did you just leave with other mages? You mages Do you also have your own organization? Are there many mages in this world? Do mages have a way to cure my hand?

Calm down first, Doctor Strange. Lu Mingfei patted Strange's shoulder affectionately.

Sorry, I was a little too excited. Strange then realized that he was a little over-excited and apologized quickly.

But he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the way Lu Mingfei looked at him seemed a little... inexplicably passionate or even eager?

Doctor Strange, Lu Mingfei looked at Strange seriously, Do you want to heal your hand?

Of course! Strange nodded vigorously.

No matter what the price? Lu Mingfei asked.

No matter the cost! Strange nodded vigorously again.

In any way? Lu Mingfei asked again.

That's right! Strange nodded again.

Then are you willing to become a mage for this? Lu Mingfei asked.

Strange was stunned, then realized what he was talking about, and asked quickly: Is the mage you are talking about someone who has mastered magical witchcraft like you?

Lu Mingfei nodded: Yes, and when you succeed in learning, although your hands will not be cured from a physical level, they will be able to use the power of magic to become as flexible as before.

Really? Not only can I heal my hands, but I can also learn that magical power?! Strange was still a little unbelievable.

It's like a patient who went to the hospital with worries about his life and health. As a result, the doctor not only said that the disease is easy to cure, but also gave you a free bonus of one million because you are the millionth customer of the doctor. Normal people will inevitably be a little confused after hearing this.

Of course. Lu Mingfei smiled.

Then what do I need to pay? Strange asked anxiously.

Just join our mage school, and I will be your teacher and teach you personally. Lu Mingfei said.

I...I'll join! Strange only hesitated for a moment before nodding decisively.

Welcome! Lu Mingfei enthusiastically grabbed Strange's trembling hand.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but for a moment, Strange suddenly felt that he had made a wrong decision.

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