Lu Mingfei doesn’t want to be a superhero

Chapter 172 Bronze City and Hulk are better suited

Professor Mance did not correct the title issue this time, and said in a deep voice: If it were normal times, we should be more professionally prepared. If we want to face the Dragon King directly, the commissioner must have at least A-level blood. But unfortunately, we are now There are competitors, so we have to race against time.”

Others were a little confused about the competitor that Professor Mance mentioned. Only Lu Mingfei knew that the professor was talking about the power behind Mai Shutoku.

Lu Mingfei, Ye Sheng, Jiu Deyaji, the three of you enter the Bronze City, look for relevant clues one step ahead, and leave immediately if you encounter danger. Professor Mansi said.

Hey, Professor, are you sure you're not joking? This is like a new full-level dungeon in World of Warcraft. Our union sent three casual players to explore the path. The key is that we somehow touched the big dungeon. After the boss door, the union leader said, 'Because the union next door is sending the most elite team to conquer the new dungeon, in order to avoid being robbed of the first kill of the dungeon, we three casual players should hurry up and push the boss away.' No one thought that this was a little bit... A little sloppy? Lu Mingfei couldn't help complaining.

Don't worry, among the four monarchs, the secret party knows the most about the King of Bronze and Fire, Professor Mance said. After being killed, it takes a long time for the Dragon King to recover. It should still be in the cocoon now. in the process of transformation and resurgence.”

Professor, I also want to go in and explore, but we really can't find the door to go in, Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes and said, This is a castle built by the King of Bronze and Fire for himself. It has a first-rate level of fire and theft prevention. .”

Leave this to me, wait a moment, I will bring a locksmith down to find you soon. Mance said.

Lu Mingfei twitched his lips and said to himself, Professor, I just called you Captain a few times less, are you going to kill me?

Looking at the bright side, you are now fighting for the safety of all humans and hybrids. The King of Bronze and Fire, who has mastered the power of flames and metals, as well as the true meaning of alchemy, is undoubtedly the strongest among the four monarchs and can control Its recovery is equivalent to eliminating a war in advance. Professor Mans comforted.

Sighing, Lu Mingfei suddenly put on a determined expression: Okay! In that case, Senior Brother Ye Sheng, Senior Sister Ya Ji, let's go!

Junior Brother Lu, are you so brave? Ye Sheng was a little surprised, When most people hear that they may face a dragon king, their legs will probably become weak.

Jiude Aki also showed admiration to Lu Mingfei and gave a thumbs up.

We, the dragon slayers, have nothing to fear from death! Lu Mingfei showed a righteous expression and actually secretly checked the ability he had copied from Hulk using his mirror pupil.

In order to fight against the Phoenix Force, he copied Hulk's abilities. Now a week has passed and today is the last day to retain his abilities.

After a moment, the light beam of the spotlight came down from top to bottom, and a figure was swimming towards them. Mance did not speak, but tapped the visor of his helmet in greeting and spit out a string of bubbles.

He is a strong and muscular man, but at the moment he looks like a woman who is nine months pregnant, because his special diving suit has a sac of hard transparent material in front of him, inside which is the baby wearing an extra-small diving suit. Under this kind of water that even adults can't help but be frightened, the baby miraculously did not cry. He slowly turned his head and looked around, with a pale golden shimmer flowing in his pupils.

Professor, is this your son? Lu Mingfei asked curiously.

Professor Mance almost choked on a breath of oxygen.

This child is our secret weapon, codenamed 'Key', he explained helplessly. He is not actually a baby, but his bloodline is too high and his body cannot bear it, so he stopped growing and developing not long after he was born, but his The word spirit is extremely powerful, we also call it the 'key', and the power of this word spirit can open any 'lock'.

But I'm not sure whether the key's word spirit is effective on the king who stands on the throne of alchemy and his creations. After all, we haven't tried it, Professor Mance said.

Is this considered exploiting child labor or disabled workers? Lu Mingfei asked curiously.

Don't worry, we have provided the 'key' with five insurances and one housing fund. Professor Mance said.

He closed his eyes, stretched out his hand and pressed it against the bronze wall, chanting in a low voice, and a solemn sound echoed in the water.

Yanling·dustless land.

The river water surrounding Mance rotated, and a transparent water shell rapidly expanded outward with him as the center. The invisible barrier excluded the river water within the domain, forming an indestructible huge bubble at the bottom of the river.

Where Mance's hand touched, it was like a fresh breeze blowing across the surface of a bronze wall. Large pieces of patina were peeled off, revealing a brand new metal surface, glowing with a bluish-black shimmer like oil. The pattern on the wall was clearly revealed. It was a protruding human face with a burning log in its mouth. This was a strange picture. The face was twisted in pain, but it refused to loosen its grip on the log. teeth.

Baby, I'll leave the rest to you. Mance carefully took the baby out of the belly of the diving suit.

The golden-eyed baby bent over and stood up hard, standing on Mance's palm, staring at the person's face, slowly stretched out his chubby little hand, and pointed a finger between the eyebrows of that face. .

The bronze protrusion between the eyebrows scratched the baby's delicate fingers, and blood covered the painful face. The face twisted in an instant, revealing an expression of joy.

A sound as deep as a giant bell was pouring out of the child's mouth, and the bronze wall faintly resonated.

This is a chant to release the word spirit. Although the mixed-blood spirit does not have to be shouted out to release the word spirit, chanting the corresponding dragon text loudly can increase the power of the word spirit to a certain extent, so most of the time it can be chanted Hybrids will try their best to chant dragon texts.

Lu Mingfei took this opportunity to secretly glance at the baby's eyes, activated his Mirror Eye, and copied his speech spirit while he was opening the bronze door.

The baby's blood poured into the mouth of the bronze human face, as if it was being sucked forcefully, but the baby stood with the indifference of a martyr, with no expression of pain from blood loss at all. He leaned forward slightly, as if he was going to kiss the mouth of the bronze human face. Mance hugged him and forcibly stopped this horrifying behavior. He took out a hemostatic bandage and carefully wrapped it around the baby's little finger. He patted his face and said, Key, that's enough. You're great.

After the bronze human face sucked the blood, it froze for a moment and slowly opened its mouth, as if yawning. There was a terrible sound of metal heating and breaking from the depths of the bronze wall. A dark hole about one meter in diameter appeared on the bronze wall. Above and below were the teeth of the bronze human face. They were definitely not human teeth. Each one was sharp. It's like a dagger.

This is the entrance. Ye Sheng whispered.

The great achievement of alchemy is to use the purest substance to contain the spirit, and then serve as the guard here, Mance said. This is a living spirit. The word spirit of the 'key' is activated with the help of dragon blood, making the living spirit temporarily obeyed. Open' command, you have about two hours, and the door will be closed after the living spirit breaks free from the control of the spirit spirit.

Professor, Lu Mingfei said suddenly, Do you want to go back directly?

Professor Mance was stunned for a moment and noticed that Lu Mingfei gave him a strange look. He immediately realized that there was a group of people staring at the White Emperor City where the King of Bronze and Fire was suspected to be sleeping, and now They used the key to open the gate of Baidi City.

I want to send the key back first, Professor Mance also winked at Lu Mingfei, Ye Sheng, Yaji, you go in first to explore. Lu Mingfei, you stay at the door to meet them.

Lu Mingfei understood instantly that Professor Mance wanted him to guard the door first to prevent others from taking advantage of it. When he returned to the ship and settled the keys, Professor Mance would personally guard the door.

Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki blinked in confusion, not understanding the purpose of this order, but they still swam into the Bronze City together.

A very faint black smoke in the deep lake water followed the two people into the entrance. It only stirred up a very small flow of water and did not attract anyone's attention.

At the same time, deep in the Bronze City, a pair of golden eyes as huge as car lights illuminated a corner of the gloomy hall: It's the traces of His Majesty Norton!

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