Lu Mingfei doesn’t want to be a superhero

Chapter 107 Bloodline Locking Agent and Unfreezing Captain America

Tony's home, in the laboratory.

Although the Deadpool experimental subjects escaped from the laboratory, the damage in the laboratory was not serious because Tony put on the suit and lured them out at the beginning of the battle.

The four deadpools showed quite high destructive power, especially the chimpanzee. Each attack was accompanied by a powerful shock wave. Although the power would rapidly decay if the distance was a few meters away, within the range of the power, even if All the walls of Tony's house were made of the highest strength and looked like they were made of foam in the face of the shock wave.

Of course, Tony is not unable to kill them, and the Iron Suit is not vegetarian, but according to Tony, during this period, after the experiments were advanced from the mouse stage to the primate stage, most of the experiments failed. The only remaining successful entity consumed a lot of his time and effort.

With Tony's wealth, he wouldn't feel bad if his house was blown up. If a supercar or a luxury car exploded, it would be nothing more than watching fireworks. But these experimental subjects really couldn't be blown up casually. He could study them. It’s been a long time.

But it is more difficult to capture these experimental subjects alive. Although the steel suit is equipped with electric paralysis bullets and hypnotic injections, both are aimed at humans. They were originally assembled to quickly subdue those who were not guilty. A prisoner who is destined to die can be used to stun someone with just one shot, but when it comes to Deadpool, the dose is not enough.

Fortunately, Lu Mingfei arrived immediately, otherwise Tony would have had no choice but to destroy them.

Now the four Deadpools were in the laboratory, standing in a row in front of Lu Mingfei and Tony, like well-drilled soldiers, motionless.

Lu Mingfei also tried it. Perhaps because it was created through his blood, he could control these dead servants - originally this was something only advanced pure-blood dragons could do.

However, his driving is relatively inconvenient. He needs to look at Deadpool before he can issue an order, but there is no need to look at each other, as long as he can look at Deadpool, it is a bit similar to using a remote control to control the air conditioner. The infrared transmitter needs to be aimed - but the power of dragons basically depends on their bloodline. I don't know if they can control these dead animals like pure blood dragons without looking at them and relying only on mental coercion when they activate their potential. Attendant.

In addition, after he gives the order, Deadpool will execute it independently, but it cannot be complicated, otherwise Deadpool cannot understand. In addition, if Deadpool completes an order, but he has not issued a new order for a long time, and does not look at Deadpool, Then Deadpool will gradually lose control.

Under Lu Mingfei's order, the deadpools lined up and were scanned in detail in Tony's new large-scale scanner. Lu Mingfei had observed before that these deadpools, whether they were chimpanzees or rhesus monkeys, were dying. After becoming servants, they all have similar characteristics——

The pupils turned golden, the overall body size swelled several times and the muscles were knotted. Although the hair was still there, fine scales had grown under the hair.

The chimpanzee is over two meters tall, and the rhesus monkey's original height of about half a meter has soared to about 1.2 meters. Although it is still a bit short from an adult's perspective, its strength is by no means comparable to that of ordinary beasts.

However, after controlling these deadpools and conducting detailed tests, Lu Mingfei discovered that their physical fitness was not particularly exaggerated. Although they were far superior to beasts, they were by no means out of the category of carbon-based organisms.

They were able to demolish Tony's house like a ruin, and even throw steel bars upward nearly a hundred meters and penetrate the glass of a helicopter and kill someone on the way, all because they were blessed with special powers.

In a nutshell, these Deadpools release word spirits.

The orangutan's voice spirit is suspected to be the Yin Thunder of Sequence 17. It forms an explosive shock wave through compressed air. In his world, its power is equal to that of a high-temperature grenade without fragments, but it is similar in this world, but the power is increased from a grenade to a forced grenade. Cannon fire.

Monkey Yanling, who throws steel bars, is suspected to be the yin current of Sequence 41. It can build extremely thin but extremely strong airflow channels. Although it has no lethality itself, it can super-accelerate aerodynamically thin weapons with amazing lethality. Moreover, it is very controllable. The disadvantage is that the weapon must be light and thin, so I am most afraid of heavy armor. It has the same problem as Susie's sword control, but in this world, it can be directly used to accelerate steel bars, let alone heavy armor. Thinner ones The armor can be pierced.

This is contrary to what Lu Mingfei knew. All the information he obtained from Cassel College stated that Deadpool had completely degenerated and lost his mind. He only retained the desire for dragon blood and the instinct to kill. Although his physical strength and recovery His strength has improved tremendously, but correspondingly, the spirit of words will not let go.

When students perform tasks, they will indeed encounter some enemies that can release word spirits, but strictly speaking, those enemies are out-of-control hybrids or fallen hybrids. Perhaps the bloodline has become unstable, or perhaps it is caused by the bloodline. Losing themselves in the power and superiority leads to breaking through the moral bottom line. In short, they succumb to their own desires, treat ordinary people as lambs, regard themselves as evil wolves, do whatever they want to the weak, and treat rape and robbery as ordinary.

In the eyes of the academy, this kind of person is no different from Deadpool. The students are taught that removing this scumbag is equivalent to removing Deadpool, and they will not be merciless in killing them.

However, from an objective point of view, although the behavior of these fallen hybrids is quite beastly, they are still hybrids and not deadpools. Therefore, they can also release word spirits in battle. Brother Chu once said that he once eliminated a man who could release word spirits. The depraved hybrid of Deep Blood killed pregnant women in a hospital in Brooklyn, New York, and then cut out the babies. He was suspected of being used for alchemy experiments. He was caught in the hospital and killed.

All these prove that Deadpool cannot release the spirit of speech, and only corrupted hybrids can release the spirit of speech...

It can't be that these orangutans and monkeys are actually hybrids, right? Lu Mingfei felt that he could not accept this setting.

But after a series of investigations, he was convinced that these four-headed things were indeed Deadpool, and definitely not a hybrid. As for why the word spirit could be released, he could only blame it on the differences in the world.

After all, it was much easier for him to release the Word Spirit in Tony's world. Perhaps it was for this reason that Deadpool, who couldn't release the Word Spirit in his world, could regard the Word Spirit that required thinking to be released as his instinct in this world. The ability can be used, and it is quite powerful.

Of course, none of this matters now. Lu Mingfei is more concerned about another thing.

What about Tony, is there a way to make a potion that can restore them to their original state or reverse their transformation into Deadpool? Lu Mingfei looked at Tony expectantly.

After Lu Mingfei controlled Deadpool, he and Tony received the information sent by SHIELD, then threw the information aside and began to study Deadpool overnight, and now they have achieved preliminary results.

What Lu Mingfei cares most about is whether Tony can reverse the Deadpool transformation.

In his world, mixed-race species have a prominent heritability. Except for a very small number of genetic mutations among ordinary people, mixed-race species basically belong to families. For this reason, most mixed-race species have their own families or even clans. , after they transform into Deadpools, as long as their relationship with their relatives is not stiff before, their relatives are basically willing to spend a lot of money to save them. Unfortunately, there is no such method in the mixed species world at present. For relatives who have transformed into Deadpools, they will reluctantly kill them. Killing them is the only way to escape.

By the way, although most mixed-race species are united by families, most of the deadpools and fallen ones dealt with by the academy are single individuals without families. It is not that the academy is afraid of being bullied and does not dare to attack deadpools and fallen ones who have families. In fact, it is even On the contrary, once a corrupted individual appears in a mixed-race family in Europe, they must deal with it themselves as soon as possible. If they really can't bear to kill it, they must at least be locked up tightly and don't let it out to cause harm to others. Otherwise, once the corrupted individual is caught and slaughtered by the academy, he will turn around. There will be professionals from the college who go to the family to talk to figures such as patriarchs or elders.

Lu Mingfei's thoughts are very simple. Mixed-bloods also care about family ties, and every mixed-race family is absolutely rich. After he has established a foothold in his own world and has enough power, he can turn around Deadpool. Once he comes up with the method of transformation, he can basically make money while lying down - the premise is that he must be strong enough first and be able to give up the idea of ​​​​stealing the method from others.

But it turned out that he had thought too much. Faced with his expectations, Tony simply shook his head: No, I have checked. Deadpool transformation will affect the brain, causing structural changes in brain proteins and neurons. To put it simply, it is During the process of being transformed into a Deadpool, the target will gradually become brain-dead, and a new brain will be regenerated at the same time. When the target is completely transformed into a Deadpool, the target's brain will have little to do with it before. Even if I can reverse this change at the genetic level. , but when the brain dies, the target is already dead. Even if Deadpool can turn back into a human, the new one will be another human creature. The brain is like a blank sheet of paper, and the previous memories and thoughts no longer exist.

After a pause, Tony concluded: If you have to say it, reversing the Deadpool transformation is equivalent to bringing a man with a missing head back to life. Instead of researching some potion, I might as well invent a time machine. This is more reliable.

Then can you invent a time machine? Lu Mingfei was even more excited.

Do you really think I'm a god? Tony rolled his eyes, Watch less science fiction movies. How could something like a time machine be invented as soon as you say it was invented?

Your miniature controllable nuclear fusion technology is quite science fiction, Lu Mingfei complained.

In short, although these deadpools are failures, they are still very helpful in advancing research. If I can create deadpools, I can create hybrids in the next step. As long as I can limit the corrosiveness of dragon blood to living things. , Tony rubbed his chin and looked at Lu Mingfei, It is impossible to reverse the transformation of Deadpool with a potion, but next I am going to make a blood-locking agent.

Blood locking agent? Lu Mingfei was curious.

To put it simply, it is to lock the bloodline and make the current bloodline status of the hybrid remain unchanged. Although it loses the possibility of bloodline enhancement, it is impossible to degenerate into a deadpool, Tony said, These deadpools The reason for the failure is that dragon blood is too corrosive, so my next research goal is to limit the corrosiveness of dragon blood.

This is good, Lu Mingfei nodded repeatedly, I think it will sell well.

Tony shrugged and reminded Lu Mingfei: Remember to wait until you develop a strong enough force in your own world before taking out the potion, otherwise there will definitely be many people who want to eat your piece of fat.

Of course, the best way is to recruit Lu Mingfei, a super talent, under his command, the second way is to cooperate, and the last way is to kill the goose and lay the eggs. But Tony has always felt that given the operating mechanism of human society, it is possible for a short-sighted idiot to be in a high position. Sex is actually not low, and reality and history have proven this point countless times.

Don't worry, I know. Lu Mingfei patted his chest.

Tony nodded and said no more. It was not his style to babble. Instead, he went to observe the parameters on the scanner.

Lu Mingfei originally wanted to help, but Tony could handle it on his own. He simply found a corner with a cat and asked Jarvis to cast a screen for him and start reading comics.

Tony, who was operating the scanner, turned his head and glanced at Lu Mingfei.

The reason why he rushes to develop a bloodline locking agent, in addition to making a hybrid potion, is that as a hybrid, Lu Mingfei also faces the risk of degenerating into a deadpool, and his bloodline is extremely high, and his bloodline is out of control. The risk of depravity is also greater.

Although there are no such signs now, once signs appear, it may be too late to save him. Therefore, Tony has been researching on the bloodline locking agent, in order to prevent Lu Mingfei's bloodline from accidentally getting out of control one day, and he cannot be treated in time. , but it’s just that we have been researching until now, and we have a clue about the blood locking agent.

Of course, Tony would not tell Lu Mingfei this. Tony Stark, the super genius, had been working on a blood-locking agent for a long time. How embarrassing it would be to say this!

After reading the comics for a while, Lu Mingfei suddenly heard Jarvis's voice: Mr. Lu, Miss Natasha is dialing your number.

Only then did Lu Mingfei remember that he had made an appointment with Natasha at home to treat Captain America in two days. After he came to Tony, he was so immersed in research that he almost forgot that the appointment was today.

Lu Mingfei had naturally explained this matter to Tony, and Tony simply went along. In addition to being a little worried about Lu Mingfei being deceived, it was also because Captain America had a relationship with his father.

His father was involved in the super soldier project that created Captain America. It can even be said that his father was inseparable from the birth of Captain America. Even Captain America’s iconic shield was made by his father. Now, A half-finished shield could also be found among his father's relics. He had used it to cushion the pipes when he was building a particle accelerator tunnel at home. It was quite useful.


On the tarmac of Tony's house, when she saw Tony and Lu Mingfei walking side by side and expressing their intention to go together, Natasha subconsciously had the urge to get back on the helicopter and fly away immediately.

But she had a mission after all. If she didn't take Lu Mingfei back to serve as Captain America's super-powered freezer, the director would probably stuff her into the freezer.

Mr. Stark, this is a secret operation, Natasha declined. Unrelated people are not allowed on the plane.

How can I be an irrelevant person? Tony asked.

What does it have to do with you... Oh yes, you are a consultant to the Avengers. Natasha then reacted.

Don't mention that damn Superboy group, Tony rolled his eyes, Now I am the consultant of the entire organization. I have never met a member until now. I don't even know who I am looking after.

Natasha is a little embarrassed. She was supposed to be a member of this group, but she hasn't officially joined yet. As for no other superheroes joining... it's mainly because Director Fury wants to find a group of the most powerful superheroes to deal with it. A group in huge crisis, which caused Fury, the superhero who wanted to join, to look down on him. The superheroes that Fury liked were too lazy to join. This grand plan is currently on the verge of stillbirth and nothing at all. pregnant state.

Theoretically, the Avengers are not a subordinate organization of SHIELD. They are just a crisis response team led by SHIELD. Natasha still didn't want to let Tony go. As for the internal affairs of SHIELD, it's not convenient. Let me accompany you.

I have already said that I am not an irrelevant person. Strictly speaking, my status in SHIELD should be higher than yours now, Miss Natasha. Tony said.

Natasha was really confused this time.

Go and ask Fury how much money I invested in SHIELD? Tony raised his chin. From a business perspective, I am now your shareholder. Please pay attention to the way you speak to me.


Depend on! Is having money a big deal? !

Natasha felt her chest was clogged and she was choking.

S.H.I.E.L.D., Helicarrier.

Under the leadership of Natasha, Lu Mingfei and Tony walked in the corridor. Lu Mingfei was amazed: Your base is actually in the sky, and this sky battleship also has optical camouflage.

Natasha was a little proud and was about to give a brief explanation when she heard Lu Mingfei continue: I always thought that this kind of flashy and expensive stuff can only be seen in movies and animations. I didn't expect you to really It’s such a big deal to come up with this thing!”

Natasha was silent.

Although Lu Mingfei's tone was one of amazement, as he spoke, Natasha always felt as if he was marveling, There are such rich fools in the world!

So she had no choice but to silently take Lu Mingfei and Tony to the laboratory where Captain America was unfrozen.

Opening the door and walking in, Natasha shuddered subconsciously.

Because Captain America must be kept frozen and his physical condition needs to be studied and tested, he cannot be kept in the freezer forever. Therefore, a super-powerful open refrigeration test bench was placed in the center of the laboratory to freeze Captain America's ice. The amber is placed on top to avoid melting.

Although the cold air is mainly concentrated around the test platform, it inevitably escapes, causing the temperature in the laboratory to be quite low. The researchers all wear special thermal insulation suits.

Although she was wearing a leather jacket, it was still not warm enough in this temperature, so she subconsciously shrank her shoulders.

Lu Mingfei on the side noticed this keenly, turned to look at Natasha, and asked with concern: Natasha, are you cold?

Natasha glanced at Lu Mingfei. He was wearing a cashmere jacket that looked thick and soft.

With his physical fitness and ability to control ice, he should not be afraid of the cold. Do you want to lend me your coat?

So Natasha nodded.

If it's cold, you should go out first. Don't catch a cold. Lu Mingfei said with concern.


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