He Yu looked around while swimming in the flood, but Director Zhang was nowhere to be seen.

He thought hard: 'If Director Zhang was really washed away by the flood and I didn't rescue him, how would I be able to explain to his family!

Because when he left, he must have told his family that I would go with him when he went to flood control and rescue operations, so that they didn't have to worry.

Besides, I have been following him, and if something happens to him, I can’t explain it to everyone!

All my wishes will be lost with the flood! '

The people standing on the river bank are very anxious!

But since everyone was a landlubber, they just watched Director Zhang struggling in the flood for a while, and then he disappeared.

He Yu was swimming when he suddenly saw a man blocked by a fallen tree on the other side of the river.

The body floats in and out with the flood!

He was very excited and swam over desperately.

He took a look!

Isn’t this Director Zhang?

He hurriedly hugged Director Zhang tightly and tried his best to push Director Zhang onto the river bank.

He hurriedly climbed up and felt Director Zhang's pulse.

Feel the pulse beat a little weakly.

It shows that Director Zhang’s life is not in danger.

He Yu couldn't describe his excitement in words!

He hurriedly hugged Director Zhang and threw him on a rock.

He kept squeezing Director Zhang's chest with his hands. I saw a lot of water flowing out of Director Zhang's mouth, and Director Zhang started to move!

He Yu quickly turned him over and hugged him!

Director Zhang slowly opened his eyes and burst into tears when he saw it was He Yu!

When He Yu saw Director Zhang trembling all over, he hurriedly picked up Director Zhang and carried him to the village station in a heavy rain.

By this time, everyone had already arrived. When he saw Director Zhang with his eyes open, he was standing in the village. Everyone looked around and laughed happily around him!

He Yu went to the village again and found ginger and brown sugar with his fellow villagers.

I boiled a bowl of hot ginger syrup and brought it to Director Zhang to drink!

Director Zhang's whole body felt warm and his face began to turn red.

"I do not know…….how to thank you…….My...life-saving grace!

If it weren't for...you...accompany me this time...I would follow the flood...to see you…….It’s the Lord of Hell!

My old mother... might... be pissed to death! Director Zhang said with tears in his eyes, holding He Yu's hand tightly with some difficulty.、

"Don't say that!

It's because your name is not yet on the accounts of the Lord of Hell.

He won't take you in!

So you were rescued ashore by me!

Because you are a good person, the flood does not want to take you far away.

And the tree by the river must have been inspired by the Bodhisattva to block you.

Originally, I should have lost strength as I swam!

It's amazing!

But I feel that in order to save you.

But the more I swim, the stronger I become!

It’s like Guanyin Bodhisattva, holding me up with the willow branches in her hands, swimming effortlessly to the other side, and then pushing you ashore."

"Congratulations, Chief!

Don't make up myths to deceive us!

Just because a person like you is born to be a person who is not afraid of death and can sacrifice himself to save others.

Of course the gods will bless you.

If I, no matter how powerful I am, I can't save Director Zhang!"Xiao Li from the Organization Department said

"you two…..All are university graduates…..Why do you believe this?

If it weren’t for Chief He who had deep feelings for me and good water skills, he would have rescued me.

This is called fate! Director Zhang said

"I am dissatisfied with you saying that I have been influenced by my mother since I was a child, in order to commemorate my mother. I have to believe this!

Moreover, whenever I am in trouble or a good friend is in danger, Bodhisattva will appear to help me!

Didn’t you say that I have rescued many people?

And every time it is very smooth and safe.

If it were not for the blessing of Bodhisattva, how could I, at such an old age, swim around in such a ferocious flood? My strength is almost exhausted.

However, I can't just watch the flood wash away Director Zhang!

If that were the case, my name wouldn’t be He Yu!"

It's true: floods are merciless, and

Director Zhang's prediction really comes true.

To be watery, you must have courage, and to save people, you should be good at taking risks."

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