Xiaoqian had just entered Sun Huixi's house with Bobo on her back.

Sun Huixi said to Xiaoqian:"Tell me quickly, you came to my house with a baby on your back, are you looking for me or my wife?" Xiaoqian said:"I just came to find you!"

After hearing what Xiaoqian said, Sun Huixi said unhappily:"What are you looking for me for?

I have to go to a meeting right now! I don't have time!

If you come to me to plead for mercy, don't let your man go to Hosuo Commune to fight floods and rescue operations?

I'm sorry.!

You are looking at the wrong door!

The list of people to go down has been reported to the government office!

Go to the government office to find it!"

"He Yu is the person under your jurisdiction!

The list that goes down is also decided by you!

I just want to find you!"

"He is from the Bureau of Culture and Education, under my jurisdiction.

However, the list was reported to the government. He is already under their jurisdiction!

I can't control it!

Please go find them!

I really have to go to a meeting and

I don’t have time to talk to you! Sun Huixi said as he wanted to leave!

Xiaoqian stopped him with the baby on her back and said:

"Are you looking for an excuse to run away? impossible!

I'm just looking for you today!

My lover, who supports farmers, hasn't come back yet, and you have to send him to fight floods again!

Is there no one else in the Bureau of Culture and Education?

Is it just him?"

"You actually spoke to me like this?

What can't slip away?

Do you know who I am? Sun Huixi said angrily:

"I know your identity is the director of the Bureau of Culture and Education!

That's why I came to you!

You want to make excuses and not solve the problems I raised, just to slip away!

I say it in a harsh way, but I was forced by you."Xiaoqian said

"Don't be overbearing and unreasonable!

It is a glorious task to fight floods and rescue operations, and it is the responsibility of government staff!

Isn't your man very good at converting the slopes of Dahe Commune into flat land?"Sun Huixi said

"Since flood fighting and emergency rescue is a glorious task, it is the duty of government agency staff!

You are the leader of a government agency, so you should take the lead confidently!

This is what makes a good leader!"

"You let me go?

Who will take my job?"

"You are making excuses!

The Bureau of Culture and Education already has the deputy director Jiang Hua, so why can’t he replace you?"Xiaoqian said

"You asked Jiang Hua to take my place?

Who are you?

Are you actually here to assign the leadership of my Culture and Education Bureau?"

"Who am I not?

But I know that when you go to fight floods and rescue operations, he is sent by the government leaders as the deputy director, and he can completely replace you.

If the leader of a unit is gone, the deputy cannot be replaced?"

"Don't come up with some crooked excuses to mess around with me. Please get out of here quickly.

I'm not like you women, with short hair and little knowledge!

If you are unreasonable and unreasonable, no matter what you say, it will be in vain!"

"Am I unreasonable?

You are the one who is unreasonable!

I am sick and have four babies. I also have to teach two classes of mathematics and be the class teacher.

Can you tell me if my body can handle it?

If He Yu doesn't go down, he can still use his rest time to help me.

If you don't go and take back the list of my men. I'll put the doll in your house!

Please help!"Xiaoqian said

"you dare?

If you put the doll in my house!

I have the ability to pick him up and throw him out!"

"If you have the ability, just pick him up and throw him out!

I don't even blink!"

As Xiaoqian said, she put Bobo on the sofa of Sun Huixi's house and left!

At this time, Bobo burst into tears when he saw Xiaoqian leaving!

Sun Huixi's wife hurried over to coax Bobo!

However, Bobo used Pushing her away with his hands!

Shouting"I want my mother!"

Don’t want you! Sun

Huixi saw it! He was very anxious!

He said to Xiaoqian:"Don't do this!"

Come and talk about it!

Sun Huixi's wife went to pull Xiaoqian and said,"Teacher Zhao!"

Since he asked you to come over and talk!

Just turn around and listen to what he has to say!"

"His dog's mouth can't spit ivory, how can he talk to me properly?

I don’t believe it today!

He treated He Yu and me like this!

It’s a kind of persecution!"

"Just go and listen to what he says to you!

If you don't say it well!

You go again!

I will bring the doll for you!" Sun Huixi's wife said

"Thank you!"Xiaoqian said.

When Sun Huixi saw Xiaoqian turning around, he said kindly:"Don't be impatient!

If you have something to say, say it!"

It's true: when people are forced to be anxious, they can do anything.

Putting down the doll is false, but forcing the person named Sun to change his name is true.

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