After more than three months of hard work, He Yu finally completed the task and returned home happily.

When we got home, no one was there.

He saw that the house was in a mess and a mess!

He looked around distressedly.

After a moment of silence, he hurriedly tidied up and cleaned, rummaging through every bed, crying while rummaging through it!

Then he used the handkerchief to wipe the tables and stools clean everywhere!

He sat on the stool and thought hard:"Xiaoqian is so pitiful!

A weak woman has to teach and take care of four children!

It is really not easy!


I can no longer work in the Bureau of Culture and Education I have worked hard for Sun Huixi!

I must find a way to come back to teach.

Only in this way can we help Xiaoqian reduce her burden.

If I were still in the Cultural and Educational Bureau, I would be treated like a dog by Sun Huixi!

I don’t know what day, I will be sent to the countryside to support agriculture again?

" At that time, Honghong was carrying Bobo on her back. Drag Yanyan in!

They saw He Yu came home and cleaned up everything!

I happily hugged He Yu and made out with him!


You are finally back!

Mom and we miss you every day!

Mom is really into them these days!

We are afraid that she will collapse from exhaustion, so what should we do?

In the past few days, she has been feeling flustered, chest tight, and has no energy!

Fortunately, I helped her carry her brother. Take care of my sister, otherwise I don’t know what will happen to my mother?"Honghong said and cried!

"Sister, don’t cry!

You cry!

I will cry with you!" Yanyan said, holding Honghong's hand.

He Yu hurriedly picked up Bobo, who was being carried by Honghong, and hugged him,"Honghong!

Dad, I'm sorry for you!

In order to take care of Yanyan and Bobo, he dropped out of school.

Can't go to study.

When you were young, you shouldered the burden of the family for your father and mother.

You are such an amazing girl!"

"Dad, please stop talking. My sister can’t go to school for my brother and me.

How many times have they cried when they saw their classmates coming back from school with schoolbags on their backs!"Yanyan said.

After hearing what Yanyan said, He Yu touched Honghong's head and said,"Honghong!

Don't be angry!

Dad won’t go to the countryside when he comes back this time!

You can go and study!

Dad will help you make up for the classes you missed every night!"


Is what you said true?

Don't you want to coax me?"Honghong said with a smile.

"Why would dad coax you?"

"Your father is lying to you!"Xiaoqian walked in and said with a depressed face.

"Dad never lies to me!

You just lied to me!

He just said that when he comes back this time, he will not go to the countryside!

I can go to study!"Honghong pouted.

When He Yu saw Xiaoqian's face pale and brittle, he said distressedly:"These past few months. Thank you for your hard work! I'm really sorry for you!"

"what else can we do?

Who asked me to be your wife?

I originally thought that you would be quarantined and released for review.

I lived a stable life for a few days, but after only a few days out, I was transferred to Dahe Commune to support agriculture, but I stayed there for more than three months!

Now I heard that you will be transferred to the back station to fight floods and rescue operations. my life. It’s so bitter!"Xiaoqian was crying while talking!


Don't you cry!

Dad is gone!

I won’t go to school anymore!

Just continue to help you take care of your brother and sister at home!"Honghong took Xiaoqian's hand and said

"Is what you said true?

Who did you listen to?

I just went to Dahe to support agriculture and came back, but I haven't settled down yet. Are you going to send me to the back station to fight floods and rescue operations again?

This guy surnamed Sun is so vicious!

Do you want to know that he is doing this to me now?

I shouldn't be soft-hearted when I'm on the road!

Just take him to the old man’s house for food and lodging, and let him starve to death in Laodongshan and never come back!

Now my good intentions are not rewarded, instead I am being brutally persecuted by him!

God. It's just unfair!"

It's true:

You are too soft-hearted! You are too soft- hearted! You should have let him starve to death in Laodongshan! Now he treats you so cruelly!

He is too cruel!

He is too cruel!

What an ungrateful villain!

He has been persecuting and destroying his benefactor!

The Lord of Hell should take him away quickly to relieve his hatred!

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