Director Li asked He Yu to introduce and exchange experiences with the leaders of the teams who came to Xipo Village to observe.

He Yu thought, 'It is more convincing to let the captain say it from his mouth than to say it himself. These captains believe and admire him more. He

Yu said:"It's best to let the captain of Xipo Village introduce it to everyone!

It was his leadership from beginning to end. He knows the situation better than me."

The captain unceremoniously explained the entire slope reconstruction and how to do it. The entire process of the new fertilizer is introduced in detail. Finally, he said:"These achievements were achieved entirely because Comrade He led us to think of ways, come up with ideas, and create it himself!

In order to check the blasting situation on the slope, he was almost blown up by explosives!

In order to make us believe in the new fertilizer Effect, he once issued a military order!

If it failed and the corn production was reduced or the grains were not harvested, Xiaoxiao from the village who was willing to do the experiment with him would be compensated.

In order to get the coal slime, he personally took everyone to a distant mountain. , carry the coal slime back.

And personally mix the fertilizer and coal slime together according to a certain proportion for fermentation."

The leader of Xipo Village has just finished the introduction.

Suddenly someone asked:"Are the things you said true?

We only know that he can write articles about the people's self-reliance in building school buildings in Laodongshan and publish them in major newspapers.

We have not heard that he can do anything about sloping land. Leveling the land, what kind of agricultural technology do you know, and what kind of new fertilizer experiments are you going to do?

Are the technicians from the commune's agricultural science station secretly here to help?"

Everyone took a look and found that the person who asked the question was either someone else or someone named Li. The captain of the yellow mud brigade whom the director had just reprimanded.

He Yu said:"Your suspicion is justified.

I admit that I am a teacher.

But you only know that I can teach. If you don't visit me, what else will I do?

Even though you are the captain,

I Let me ask you:

After the slope land is transformed, how can the poor soil be fertilized?

When sowing corn, chemical fertilizers cannot be put in the corn pond as base fertilizer. Everyone who is engaged in agriculture knows this.

But I dare to let the people of Xipo Village plant corn in the corn pond. Putting chemical fertilizer in the pond will not only prevent the corn seedlings from being burned, but they will also grow longer, greener and stronger?"

"You said that it is easy to fertilize the soil, just apply more fertilizer.

As for what you said when sowing corn, everyone knows that chemical fertilizer cannot be used as base fertilizer in the corn pond.

However, what you put in the corn pond must be fake fertilizer!" Captain Dian said

"But what Xipo Village bought was real fertilizer!

It's right next to the commune, bought from the supply and marketing cooperative!

If you don’t believe it?

Just go and ask for yourself!

If you have the ability to find out what they are buying is fake fertilizer!

Then you have made a great contribution!

The county supply and marketing cooperative will not only praise you, but also award you a thousand yuan!

You will make a fortune! Said the captain of Xipo Village

"What the hell!

Since it’s not fake fertilizer?

The corn seedlings not only were not burned to death but also grew so well?

What a wonder in the world!

Just coaxing the kids is more than enough!" Captain Dian said

"I told you not to worry!

Although you are leading agricultural production. But I still know nothing about advanced agricultural technology!

Let me ask you, there are only 1,500 households in your brigade, and the pigs, cows, and horses raised in the pen fertilizers are enough to transform nearly a thousand acres of lean land after the slope land is transformed. By applying fertilizer pen fertilizers, the land like Xipo Village can be as good as Fat?

Stop trying to trick people!

Even I, a teacher, don’t believe it. How can these captains believe it?

I will tell you now without reservation!

Every household was mobilized to take out the sewer mud that had accumulated for many years, dry it in the sun, and then spread it on their backs on the ground.

I also led the masses to stir the fertilizer and coal slime together. After more than half a month of fermentation, the chemical fertilizer and coal slime produced a chemical reaction.

In this way, the violent heat of chemical fertilizers has been released into the coal slime and absorbed by the coal slime.

In this way, organic fertilizer and machine fertilizer are mixed together and become a new type of fertilizer.

Then mix the new fertilizer with the circle fertilizer and apply it in the corn pond.

Only in this kind of soil can such strong and good seedlings grow.

Do you understand what I'm saying?"He Yu questioned Captain Dian.

Captain Dian lowered his head when asked and said nothing.

Really: the captain's exchange and introduction were eye-opening for everyone.

But some people were just unconvinced and tried their best to find fault.

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