Director Li listened to the captain's introduction and scooped up the ditch mud that had been deposited for many years, dried it, picked it out and spread it on the transformed land.

That's why strong corn seedlings grow.

He said:"This is a good idea!

It is indeed very beneficial to increasing soil fertility!

It is worthy of promotion!

But other new technologies are not used?" Director Li asked

"Yes, there is, but……?"

Just as He Yu was about to continue speaking, the captain pinched his back with his hand.

He Yu knew the captain's intention.

He just stopped and didn’t say any more.、

"but what?

Why didn't you say it?

Is there some secret weapon that you don’t want to tell me?

Still keeping it a secret from me?"Director Li asked

"I'm trying to say it, but it's not a new technology."

He Yu replied

"It's not a new technology, can you tell me so that I can listen?"Director Li asked

"What new technology is there?

It's not that Comrade He doesn't want to say it, there is nothing worth saying at all."said the captain

"never mind! If you don't say anything, forget it. I know you have a secret weapon.

Just don't want to tell me.

I think you two are playing a double act with me. Don't be like children playing hide-and-seek and hiding from me.

When I find out, I will never spare you.

Especially you, the captain.

I know you want to keep it a secret from me!

You should understand: A good harvest for one village is not considered rich, but a good harvest for the entire commune is considered rich. This is the truth.

Don't hide it. In fact, I have known it for a long time.

Tell me if you have any unused ones, let me take a look and open my eyes!"

In fact, Director Li didn't even know that they used coal slime and chemical fertilizer, mixed them together, and fermented them to become a new type of fertilizer.

He just thought that it was impossible to flatten the slope of the village just by using ditch mud. Such strong corn seedlings grew on the soil.

I was just thinking about what other methods they might have used, so I asked deliberately and deceitfully. As soon as the captain heard what Director Li said, he did not dare to conceal the responsibility to He Yu said:"Since Director Li has clairvoyance, he already knows our secret heavy weapons.

Let Comrade He tell you, because he directed the conduct,"

"I already know the secret of your heavy weapons, and it is impossible to hide it from my clairvoyance and ears.

Is there any left unused?

Take me to see it quickly!

He Yu said:"Fortunately you came in time and there is still a little bit left."

It was a few old people who wanted to experiment with the strong tobacco they smoked for planting!"

"Even the elderly want to use it for experiments and grow the strong tobacco they smoke, which shows that they believe in your new fertilizer.

If they fail, all the cigarettes they smoked for a year will be scrapped!"

He Yu said while walking with Director Li.

When they reached the aisle at the door of the storage room,

He Yu used his hands to lift off the plastic film covering the fertilizer.

The new fertilizer, which was black and white, appeared in front of Director Li.

He bent down, grabbed a small handful with his hand, looked at it, and smelled it.

Then he asked,"What is this black thing?"

I've never seen that?

Where did you get it?

And what is the white one?

He Yu said:"How is this new type of fertilizer made and where does the raw material come from?"

Xiao Xiao, a high school graduate from this village, saw them in a magazine.

I was very happy after hearing what he said and planned to build it myself according to the instructions in the magazine.

But the production team leadership team didn’t believe it!

Don't agree with me doing this!

They said they could not use their hundreds of acres of land for experiments.

If it fails, thousands of people in the village will die next year. You have to drink the northwest wind!

By then, my annual salary will not be enough to support dozens of people!

I was a little shaken and hesitant at that time!


Want to play hide-and-seek with the director?

I don’t think about who the director is, how could I hide it from him!

Just tell the secret weapon honestly.

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