While listening to the news broadcast, Sun Huixi became more and more surprised the more he listened!

The more I listen, the more uncomfortable I become!

And Minister Zhou kept looking at himself while listening.

He felt like caterpillars were crawling all over his body. He didn't know what it felt like!

As he listened, he was thinking: 'Why do you just change it?

Minister Zhou, why didn't you tell me in advance?

How dare I mobilize the masses to criticize He Yu before the news broadcast?

Also announced that the position of vice principal would be removed?

I also wanted to criticize Lao Xiao at the meeting.

I don’t know what to do now?

No matter what, I didn’t know about this decision beforehand.

Otherwise, I won't do this kind of thing again!

But I don’t know how to announce He Yu’s release now?

I don’t know how to reverse my decision to deal with the vice principal? When Sun

Huixi was considering these issues, Minister Zhou suddenly spoke and said:"This is a major decision from above. Everyone should study and understand it carefully."

Everyone must follow the decision above.

Don't deviate from the direction and go your own way.

If anyone still deviates from the major decisions made by the higher authorities and does not act in accordance with the spirit of the higher authorities, that is not a general problem.

Comrade Sun!

Tell us what you think after listening to it!"

When everyone heard what Minister Zhou said!

They all stared at Sun Huixi to see how he would express his position.

Sun Huixi thought about it for a while and said:"This is a major decision from above. Each of us must implement it to the letter.

Every word In a word, no matter what you do, you must not deviate from this general direction."

"Comrade Sun said it well!

A thorough understanding of the above spirit! Everyone must do what Comrade Sun has assigned.

But I wonder how Comrade Sun will deal with He Yu and Vice President Li? Sun

Huixi bit the bullet and said unnaturally:"I can only act in accordance with the spirit of the decision above."

Lift He Yu’s quarantine review now, and you can go home tonight!

Revoke the decision I just made on Vice President Li"


Just follow the decision announced by your leader!

The meeting is over!"Minister Zhou left the meeting with a smile.

After everyone ended the meeting, they walked and talked on the road.

They all praised the important decision above for coming in time!

God has eyes!

Finally, Chief He was able to go home to visit. Accompanying the newborn My dear Teacher Zhao!

Curator Wang Jiagu said to the manager of Xinhua Bookstore:"There was such an important meeting above, it was like a timely rain!

It came so timely and so exciting!

From now on, we can no longer be afraid!

You don't know that before coming to the meeting, Sun Huixi actually asked me to write a speech criticizing He Yu, but

I didn't agree to it immediately.

But he scared me. If I don't criticize He Yu severely as he wants, be careful whether I can still hold my position as cultural director?

You know I'm not as bold as you. I was born a scholar and am timid.

It doesn’t matter whether he is the cultural director or not.

What I fear is that, like He Yu, they will find an excuse and use trumped-up charges to isolate me for review. Then I will be miserable!

Being so frightened by him, I had no choice but to agree!

He told me. When you speak, you must grasp the essence and key points.

When you speak, you must not be understated, gentle, painless, or soft.

We must severely criticize stubborn people like He Yu!

Only in this way can we kill him with a show of strength!

Kill He Yu's arrogance!"Wang Jiagu said

"So you speak just like me!

To deal with Sun Huixi.

Talk about He Yu in a non-painful and understated way."Mr. Yang said

"Do you know that if it weren't for He Yu's help, I would have been able to visit Beijing?

I can't be an ungrateful villain!"Wang Jiagu said.

It's like a timely rain, moisturizing things and refreshing people's hearts.

He was criticized just now, but he immediately announced that he was going home.

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