The female reporter holding the notebook, Lao Xiao said, was his wife and a female teacher from No. 5 Middle School, who escorted Teacher Zhao halfway to the hospital.

She was about to give birth soon, and it was very dangerous. She couldn't move even if she squatted down.

I don’t dare to carry it on my back, and I can’t even hold it. What should I do?

My wife and this old woman are almost paralyzed with anger.

My wife is kneeling on the ground with her hands bowed, praying to God to keep Teacher Zhao safe.

At this time, God did appear!

A god-like person suddenly arrived on a tricycle. He picked up Teacher Zhao and rushed him to the hospital.

He was very surprised and said:."It's so amazing! It's so thrilling!

I'm so moved that I can't describe it with pen!

If I read it in the newspaper, readers will definitely be moved too!

And it feels so mysterious!

It's like a fairy tale, how wonderful!"

"This reporter is…….?"

He Yuwen.

"I'm a reporter for a provincial newspaper.

Are you the one?…….?"Provincial newspaper reporter asked

"He is my wife's good friend and Teacher Zhao's lover."Xiao Song said

"So you are Teacher Zhao’s lover?

What a handsome guy!

You are so lucky!

You were not with your lover, but Dr. Hu carefully rescued you. With the cooperation of these cardiologists, your lover and child were finally safe and sound, and you gave birth to a fat boy!

I don’t know how you can thank Dr. Hu, who is about to retire because of his old age?

Can you tell us about it? asked the female reporter holding a microphone.

"You're welcome!

He had already helped me by recommending workers, peasants and soldiers to go to college.

It was he who recommended my granddaughter to study at Kunming Medical College.

My granddaughter graduated from high school and was working in Fuyuan No. 626 Hospital.

Chief He is knowledgeable, capable, and good at doing things for others. He is a great person!

I can help him, which is also a kind of gratitude"

"Doctor Hu!

Don't you ever say that?

At that time, I recommended that workers, peasants and soldiers go to college. This matter was my responsibility.

Your granddaughter has performed very well in all aspects, and I just did it with a little effort.

I took the people reported by various communes, reviewed them by the government leaders, and carried them to Qujing together to recommend them to those who wanted to recruit students from various universities.

I gave Dr. Hu's granddaughter's recommendation form to the comrades who came to enroll students at Kunming Medical College.

He looked at the recommendation form and happily agreed."He Yu said

"If he hadn't found me and told me that Zhong'an Commune had allocated two places, he would have already said hello to the director of the Education Office.

Just go and get the watch!

Otherwise, my granddaughter won’t be able to go!"Dr. Hu said

"You two are both good people, and good people will be rewarded!"The provincial newspaper reporter said

"Please tell Dr. Hu, what dangers did you encounter in the process of rescuing Teacher Zhao?

How did he try his best to overcome difficulties so that Teacher Zhao could escape danger and give birth to this baby safely? asked the reporter holding a microphone"

"Is this it?

Teacher Zhao had dystocia, and I was really not afraid at the time.

Because of this kind of thing, I have dealt with it a lot.

The problem is, she has a heart condition.

When dystocia occurs. My body is very weak and my heartbeat is very fast, 120 times per minute. Blood pressure rising to 230 is a danger sign!

For an obstetrician who delivers a baby, it is very scary and difficult to handle and rescue.

Some mothers lose their lives just like this.

Although with the cooperation of comrades in the cardiology department.

But there was nothing they could do.

If other rescue measures were not taken in time, my heart would stop beating and I would have no chance of recovery.

When I came out of the house, I prepared a bottle of quick-acting Jiuxin Pills.

I hurriedly asked the nurse to bring water and asked Teacher Zhao to drink it in time.

Her heartbeat began to slowly slow down.

I asked the nurse to give her antihypertensive medicine, and her blood pressure dropped.

You don't know, I was so nervous at the time.

The heart rate is also beating as fast as Teacher Zhao's. My blood pressure also increased, and I almost fell!"

It's really scary.

If Dr. Hu collapses,

Xiaoqian's life will be over.

What will He Yu do?

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