After a careful and comprehensive examination by Dr. Hu.

She immediately notified the cardiologist, who came with various instruments.

In case of heart problems. Good for rescue!

There were several pregnant women and accompanying family members nearby. They saw Xiaoqian's body was very weak and in great pain.

Then I saw a cardiologist arriving with many instruments.

They were worried about Xiaoqian.

Some are secretly complaining about Xiaoqian:"I have a heart disease and I still want to have a baby?"

I heard that some people have heart disease and their heart stops beating before the baby is born.

Some sneered at Xiaoqian:"I have a heart disease again, the baby is about to be born, but the man doesn't see me?"

Does this woman have a bad style?

The doll does not belong to his man, so he just ignores it and lets it die?"

Some of the sisters who came to accompany the mother felt that Xiaoqian was really pitiful: 'It is very dangerous to have a baby with heart disease. Doesn't her man know that?

But he didn't come to see her?

There is no expectant mother tonight, so even men can come in!"

But her man is nowhere to be seen?

This kind of man is too cruel!’


The old director was a famous doctor after all. It turned out that Xiaoqian not only had a heart disease, but also had a difficult delivery.

Although there were several dangers, she managed it carefully and with the cooperation of the cardiologist.

After more than two hours, Xiaoqian finally gave birth to a fat boy safely and smoothly. Not only did Xiaoqian give birth to a fat boy, but Xiaoqian's life was also saved! people present. The nervousness and panic finally let go!

Even the pregnant women and family members around them all applauded!

Everyone is praising Director Hu for his superb medical skills!

And the medical ethics is really commendable!

Xiaoqian's body was really weak and she felt weak all over.

I wanted to say thank you, but I didn’t have the energy!

I just looked at Dr. Hu, who was exhausted from trying to save her, smiling and crying!

Dr. Hu also looked at Xiaoqian and laughed!

He also said:"This is the first time I have met a pregnant woman like you!

If I hadn't met Lao Xiao and his wife, the kind-hearted female teacher of No. 5 Middle School, and the guy driving a tricycle who was like a god.

Say something. If it's unlucky, not only will your life be in danger, but your baby will also die in your belly."

When Xiaoqian heard what Dr. Hu said, her tears kept flowing!

She slowly stretched out her weak hand and held Dr. Hu's trembling hand!

This action expressed how much gratitude, pain, and sadness she felt in her heart, but she couldn't express it in words!

Xiao Song looked at his old man under the moonlight and burst into tears with laughter.

She knew; 'He Yu was isolated and examined by Sun Huixi.

Xiaoqian was in poor health, and she was carrying three babies alone. I wonder how much she suffered mentally and in life.

Fortunately, she held on strong and got through this difficult time.

Otherwise, would you dare to think about the consequences?

If it were me, I don’t know what would happen? When Lao

Xiao heard outside the door that Xiaoqian was safe and sound and had given birth to a fat boy, he happily asked the nurse:"Can I go in and take a look?"

The nurse said:"Yes!

There are no expectant mothers, only three or four A woman who has given birth to a baby."

Upon hearing this, Lao Xiao hurriedly walked in, picked up the wrapped baby, and shook it back and forth and said:

"You look so much like your dad!

How happy would your father be if he saw it?

You are a lucky person!

It is not easy for you to come into this world!

You have to remember:

Who sent your mother to the hospital?

Who called the old doctor here in the middle of the night?

And who was so old and frail that he came from home in the middle of the night to deliver you safely?

And who put your father in isolation for examination and prevented your father from visiting you?"

"right! Uncle Xiao, you are right!

You must always remember what Uncle Xiao said!

Dad is so late, I'm sorry for your mother and you!

I'm also sorry for your Uncle Xiao, Aunt Xiao and this good aunt from No. 5 Middle School!

I’m even more sorry for Director Hu who allowed you to come into this world safely!"

When everyone saw this person coming in, they were happy and surprised!

Really; worried, sympathetic, doubtful, miraculous, safe, and surprised.

Everyone wished together , and even more surprised when someone suddenly appeared!

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