Xiaoqian heard He Yu say that the woman in Huangni wanted five hundred yuan to say that her daughter had been raped by Dian Zhifu's nephew.

Xiaoqian didn't believe it.

Just ask He Yu.

He Yu told her. It was Xiao Chen who we helped recommend to the private teacher training class who told him, and Xiao Qian felt relieved.

She said to He Yu:"Although it was Xiao Chen who did it, he still had to tell him repeatedly that when doing this kind of thing, he must be careful and not let the outside world reveal the information.

Let alone Dian Zhifu and his relatives know about it."

"I know!

I'll do the work, don't worry!

My lovely lady!"After He Yu finished speaking, both of them laughed!

He Yu could not go directly to Dahe to find Xiao Chen. He informed him to come to No. 5 Middle School through an acquaintance.

He gave a detailed explanation of what he wanted Xiao Chen to do.

Xiao Chen followed He Yu's instructions. Yu's request went smoothly.

After Xiao Chen finished the work, he came back and said to He Yu:"I have done what you said.

I repeatedly told the parents of this student not to tell anyone about this matter, and that you asked me to find her to do it, and they must keep it secret.

Otherwise, she would have to spend every penny of her five hundred yuan!

And said she was a liar!

His and her daughter's reputations were ruined!

She said it was too late for her to thank him. Why would you tell others!"Xiao Chen said

"It seems that this woman is quite honest. This puts me at ease!

But you have to tell Dahe Commune, the teacher who came in to make a fuss, that since Dian Zhi has been informed by me to go back, don’t make any more fuss.

If you continue to make trouble,

Sun Huixi will suspect that I asked you to make trouble, and he will have a chance to deal with me in the future!

Dian Zhifu will also come to trouble me and you.

And it’s great that Sun Huixi was able to give so much money to this female student’s mother to help Sun Huixi overcome this difficulty!"He Yu said

"good! I will definitely do what you say. They listen to you and Teacher Zhao very much.

It must be that Teacher Zhao also took great care of them when they were in Huangni!"Xiao Chen said

"You can say that!

I feel relieved!"Xiaoqian said


When He Yu took the note written by the student's parents and handed it to Sun Huixi.

Sun Huixi was extremely happy!

He Yu said:"I am not responsible for helping you complete the task successfully, and I also asked people to notify the teachers who came to the county to stop making trouble.

I asked them to turn back.

You should be relieved about all this, right?""

"I don't know how to thank you?

Don't remember the unpleasant things I said to you when I was angry. Don't argue with me"


Sun Huixi's daughter-in-law heard that He Yu had helped her husband a lot. night. She specially went to No. 5 Middle School to visit He Yu and Xiaoqian.

She found He Yu's home.

He Yu is not here, only Xiaoqian is at home.

She walked in and took a look!

She was very surprised and asked Xiaoqian:"Why did He Yu move you to live in this ghost place?"

What kind of dormitory is this like?

The house is not only old and narrow, but also airy and bright everywhere. How can this be a place for people to live?

In winter, snowflakes drift in and the cold wind blows in. I wonder how you can live with your baby?

Was it my grandson who asked you to move here from the Bureau of Culture and Education?"


We are willing to move here ourselves.

Mainly because I am so tired from running back and forth every day!"

"It seems you are Mrs. Sun, right?"Xiao Qian asked

"Why is Mrs. Sun not Mrs. Sun? You made me feel embarrassed!

Makes me blush!

In fact, I am not as good as you!"

"You can't say that!

My husband is just an ordinary clerk, and your husband is the director. How can I compare with you?

It would be great if we could move here!"Xiaoqian said politely

"Don't say that, okay?

Only I know my difficulties?

To be honest, I am indeed not as good as you!

Although we rarely see each other, I already knew about the way you two conduct yourself in Huangnihe, and how good Chief He is to you.

It's not like me. Although I am the wife of the director as you call me, I am suffering the consequences of being the wife of the director.. Xiaoqian said:"

I heard He Yu say that the first time he talked to you, he knew that you were kind-hearted and a docile woman."

Just worried about not having a child!"

"Stop talking!

We are both women, don't make fun of us!

I have been married to him for more than ten years!

Although I am a little sick.

However, my physiological phenomena are all normal. I asked him to go to the hospital with me for a check-up, but he refused to go.

So it has been delayed until now.

It’s so hard to be a woman!

It's not like you and Chief He not only get along closely, but also have three strong babies!

I am very envious!"

Sun Huixi's wife was crying with sadness as she spoke.

It's true:

Although she usually flaunts her power, she suffers as much as Xiaoqian without a child.

She only cares about face and is shy of others, but she can trick her own wife.

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