Xiao Li, who was working with He Yu to fight the drought in Damo Village, came to He Yu and said that he wanted to talk to He Yu about Dian Zhifu's nephew.

He Yu said to him:


I no longer have the right to care about this matter!

I can't protect myself now and can't take care of those things.

I don't know when I will be kicked out of the Cultural and Educational Bureau.

But Xiao Li said:


You have done earth-shattering things in the Bureau of Culture and Education, letting the whole country know your name, He Yu!

The chief once told us that you are a meritorious minister of Fuyuan!

The chief praises you so much!

Who dares to touch a hair of yours?"Xiao Li said

"It used to be the same, but now it has changed!

I, He Yu, am no longer the He Yu I was back then!

Now you have become a pawn in someone else's hands. If you are asked to step back, you cannot move forward!"

"Don't be so pessimistic and disappointed!

Maybe Sun Huixi was impulsive and said some unpleasant things.

Don't argue with him!

You can work peacefully in the Bureau of Culture and Education. No one dares to touch you.

However, since I have found you for the purpose of making my nephew rich, it shows that you have a lot of energy!

It has certain influence and appeal!

I think we should not make everyone unhappy over this matter!

If you have to spare others, spare them.

Don't be so serious!

Just turn a blind eye and pass!"

"Comrade Li!

You have been with me in Damo Village for nearly more than a month. Don’t you understand my character?

In order to let the people eat, I fight against the drought demon, no matter how fierce it is, I am not afraid!

I won’t be conquered through my efforts!

As for you saying that I have certain influence and appeal!

You are fighting a drought.

Things are very different now!

I am a small clerk, but I have as much energy as you said?

I know about the matter of Dian Zhifu's nephew, it affects a hair and makes a mess!

I advise you!

It’s better to stay away from it!

Do your job well.

This matter cannot be solved by just talking about it.

The matter itself is very complicated and there is no room for adjustment!"He Yu said.

Xiao Li originally came to be a lobbyist, to persuade He Yu not to interfere with the matter of making his nephew rich.

But after listening to what He Yu said, he was convinced by He Yu!

He felt that He Yu was not an ordinary person.

In order to persist In principle, as always, he is not afraid of anything!

"Since you say so, I will stay out of this matter.

However, for the sake of you and I, we have been working together for more than a month in Damo Village to fight the drought.

I still advise you not to fight openly with Sun Huixi.

This will not do you any good, it is better to pay attention to some strategies and methods"

"Thank you Comrade Li for your kindness, don’t worry!

I have my own sense of proportion!"


After Xiao Li left, He Yu felt that his original guess was true. It shows that Dian Zhifu and Sun Huixi are connected together.

This guy has so much power to get rich that he actually uses Xiao Li as a lobbyist!

This fight must be tough!

The storm is coming!

Is it necessary to use your brain and think more about how to deal with this battle?


When the training class started, we encountered some people making trouble in the streets.

Moreover, the fact that Dien Chifu’s nephew was sent for training was unknown to those people!

This made Sun Huixi crazy!

He thought He Yu was secretly instructing and manipulating him. He was so angry that he said furiously to He Yu:

"You, He Yu, are so capable!

A lot of energy!

It’s amazing!

He actually instigated people to make trouble over the matter of making his nephew rich!

I ask you:"Do you still want to be your education section chief?

Do you want to still work in the Bureau of Culture and Education?""


It's true:

I hired lobbyists to achieve my goals.

I really took great pains and indiscriminately to frame him.

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