In order to get food, Sun Huixi said to He Yu:"Since I am going to beg someone, I can't just say it without thinking like I did today.

I will accept today's lesson and will never do such stupid things again!""

He Yu clapped his hands and said,"Director Sun is so good!

You can actually say this, which shows that you have awakened!

I am very happy!

I congratulate you!

This way you will not make such a high-level mistake today again!" He Yu was sarcastic. Said to Sun Huixi.

After he had just finished speaking, before Sun Huixi could speak, he continued:"But……."

He Yu had just said the word 'but', but before the follow-up came out, Sun Huixi immediately continued:"I know what you are going to say after 'but'. It is nothing more than saying that you want me to learn a lesson in the future, no Don’t express your position easily again!

Don’t worry!

I will never do such stupid things again in the future!"

"That's not what I'm talking about……."He Yu said

"Don't interrupt!

I haven't finished speaking yet, you know what I'm going to say next?"

What I want to say is, Xiao Wu, continue to be your director of the teaching office, and do a good job in all the work of the old Dongshan school!

Xiao He has to work hard here for more than a year, and not only consolidate the results achieved, but also And we have to do it better than now!"

After hearing what Sun Huixi said, the Martial Arts Office continued,"Director Sun!

Listening to what you said, I don't have to worry about whether I, the director of the Education Office, can continue to be the director!

Since you believe in me, I will never live up to your trust in me.

However, you must still be my immediate boss. You just said in front of Chief He that I would be reinstated.

But in the morning, you had already announced in front of so many people that The news of my removal from my position has already spread!

The leaders and teachers of our commune school no longer listen to me.

How can I command them?"

"Do you want me to announce to all the teachers in the commune that your position will not be removed?"Sun Huixi said

"This is not necessary. As for how to let everyone know that you have reinstated me, this is something that Director Sun will consider!"The martial arts office said that when Sun Huixi heard this, he felt very difficult to handle. He had never encountered this kind of thing before.

He looked directly at He Yu!

He Yu knew what he meant!

He Yu said:"Director Sun! Did you ask me again?

I really have no solution to this problem!

I can't take your place!

Could you please use your brain and think more about what should be done so that Teacher Wu can continue to be the director of his teaching office with confidence and boldness?"

"Xiao Wu!

Even Chief He felt embarrassed.

You are the leader of all commune schools, so just tell me directly, what should I do?"

"Since Director Sun begged me, I had no choice but to tell him directly.


Director Sun, are you willing to do as I say?

It’s hard to say!"The martial arts education office said,

"You are the director of the commune’s education office!

Why do you talk in a roundabout way?

If you have anything to say, just say it directly!"


I just said, what I asked you to do is very simple!

Just move your pen, write a few words, and let me hold it.

No matter which school I go to, if they don't listen to me.

I took out your note and said, this is the order from Comrade Sun, Director of Culture and Education. Who dares not to listen to this?"

When He Yu heard what the martial arts office said, he thought to himself, 'This martial arts office is smarter than me. He is really superior.

He made something that was originally very simple so complicated.

"Such a simple thing is nothing more than writing a few words.

Why do you have to waste so much time talking about it?

Get a pen and paper. I'll write right away. The

Martial Arts Office took out a pen and paper from his bag and handed it to the Martial Arts Office.

He also said,"I don't know how Director Sun writes it. Can you tell me first?""

"Why are you so verbose? I'll just write that you continue to perform your duties as the director of the teaching office!"

"Congratulations, Chief! Please refer to it. Is it okay for Director Sun to write like this?"

It's true; one trap after another, letting the person named Sun get into it.

This Xiao Wu is not simple, even He Yu is willing to be defeated.

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