The Martial Arts Office really didn't know why He Yu took the new director to such a remote and difficult Shangmochong to investigate the school situation.

After observing Sun Huixi and getting along closely with He Yu, he had already guessed He Yu's intentions.

‘I must take him to the most difficult place to see and let him experience it. In that difficult environment, through the efforts of He Yu and me,

They were able to mobilize the masses to build the dilapidated school building so well that Director Sun was convinced and no longer doubted He Yu.

It also made the new director trust and rely on He Yu.

He secretly admired He Yu.

The Martial Arts Office was thinking again:"After Director Ai was taken away, according to his level and ability, He Yu should take the position in the Cultural and Education Bureau."

I don’t know if it’s among the government leaders. Who arranged this?

I wonder what connections this man named Sun had through which he took the position of Director of Culture and Education?

Since He Yu asked me to take him to Shangmochong, I let him take a look. How would he evaluate and express his opinion? After climbing several high mountains, Sun Huixi felt exhausted and out of breath.

I had long wanted to rest for a while before leaving, but I made a statement beforehand, saying that I was in good health and not afraid of anywhere.

In order to save face and not be embarrassed in front of He Yu, he still struggled to move forward step by step.

The Martial Arts Office said:"Director Sun! If we can't walk anymore!

We'd better sit down and rest for a while before leaving!

Anyway, we'll go there for lunch." When

Sun Huixi heard what the Martial Arts Office said, he felt: 'It's still This martial arts education office understands and sympathizes with me!

I really can't walk!

If I propose to take a rest, I don’t know where to put this old face of mine?

Since he proposed to rest for a while before leaving, I couldn't wait to’

"All right! Since you brought it up, I will do as you said. You can rest for a while before leaving!"Sun Huixi said

"My Lord Director!

Since you need to rest for a while before leaving!

Why do we need to follow what Teacher Wu said?

You must be older than us, we are still young.

You can walk any difficult road and overcome any difficulties. How can you compare with us?

When you are old, you must serve your age!

It’s too much!"He Yu said.

The martial arts office listened to what He Yu said and felt that this He Yu was not simple. He dared to secretly say such weird words to Sun Huixi?

Isn't this a secret mockery of people named Sun? '

It must be named Sun. ' They were not as smart and sensitive as He Yu, nor did they hear the implication of what He Yu said.

After a rest, He Yu and the others continued to move up Shangmochong.

When they arrived at Shangmochong, it was already past two o'clock at noon. Sun Huixi endured the fatigue. And hungry, he really wanted to see if the school building here was beautiful?

So he struggled and asked the martial arts education office to take him to see the school building. When he arrived at the school, he stood outside and looked left and right, and then walked into the classroom to see.

He felt The school building is indeed well built.

However, when I looked at the classroom, less than half of the students were sitting in class.

Sun Huixi asked He Yu:"Didn't you say there are more than fifty students here?

Is the enrollment rate high?

Why are there so many students under twenty in class?"

He Yu and the Martial Arts Office were both frightened!

It was so strange!

Why are there only so many students in class today?

Before He Yu could react,

Sun Huixi asked the teacher:"How many students do you teach?"

"Fifty-one!"The teacher replied

"Why are there only students under twenty today?"

The teacher didn't know that Sun Huixi was the director of culture and education. When he heard Sun Huixi speak, he sounded vicious?

He replied unhappily:"There are only these few students. What's weird about it?""

"Oh yo yo!

Most of the students ran away after you taught them, but you still have the nerve to stand on the podium and continue teaching?

Get out of here, you don't deserve to teach here anymore."

It's true: come sooner or later, most of the students came before they were gone.

Without asking any questions, they just announced that the teacher should get out.

It's easy to talk, but I don't know how it will end?

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