When the new director takes office in the future, Director Ai has already cleaned up the director's office and moved it to the government guest house to wait for distribution.

Director Sun Sun was repeatedly considering how to use He Yu and Lao Xiao to work for him.

He thought over and over again and decided to talk to He Yu first about work and heart-to-heart.

The next morning, after eating the breakfast arranged by Lao Xiao, he asked Kong Linfei to take over Teacher Li's personnel work.

Then he informed He Yu to come to his office.

Xiaoqian heard that Director Sun came to the director's office to ask him about something, so she told He Yu:"He came to you on the morning of the first day he took office, which shows that he still needs you.

However, I still have to warn you.

I see this The person surnamed Sun is different from Director Ai. Judging from his face, he is a person who comes with bad intentions.

You must be careful when talking to him!

No matter what he says, you must suppress your dissatisfaction with his arrival.

You have to find ways to test his attitude and opinions towards you.

If he is polite and trusting to you, you should also speak softly.

Every time you say a word, you must not reveal your dissatisfaction with him.

He must have expressed his opinion. If you stay, it means that he still has to rely on you.

Your bad temper needs to change in front of the new leader.

Don't make him angry.

When people pass by the roof, they can only bow their heads temporarily.


"Since Madam said this to me, I will listen to you, don’t worry!

If you tell me to watch your words and react accordingly, I will definitely do it!"

"go quickly!

Don't play dumb with me!"

He Yu walked into Director Sun's office and stood.

Director Sun smiled and said,"Sit down!

Don't be so serious!

We will get along well in the future!"

He Yu heard that his tone was quite affectionate, so he sat down.

"My name is Sun Huixi!

It turned out that I was not in charge of education

, so I was relatively new to cultural education.

You cooperated very well with Director Ai and Comrade Lao Xiao in the Culture and Education Bureau, and you did a good job in all aspects of work.

From now on, I will rely on you to help me and continue to manage Fuyuan's cultural and educational undertakings well!

I wonder what you have in mind?

The two of us talked to each other and confessed.


As soon as He Yu heard what he said, he temporarily put down his guard against him.

He felt that he was still sincere to him.

He said,"Since Director Sun still trusts me, I will definitely help Director Sun do what I should do. Good job.

As long as Director Sun wants me to do anything, I will do it as you ask.

If I do anything that doesn't satisfy you, just point it out and I will definitely correct it."

"Now that you say that, I feel relieved.

You are still as bold as before.

I am really not familiar with the situation of Fuyuan Culture and Education. I still have to rely on you for some things.

Regarding the personnel work in culture and education, Kong Linfei is now in charge of all matters.

Just don't ask.

Your energy should be concentrated on teaching work and teaching-related activities in primary and secondary schools.

You are an expert in this area, I am a layman."Director Sun said that after hearing what the person named Sun said, He Yu felt that it must be Wang Zhonglin who said hello to him.

It meant that Director Ai and I assigned these people to the countryside and they have been grudges, dissatisfied, and resentful. In my heart.

His revenge on me and Director Ai is absolutely true.

Otherwise, the person named Sun would not specifically mention it. Regarding personnel matters, he actually emphasized that I should not interfere or interfere?

As for the management of culture and education, as well as teaching work , human resources work, it is impossible to isolate it.

It is always inextricably linked.

Since the person named Sun specifically mentioned it and asked me not to ask about it, I would just let him and Kong Linfei take care of it.. Let’s see how he handles his surnamed Sun.

Whatever trouble he causes, I won’t care about it and I will be free.


Xiaoqian is indeed a strong woman. She has explained to He Yu in advance how to handle the relationship with her surnamed Sun. In the tone of their heart-to-heart talk, it was revealed that the ghost of Wang is still there. Whether he will get along well with Sun in the future is still unknown.

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