When He Yu returned home, Zhao Qianqian noticed that he was depressed and silent, so she asked him:"Looking at your mental state, it seems a little abnormal. Did something bad happen?"

He Yu originally wanted to express his feelings to her. She was dissatisfied and asked her to analyze who she had offended and to do this to him and Director Ai.

But think about it again,

Xiaoqian is an impatient person and a womanizer. I don’t know much about officialdom.

I'm afraid that she won't be able to control her emotions and will go to some unidentified person to cause trouble.

I didn't tell her

"What happened? Why didn't you say a word?

Can you tell me a little bit about that, okay?

Don't be alone in your heart.

No matter what happens, you have to stay calm!

Tell me about it.

Although I'm just an ordinary teacher, I may be able to help you"

"You can't help with this matter. Besides, if I talk about it, I'm afraid you won't be able to control your emotions and will make trouble with others. cause more trouble"

"I have a somewhat impatient personality, but I am still stable on big issues of right and wrong.

I'm not an unreasonable person. Maybe I can see some things more clearly than you! Understand comprehensively.

You might as well talk to me, maybe I can help you with some ideas."

He Yu thought, Xiaoqian is indeed a person with a smarter mind than himself. She has many ideas and thinks about problems more comprehensively.

So he told her what happened and the situation of being with Lao Xiao. Listen.

As soon as Xiaoqian heard this, she said angrily:"How could this happen?

Although you are the head of the education section, Director Ai has always relied on you since the establishment of the Bureau of Culture and Education.

That’s why the cultural and educational undertakings in Fuyuan County are doing so well.

Not to mention a deputy director, even if you are asked to be a full director, you are still capable of managing it.

Everyone in the Qujing area tour group is praising you. If it weren’t for you, the miraculous changes would not have happened in the rural primary school in Laodongshan.

Because of this, some people hate you and Director Ai.

You and Comrade Lao Xiao have analyzed that this is very possible, but you don't want to think about it.

Wang Zhonglin has just come to power. Can he do this alone?

The Bureau of Culture and Education is under the management of the Propaganda Department.

After Wang Zhonglin came to power, he would definitely go to the Propaganda Department to learn about the Bureau of Culture and Education.

Dian Zhifu is another person with a nose sharper than a dog. He will definitely go to Wang Zhonglin to sue you..

The two of them had similar personalities. That's why it's done.

Moreover, Wang Zhonglin is also a vindictive person.

The two of them have similar personalities and work together to plot secretly, so they are working together to punish you and Director Ai."Xiaoqian said

"You're right, Lao Xiao and I didn't think so."He Yu said

"I also tell you that although they do this, there are still leaders above Wang Zhonglin. It's impossible to completely let him cover the sky with one hand.

Although Director Ai has been dismissed, his work arrangements cannot be decided by Wang Zhonglin alone. They still have to be decided by the leaders of the county government.

He will definitely be assigned to work in other departments.

You and Lao Xiao can't be blamed for everything.

Any new director does not know the situation of cultural and educational undertakings in the county.

It was him who brought the other people back. Send you two away, they still don't understand the various tasks. It's like giving blind orders.

It will take at least a few months until they figure out the situation.

So I still have to rely on you and Lao Xiao.

Otherwise he becomes a loner.

No matter how talented he is, he can't accomplish anything"Xiaoqian said succinctly

"I have been with you for so many years, and now I see that you have a really good mind, you know everything, and you are much smarter than me!

I didn't think it through as comprehensively as you did.

What he said and analyzed is very reasonable.

I compliment and admire you!"

"Did you know I'm smart today?

Otherwise, how could I defeat Dien Chifu?

Don't praise me yet, I'm warning you two, the new leader is here, you need to be more cautious in doing things, be on guard at all times, and don't be careless.

I wonder what the new director’s character is like?

How do you treat people?

Is it sinister and cunning?

You have to watch your words and emotions when doing things, just in case, it is better to be patient.

Maybe that day. When you two lose your use value, I'll let you go."

"you are right!

But I have already found a way out. At worst, I will go to No. 5 Middle School or No. 1 Middle School to be an ordinary teacher.

See what he dares to do to me?"

It's true:

Madam still has high opinions and looks at problems comprehensively.

She warned He Yu to be careful when doing things, and if it doesn't work, go back to his old profession.

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