The visiting group organized by the Qujing area returned to their respective places by bus on the morning of the third day after finishing their visit to Fuyuan.

Xiaoqian hugged Yanyan, and He Yu took Lin Lin and Honghong to see off Li Guirui and Teacher Xu at the bus station.

When the car was about to be closed and started, Lin Lin suddenly climbed into the car, hugged Li Guirui and said,"Auntie! Take me to Yiliang.

I want to go to the grave of my mother in Yiliang and kowtow for her.""

"how! Are you going to kowtow on your mother’s grave? Li Guirui asked in surprise.

A teacher next to him said:"You are such a big kid, why do you want to kowtow on the grave of your dead mother?"

When Li Guirui heard what the teacher said, she was frightened and said quickly:"Lin Lin! This teacher doesn't know about your mother?" She is asleep.

Your mother is not dead.

She is just too tired. She has been sleeping on the mountain and doesn’t want to get up."

"yes! yes!

I said it wrong! Your mother is not dead.

She was so tired from playing with you that she just wanted to have a good sleep on the mountain."After hearing what Li Guirui said, the teacher quickly changed his words."

"Stop lying to me!

I'm in first grade and I know everything.

I have heard that my mother was hit into the river by a carriage because of me.

She is already dead!

At that time, I was only three years old.

But I saw my father and this aunt sitting on the coffin that was pulling my mother up the mountain."

"How come you, a little three-year-old kid, know this?

Did someone tell you that later?"Li Guirui asked Lin Lin

"No one told me, I just listened to the adults nearby.

When I was carrying my mother's portrait, I kept looking at the road where the carriage took my mother's coffin. I could see it clearly.

My mother was put in a coffin after she died.

Later, I missed my mother, so I walked and walked along that road by myself.

As I walked, I wondered why I was sleeping on the roadside!

If I hadn't fallen asleep, I would have climbed up the mountain and cried on my mother's grave."Lin Lin said

"Is what you said true?

Think about it carefully!

It is impossible for a three-year-old baby like you to walk such a long way to find your mother on a graveyard.

Think about it carefully, is it your mother's shadow that leads you to the graveyard?"Li Guirui asked questioningly.

"Don't tell me, I still remember that I missed my mother so much at that time that

I wanted to go to the cemetery to find my mother and walked out of the house.

Suddenly, my mother was wearing her usual clothes, with her two pigtails swaying, and her smiling shadow flickering in front of me, leading me all the way to the foot of the mountain.

I couldn't walk anymore, and I found someone holding me, floating in the air, slowly floating up the mountain.

When I woke up, I realized it was my father, not my mother, who was holding me."Lin Lin said

"Don't lie to us!!

Is what you said true?

If it’s just like the books you’ve read, made up to coax me, I won’t buy you any more schoolbags next time I come to your house!"


How could I make this up to lie to you.

I remember it clearly.

Later, as I grew up, I also felt strange.

I wonder if I miss my mother too much!

I was in a daze and could only walk forward, but I could also see the people walking on the road.

My mother’s shadow is also visible.

I have been keeping this matter in my mind and have not told my parents about it, for fear that they would beat me if they said I was making it up and lying!

Because you are my mother's good friend, you asked me today, so I told you."

He Yu listened to Lin Lin's words and said to Li Guirui:"I never believed this in the past. Today, I heard what Lin Lin said, it is true that people's ghosts linger after they die.

Some scientists are conducting research, and some believe that people’s ghosts do linger after death; some suspect that this is just people’s imagination.

Whether it is true or false, no one can tell."He Yu said

"I share the same view as Xiao He. No one can tell whether a person’s ghost still exists after death.

Only when science is very advanced can this mystery be revealed!"

It's really: to say goodbye to an old friend. Lin Lin's words make people feel strange.

Whether there is a ghost after death, modern people can't tell clearly.

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