He Yu told the new female teacher assigned for enlightenment and guidance the story of Xiaoqian's unfortunate experience.

I haven’t finished talking to the teachers yet.

This caused everyone's dissatisfaction and hatred towards Yang Zetong.

A teacher from Fucun Primary School talked about Yang Zetong's current situation again.

A teacher said angrily:"It's just as it should be. This is a retribution from God for committing many evil deeds! It's your own fault, it's not allowed by God!

This is the fate of such people! It's very satisfying!"

He started to talk about the beautiful mountains, beautiful water, beautiful schools, and... People are more beautiful.

The teacher asked passionately:"This beautiful little girl, teacher! What is your name?

You heard the story Chief He told you about his lover's painful experience. How do you feel?"

What are your inspirations and thoughts?

Can you tell us?

Let me share your experience!"

"I'll tell you my name later!

After Chief He told me what happened to his lover, I felt very sorry for her and felt that the principal named Yang hated He.

I was thinking!

I hope I won’t be assigned to a school like Chief He’s lover.

Don't meet that despicable and shameless principal. I'm only a twenty-year-old girl.

If that happens, I will be miserable!

Unexpectedly, when I arrived at Laodongshan, Chief He asked the teacher from the Martial Arts Office to bring me here!

I look at the beautiful scenery and beautiful school environment here.

The principal and teachers here sincerely care about me.

I am very happy and my original worries have disappeared!

I almost jumped for joy!

Chief He will bring so many of you writers here to taste the delicious food here.

You have been working hard for half a month to write articles for Chief He.

I am very happy that I can serve you.

I am very happy that you think highly of me and allow me to gather with you all.

I can tell you now that my name is Wang Xiaoli, and my home is in Ashima’s hometown."

The teacher who just spoke asked again

"So, you are a Honey girl?

No wonder she is so beautiful and speaks so sweetly!

Since she is a girl from Ashima's hometown, she must be good at singing and dancing.

Can you perform with us! Performance!

Let us all enjoy! appreciate!"

"Since you have praised me, I will not hesitate to use the song"Guest from afar, please stay" that we Hani people love to dance and sing most.", show it to you."

Wang Yali really danced and sang:

The scenery in Puchong is so picturesque, the mountains and rivers and villages here are charming!

That Serose, that alas, guest from afar, please stay.

The bamboos are full of people. Love, the red and bright mountain flowers are blowing in the wind.

That Cello, that Cello, that guest from afar, please stay! The beautiful school makes people love, and the fish in the Yin River is even cuter. Cello, Cello, Cello, Cello, Cello, Cello,

Cello Alas, Luo Lei, guests from far away, please stay.

The leaders here are very caring about the teachers, and the teachers respect and love each other.

Guests from far away, please stay, alas, alas, alas, alas, it’s so hard for the teachers who come here to write. , all of them are literati and sluts.

I hope you will come again next time!

Come again!

This female teacher’s graceful dancing and beautiful singing voice fascinated everyone!

Let everyone continue to sigh in admiration!

‘It’s really unbelievable that not only can you eat beautiful fish here, but you can also have such a beautiful Hani girl perform such a good show for everyone! '

Let several unmarried teachers drool with envy!

The teacher who just asked her name was thinking wildly: 'If I can marry such a beautiful girl who is good at singing and dancing, that will be my blessing! '

But think about it again,

‘Even if she likes me and is willing to marry me.

But the environment in her school is so bad and life is difficult. Is she willing to go? no!

The scenery here is not only beautiful, but there are also beautiful people!

It really fascinates me!

I must think of something and transfer myself here!

By touching her slowly.

Take care of her enthusiastically!

I don't believe that 1 will make her fall in love with me based on my looks and talents! '

That's it:

Honey Girl's show.

The unmarried guy is very obsessed with it.

If he can stay for a long time, it will be like entering a fairyland.

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