The Propaganda Minister was very happy and excited when he saw that He Yu's article had been published.

I think this article is very important.

It allows the leaders and people of Dongshan Commune to see the school building they have worked hard and work hard to build, and then report it to the public.

This is a great encouragement to them.

They are more excited than themselves!

This is a great event for Fuyuan!

It must be taken seriously and cannot be ignored.

After thinking about it, he summoned more than a dozen staff members from the Propaganda Department and read the article carefully to everyone.

He repeatedly emphasized:"The article written by He Yu is not light.

This is not only a great event for the people of Dongshan, but also a great event for all the people of Fuyuan, a matter of running schools in the commune and rural areas, and also a great event for our county." A major event. It is also a matter of concern to each of us.

Every staff member must read carefully, understand and study carefully.

This is very instructive and influential for running schools in rural areas.

Everyone must be mentally prepared on how to cooperate with the Bureau of Culture and Education. Treat the visitors well.

Let the visitors gain something, let them come happy and leave satisfied!

After hearing what the minister said, Dien Chih-fu was a little unconvinced and muttered:"Who do you think you are, He Yu?" ?

You actually cooperated with your wife and instigated Director Ai to investigate my nephew's matter.

My nephew was reported to the commune for approval.

In the end, my nephew was revoked and replaced by Chen Ruimin.

I didn't even look for the accounts at that time. You guessed it.

You are very arrogant this time.

Don’t be too happy.

You will only write a few articles and wait for me to find time to secretly go to Dongshan and conduct an open and secret investigation.

I don’t believe that every school in Dongshan The school, like the article you wrote, is so beautifully built?

You only have the ability to brag.

Based on my past experience when I went to Laodongshan, I saw many small villages that were either rundown or held classes in the public buildings of the production team.

The same goes for students. Not much.

Many children don’t have schools.

One day, I helped my family look for pigweed in the fields and went up the mountain to pick it up. If it’s not realistic, I’d like to see how you end up with it? Firewood.

The enrollment rate of school-age children there is as high as your article mentioned. ?

Just wait and see. 1 Let’s see how you explain it to the leaders and the people at that time/At this time, Director Ai just walked in.

He called people from all over the place, and they all expressed their intention to organize a group to visit and learn from the minister. After talking, the minister said:"The county leader just called me and asked me to cooperate with you seriously.

How to carefully arrange and entertain the reporters who are coming to interview and the groups who are coming to visit, without any negligence or mistake.

The visitors must be given free food and accommodation in government hostels.

Let them eat well and sleep well.

As for the cultural and educational bureau, the funds are tight.

The Finance Bureau can be asked to allocate some subsidies to the Culture and Education Bureau.

But those who want to visit must be strictly controlled!

Otherwise, our county’s funds will not be able to support it!"

When Director Ai heard this, he said, 'This He Yu's article has made the matter so big that the county leaders are paying so much attention to it, which shows that this is not an ordinary matter.

Fortunately, the county leaders have instructed the Finance Bureau to allocate funds to the Culture and Education Bureau, otherwise it will really happen." Like Lao Xiao said, we can't even afford tea.

When the two of them were studying the issue of how to receive visitors, He Yu suddenly came to tell him that he had just received a call from the Qujing District Culture and Education Bureau. He was preparing to organize Educational management leaders at the commune level and above from all counties in the region came to Fuyuan to visit and learn from their experience.

The minister said:"Since the visit is organized by the Qujing Bureau of Culture and Education, we can only receive it seriously.

It must be well arranged and prepared.

We must let people come happily and go back satisfied.

Please go back and study it carefully as to how to prepare it specifically."

"I have already considered that I will not only let them come and have a look, but also mobilize and organize a group of high-level writers to go to Laodongshan.

Help them summarize carefully and write a batch of high-quality communication articles.

Not only communicate and speak at the meeting, but also print it out and send it to them.

Don’t let them visit and leave empty-handed.

I don’t know if this arrangement is feasible. Please give the minister’s instructions!"

He Yu said

"You, He Yu, are so smart!

Publish the article you write.

But it shocked all government agencies!

I just praised you during a meeting of our Propaganda Department.

Your trick is that you can think of these things in advance. With you as a great writer, Director Ai and I can feel relieved!

But again, it’s hard on you, you have to take it with you. Director Ai! Do you think so?"

That's true!

Not only does he not admire others, but he also tries to use tricks.

This man who is rich is born with only this ability.

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