He Yu sent the copied manuscript to Director Ai for review.

Director Ai was complimentary at first, and

He Yu was a little complacent.

He said to Director Ai:"When we went to Jizu Mountain to burn incense and worship Buddha, Lao Xiao and I had a premonition.

My dream will definitely come true!

I made a bet with Lao Xiao that if my dream can come true, I will definitely buy one A package of Dachongjiu cigarettes and a bottle of Maotai liquor for him!"

Director Ai said to him after hearing this;

"Oh yo yo!

Can the article be published and you make a wish to Lao Xiao?

Even if it is published, the royalties you get will not be enough to buy half a bottle of Maotai.

I'm not throwing cold water on you!

Don't be happy too early. It's better to calm down!"

After He Yu heard this, he felt unhappy. He left Director Ai frustrated.

He took the copied article and checked and typed it several times.

He was thinking angrily: 'This Director Ai!' Why is it so weird? I was just complimentary at first, but when I said I made a vow to make a bet with Lao Xiao, he poured cold water on me?

What if, as he said, the article cannot be published, then I will be in trouble!

I have been running for a year. My hard work in Dongshan has been in vain!

This Director Ai, I didn’t even send out my manuscript, and he just said some unlucky words!

I don’t believe this evil!

The Bodhisattvas are all smiling at me, this is a good sign!

You Director Ai, and I have never written an article before and published it.

Just wait and see!

It will definitely give you a surprise!'

He checked the manuscript over and over again. When he was very satisfied, he put it in a large envelope and wrote down the delivery address.

He wrote down the name of the Fuyuan County Cultural and Educational Bureau.

Then he looked at the envelope to see if it was sealed.

Finally, he took it to the post office to deliver it.

When he came back, he was thinking again: 'Ai Bureau wants me to calm down!

This is to let me I don't want to be overly happy!

It's okay to sound the alarm for my wild thoughts!

He is caring for me!

He must be someone who has been through strong winds and waves. Think about the problem more carefully and calmly than yourself!'

In this way, He Yu didn't think too much.

In addition to working every day, whether eating or sleeping, he is always thinking about whether the article can be published!

If it can be published, which page will it be placed on?

Even if it is placed on the last page, it is good.'

Lao Xiao said He said:"I see that you are depressed all day long and often in a daze!

I advise you not to overthink it!

When we went to Jizu Mountain, we burned incense and worshiped the Buddha!

The Bodhisattva is smiling specifically at you.

This is a good sign!

You don’t have to worry.

I just started talking about this to my wife, Xiao Song, and Xiao Song said, you, Chief He, are a great writer, and you published articles in newspapers when you were a student.

After working, he published a large number of articles in Yunnan Daily.

This time, I have been guiding and inspecting in Laodongshan for nearly more than a year.

A lot of valuable materials have been collected and accumulated.

With your sensitivity and insight, 100%, you will be selected by the national newspaper.

Just wait and see!

Within a month, your dream will surely come true!

I can also smoke your Dachongjiu cigarettes and drink your Moutai!

But you can’t go back on your word?

Did you know that half a year’s salary can’t even buy a bottle of Maotai!

Director Ai saw that He Yu rarely spoke all day long, so he encouraged him and said,"I'm thinking about it too!"

The article you wrote is not only beautiful, but also has great guiding significance.

The whole country is vigorously promoting the idea of ​​​​mobilizing the masses, relying on self-reliance, and vigorously developing village-run primary schools.

What our county, Laodongshan, has done in this regard is a miracle!

Just like you said, you and Lao Xiao had a premonition!

This is no fantasy!

I told you. I would like to ask you not to be too happy as to whether the article can be published.

I’m not throwing cold water on you, but I’m asking you not to get too hot-headed!

If you are not selected by the newspaper, you will go crazy!

So, let me give you a wake-up call first. Getting vaccinated will be of great benefit to you!"

It's true:

Director Ai should have been encouraging, but he poured cold water on him.

After He Yu's manuscript was sent, he was in a daze with anticipation all day long.

Don't worry!

Good things are coming!

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