He Yucai wrote a report he wanted to write and mailed it to a national newspaper.

He went to publicize and report Lao Dongshan’s vivid deeds in commune leaders and the masses, carry forward the spirit of self-reliance, and vigorously develop village-run schools. He just announced his plan.

Director Ai encouraged him and said:"I support you very much! With your literary talent, sharp thinking and observation ability.

I believe that you will write a good and sensational article.

Not only for the whole county but also for the whole country." With guiding significance, you can follow and become famous in one fell swoop!"

"My Director Ai, you have misunderstood my purpose.

I don’t want to be famous!

But I feel that our Yunnan Plateau is Laodongshan in the alpine mountainous area.

With the attention and efforts of the commune leaders.

By mobilizing the masses, under difficult conditions.

Carrying forward the spirit of self-reliance, hundreds of village-run primary school buildings can be built so well!

This is a miracle!

This is very rare and rare in the province and the country.

At the current stage of our country's economic recovery, we must vigorously develop rural private schools.

Under the circumstances where the state’s financial investment in village-run schools is limited.

Laodongshan was able to build hundreds of rural school buildings so well under difficult conditions.

Moreover, the enrollment rate of school-age children is so high, which is an earth-shattering miracle!

This has great practical guiding significance for the establishment of rural schools across the country.

The national newspapers must be in need of such reports.

If it is enabled and published, it will be a huge encouragement to the leaders and people of the old Dongshan Commune for their hard work in establishing rural schools.

Let them work harder to bring the beauty of the rural school I planned to a higher level!

My hard work and your strong support will be in vain!

Let the leaders of Fuyuan and Qujing regions take a look.

We, a small cultural and educational bureau with only three or four people, managed to accomplish such an amazing event under our guidance and promotion.

Not only did the name of our Bureau of Culture and Education, but also Fuyuan spread throughout the country!"

"Don’t be the first to have sweet dreams!

It’s better for me to think about it honestly and seriously, and hurry up and write it!

I am waiting to see your wonderful articles in the national newspapers as soon as possible.

If I really see your article in a major national newspaper,

I will treat you to a bottle of Moutai and let you have a happy meal.

I am sure that leaders at all levels will praise you and our Bureau of Culture and Education!"

"Your golden words will definitely come true!

But I think that national newspapers are not ordinary newspapers and have great prestige and influence across the country and even the world.

If I want to publish it, it depends on my feeling.

Thanks to my hard work, I am even more hopeful with the blessing of Bodhisattva.

I want to rent a car and take the rest of us to Jizu Mountain in Dali to burn a few more sticks of the largest incense sticks."


Are you going to Dali Jizu Mountain to burn incense again?

I don't believe this!

You guys are going to go"

"My Lord Director Ai!

You have to believe it even if you don’t believe it!

I have been under the influence of my mother since I was a child, and I believe it!

As long as you are sincere, the Bodhisattva will appear!

Among other things,

Lao Xiao and I took a car to Jizu Mountain overnight. The genius was bright, and we both burned incense to Guanyin Bodhisattva in time.

We both had a baby at the same time.

It's not a Bodhisattva appearing. Is this a coincidence?


He Yu is really ambitious.

He actually wants to write a report and publish it in a major national newspaper?

To achieve this goal, we have to go to Jizu Mountain to burn incense.

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