In order to teach the captain a lesson, Zhao Qianqian said many heartfelt words to vent her anger.

In order to convince him and learn his lesson deeply, he continued:"You should think about it. After the training class, you will be a public teacher.

Public teachers must be role models and cannot be used as examples to harm the next generation.""

"you're right! I'm a rough guy and I don't have the long-term vision you think.

You have the level!

I really admire you!"The captain said sincerely

"You are not a big boss!

You are very smart!

How dare you do that behind our backs!

I really admire you!

Don't you think about how I feel?

How do you want us to manage teachers and schools in the future?

I don’t have the face to meet people!

Since you have the ability, leave me alone and hold a teachers' meeting.

What else can I do as a teacher representative? never mind!

Come and replace me and be the teacher representative.

Manage all school affairs.

If you hold multiple jobs, don't you have more power?

You will be more beautiful!

Get ahead!

If this were the case, I wouldn’t come to you often to ask for instructions and reports!

Don't suffer from your cowardice!"

"Why don't you stop talking, I've already admitted my mistake?

I apologize to you very sincerely. Can you please forgive me?"

"Tell you! This is the kind of stupid thing you do to get rich.

Not only did it ruin my reputation, it almost cost Teacher Xiao Chen his life!

If he can't figure it out for a moment, he will commit suicide.

Not only will you fail to become a captain, you may have to go to jail.

I didn't say that to scare you!

If I hadn't done his ideological work, he would have long since passed away."

"Don't come to scare me!

He is a man and he is young. He would never do anything stupid like that."said the captain

"I'm not trying to scare you.

Because of his young age, he is mentally fragile.

I heard that you were going to hold a teachers' meeting and report the recommendation of Dienmancang.

He was going crazy with anger!

That night he ran up the mountain and prepared to jump off a cliff to die.

Fortunately, his father found him early and found him in time.

Otherwise, his body would have been at your door.

You can't escape Claw!"

When he heard what Teacher Xiao Zhao said, the captain was so frightened that his legs trembled.


‘If it turns out to be what Xiao Zhao said, I will not only go to jail.

My mother, who is over eighty years old, will be angry to death, and my wife will go crazy.

The whole family doesn’t know what will happen to them,

I don’t even dare to think about it!

Getting rich is really a scam.

This Teacher Zhao, I usually thought she was a weak woman.

Didn't take her seriously. , look down on her.

It's just that I didn't have the vision and didn't expect her energy to be so great.

Not only did Director Ai come down to investigate and deal with it.

I also did timely work on Xiao Chen’s ideological work.

Not only did he save my black gauze hat, but he also saved my life.

I should thank her properly.

After this incident, I really admire her.’

"Thank you!


I should never, never should have done that to you.

I do things without thinking about the consequences. I am a simple-minded and quick-thinking person.

If something really goes wrong with Teacher Xiao Chen.

As you said, not only can I not be a captain. I'm afraid I have to go to jail!"The captain said sincerely

"I know it's not entirely your fault.

The main thing is that Dian Zhifu will guide you from behind.

I really didn't expect that your family is in the brigade or the commune. Are the county officials so united and united?.

They work so well together to do one thing!

It opened my eyes!

It's true:

She usually shows off her power, but in front of Xiaoqian, she is like a deflated rubber ball. Even though she is a woman, she actually took care of the captain and had to kneel down and beg for mercy.

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