After all the investigation materials were collected, Director Ai took Teacher Li to Dahe Commune.

After Director Ai left, the teachers, parents and people of the Huangni Brigade.

I heard that Director Ai came here specifically to investigate and learn about the matter of Dian Mancang's violation being recommended for reporting.

Everyone spread the word and talked about it:

‘It's so good now that we never dreamed of it.

The director of the Bureau of Culture and Education personally came to investigate the matter of Diamancang.

Chen Ruimin can enter the training class!

What a great thing!’

‘There is nothing strange about this. A swinger like Dienmancang is not even qualified to be a private teacher, and he still wants to go to a training class to become a public teacher.’‘yes! Director Ai came to investigate this time. He still wants to go to the training class. This is just daydreaming and wishful thinking!’

‘you're right! You don't want to think about it.

Teacher Zhao's man works in the Bureau of Culture and Education, and is also a section leader.

The team leader actually went to hold another teachers meeting behind Teacher Zhao's back and reported the recommendation of Dienmancang.

Will Teacher Zhao's man give up?’

‘Dian Zhifu actually used various means to hide the truth and recommended his nephew to the civilian teacher training class.

He doesn't want to think about how capable you are.

Can you pass the Bureau of Culture and Education?’

‘This person is too bold to get rich!

He actually abolished Chen Ruimin, who was recommended by the teachers at the meeting, and sent his nephew who was not doing his job to go to the civilian teacher training class.

The parents were all upset and very angry!’

‘Don't look at this guy who wants to get rich and is arrogant and arrogant in Huangni.

Now, Director Ai from the Culture and Education Bureau personally came down to investigate.

How will he end up?’

‘Is the captain unconscious?

That is to say, Dian Zhifu is related to you, and Dianmancang is from the same family as you.

You shouldn't do such stupid things either.

He even went out of his way to get rid of Teacher Chen who was recommended by Teacher Zhao at the meeting.’

‘Now it's better. Not only will Dienmancang not be able to enter the training class, I'm afraid he won't be able to keep his hat as the captain!’

‘Dian Zhifu uses his power to bully others, which will completely disgrace our Dian family!

When his wife dies in the future, we must not bury her in the ancestral grave of the Dian family.’


Xiaoqian went to Chen Ruimin's house and took Director Ai to various teachers.

The exact words of how Dien became rich threatened them and the people who voted for Dienmancang were all recorded and stamped with their fingerprints. Tell the whole family.

She said:"You don't have to worry. After Director Ai left, he asked me to wait for notification and asked me to prepare Chen Ruimin's report. Give it to the team leader, stamp it, and send it to the commune."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen's family When Xiaoqian said this, she was so happy!

Grandpa Chen Ruimin said:"God has finally opened his eyes! My grandson can go to a training class!

He will be an upright public teacher when he comes out!"

Chen Ruimin's father said:"My son is finally saved! He can go to a training class.

In the future. Then you can become a glorious public teacher. It will give a sigh of relief to our Chen family.

After you get in, you must study hard, and when you study, you must work hard.

Let everyone in Huangni see that my son is not a coward!"

Little Chen's mother Said:"This is all thanks to Teacher Zhao.

If it weren't for Teacher Zhao's man working in the Bureau of Culture and Education,

Xiao Ruimin would be finished!

I don't know how we can thank Teacher Zhao for his kindness in the future?"

"You don't need to thank us, because Xiao Chen is a genuine junior high school graduate, and his performance is very outstanding among the private teachers in the entire brigade. Received praise from parents.

Only he is qualified to enter the training class"

"Thank you, Teacher Zhao!

If it weren't for your help, Director Ai would personally come down to investigate and deal with it.

I had already given up on entering the training class.

You are my great favor!

I will come out of training in two days. I will work hard and never let you down.

I will never forget you in my life."

They were talking passionately!

Xiao Chen's mother brought out a bowl of walnuts, placed it in front of Xiao Zhao and said,"We don't have anything to entertain you, just eat a few walnuts!""

"Auntie, you can't say that. It would be nice to eat your walnuts.

Let’s eat together!"

They were eating and talking and laughing, how happy they were!

They were as happy as celebrating a great event.

It's true: don't be arrogant when doing things, the people have their own fair comments.

Xiao Chen's unjust case was finally settled, and Xiao Qian was praised as the boss of his family. benefactor.

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