Director Ai and Teacher Li investigated Xiaoqian to learn about the situation.

After talking for a while, they went to find Director Li of the Agricultural Management Committee.

When we arrived at Director Li's house, Director Li was alone in the room, smoking a cigarette.

Seeing Director Ai come in, he looked up at Director Ai and the others.

He looked at Director Ai and felt strange;

‘He seems to be an official. Why would he come to my house and do what? Director Ai saw Director Li, who was short and fat and had wrinkles on his face.

At first glance, he looks like an out-and-out, honest farmer.

Only then did Teacher Li tell him the identity of Director Ai and explain to him why he came to see him.

A smile spread across his face and he stood up immediately.

Shake hands with Director Ai and say,"I really didn't expect you to come. I thought people like Dian Mancang would just go to the training class!

God opened his eyes and expected you to come!""

"impossible! Recommend such people to attend training courses, and upon graduation they will become public teachers.

That was a dereliction of duty on our part. Not only did the government leaders criticize us, but the common people also scolded us. Director Ai said

"you're right! If you come to investigate, it shows that you are a good leader.

I was originally an old farmer and didn't know much about education.

But the brigade leader asked me to participate in management.

With the guidance and help of Teacher Xiao Zhao, I gradually understood and learned a lot of things.

But this time I recommended civilian teachers to go to the training class.

Teacher Xiao Zhao and I honestly followed the regulations in the document.

However, Dien Chifu came to intervene and found me.

I have to reconvene the teachers' meeting to vote.

He should recommend his nephew to the newspaper.

I felt strange: his nephew had not graduated from junior high school and his performance was poor.

Teaching is not easy.

The students' homework was not corrected every few days.

The students he taught were almost all gone.

If Teacher Xiao Zhao hadn't helped him go from house to house to persuade and mobilize the parents of the students to send their children to study.

He will become the polished commander!

No one will vote for such a person even if the meeting is reconvened.

I told him, 'I have held a teachers' meeting with Teacher Xiao Zhao and recommended Chen Ruimin.

You asked me to reconvene the teachers' meeting and vote to recommend Diemancang.

Will the teachers do what you want?

But he told me, 'You just need to reconvene the teachers' meeting.

As for whether the teacher will vote for him or not, don't worry about me. '

When I heard this, I knew that he must be threatening various teachers secretly. Threatened.

I told him that I didn't want to violate my conscience and do such an immoral thing.

He threatened me and said, 'If you really don't do what I say, you will never be the director again. '

Listen, it's such a loud tone!

He can scare others, but I am not someone he can scare.

I said angrily, I know your ability is all-powerful, but I just accept this.

I would rather not be the director, and I would never do such an unscrupulous thing.

He couldn't do anything to me, so he went to find his cousin, the captain of the brigade, and secretly recommended his nephew to the commune.

I don't believe he can cover up the sky with one hand.

If the leader of the Cultural and Educational Bureau is a faint-hearted official who doesn't care.

That would be a great tragedy in the world. Fortunately, the director personally came to investigate and deal with this matter.

There is great hope for this matter!

I hope you two will pass the investigation.

Pull down his nephew and recommend Teacher Xiao Chen to the newspaper.

Only in this way can the people be angry. Director Ai said:"

What you said is great!"

You are truly a very competent director of the Agricultural Management Committee.

If people like you come to manage the school, our school will have hope!

I would have less to worry about!

Not only do I admire you!

The masses will definitely like and support you!

It is still your honest duty as farmers to uphold justice.

Don't worry. Like you said, he can't cover the sky with one hand.

If his nephew is not brought down, I will not be the director!

Xiao Li!

Have you recorded what Director Li said exactly?"

"Recorded!"Teacher Li replied

"good! Let Director Li put his fingerprints on it!"

"You do this seriously!

I feel relieved that

Teacher Xiao Chen can recommend it to the newspaper!

All the people in Huangni Brigade will give a thumbs up and praise you as an official like Bao Gong!"

"Thank you for your compliment. Our Director Ai is just like you.

In order to uphold his principles and uphold justice, he is not afraid of anything.

Therefore, he has a high prestige among schools in the county. School leaders and teachers like and support him very much!"

It's true: we are close friends and we are close friends, and we uphold justice without being skewed.

The farmer is still kind-hearted, and

Ai Ju is also a good person.

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