He Yu heard that Puchong Village in Dongshan is known as the Little Jiangnan on the Plateau.

It has spring-like weather all year round, beautiful scenery, and a sea of ​​bamboos, which makes people fascinated.

Moreover, the private school buildings there are well-built, and the enrollment rate of children is very high.

So after the meeting, he took the opportunity to go to Puchong with Teacher Wu, the director of the Education Office.

High mountains close to Puchong.

He Yu looked down: he saw the entire Pingba, surrounded by the surrounding mountains.

Five or six villages are vaguely hidden in the huge sea of ​​green leaves.

A small river that appears and disappears flows through the flat dam.

He Yu said to Teacher Wu with emotion:"This is really a beautiful scene in the world. Little Jiangnan on the plateau is so rare!" The

Martial Arts Office said;"Although Puchong is within the jurisdiction of Dongshan Commune, because of the river outlet, it is It borders Qujing Bazi and has a low altitude.

This small river flows into a large reservoir.

Due to the saturated air humidity, it is like spring all year round and rarely snows.

Therefore, the bamboos here grow very tall and lush.

Almost every village is covered in bamboo forests. Hit!

At first glance, I can see only bamboo forests and no villages!"

"I only heard about it, but today I finally saw it!

The teachers who teach here are so lucky!"He Yu said

"You are right. All the teachers who are transferred here do not want to leave. They are reluctant to leave and cherish their memory very much."The martial arts education office said

"If I were teaching here, I wouldn't want to leave here."He Yu said

"I was originally assigned here and taught there for five or six years. Later, I was transferred to the Commune Central Primary School as the vice principal.

It’s okay if you don’t want to go!

Not only is the scenery beautiful here, but it is like spring all year round and the air is fresh.

And all the villages in this brigade are in Pingba.

Not only can students go to school nearby, but teachers don’t have to travel far to visit their homes and mobilize students."

"yes! Not to mention Fuyuan, even in the entire Qujing area, there is no such a good place."

He Yu walked with the martial arts office while walking downhill.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, they entered Puchong Bazi.

Every road in the Bazi was paved with cobblestones. It looked simple, pure and beautiful..

Walking on the path among the bamboo forests, when you look up, you will see that everything is blocked by tall and lush bamboo leaves. The beautiful scenery of the countryside is really intoxicating!

Under the leadership of Teacher Wu, He Yu walked to the center On the stone bridge in front of the primary school

"This is the exit of the underground river."Teacher Wu said, pointing to the water outlet under the stone bridge.

He Yu looked down and saw that the river water was so clear and transparent.、

"Because it is spring these days, there is no rain in the upper reaches of the underground river.

So the water is so clear and transparent that it makes people drool. It's clear."The martial arts education office said."

At this time, several teachers from the school saw the martial arts education office bringing He Yu.

Everyone is busy coming out to welcome us!

"There is a dragon spitting spring water at the entrance of the school. This school is really blessed by the Dragon King.

The teachers here can be regarded as dragon-like!

Do you think so?"He Yu said with a smile

"Congratulations, Chief! You are good at talking! He is indeed a great talent from Fuyuan!

Why do you two come to our school?"Teacher representative Teacher Li asked

"Don't talk nonsense, what a great talent but not a great talent!

I just studied for two more years than you.

The private schools here are doing very well.

Thanks to your efforts, the leaders of the production team and the masses are highly motivated to run the school. The buildings of each school are good and the student enrollment rate is very high.

That’s why I asked the martial arts education office to take me to visit! visit!"

It's true: when you come to Xiaojiangnan on the plateau, you are surrounded by a sea of ​​bamboo. You can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery in the world.

It is intoxicating and unforgettable.

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