The Yiliang folk tune Xiaoqian sang was very beautiful, and Xiao Li said to her:"Oh, oh! You really can't see Mount Tai! The Yiliang Mountain singing is so clear and beautiful, I thought you only knew how to read."

"Let me tell you, when I was a child, I worked hard to earn work points during my busy farm holidays. When everyone does farm work together, they like to sing folk songs.

Especially during the rice transplanting season every year, the entire Taohua Village Bazi is very lively with people plowing the fields, pulling out, picking, and transplanting rice seedlings.

While everyone was working, they sang folk songs to each other. No matter whether they were old, young, young, male or female, they sang at the top of their lungs.

Sometimes the rice transplanters in one field sing a duet with the rice transplanters in another field, and sometimes it's a male and female duet.

Most are very eloquent and knowledgeable.

Most of the lyrics are performed live, composed and sung now.

There are many young men and women who have become lovers and husbands and wives through singing folk songs.

I was still young at the time, so I also hummed and sang along with the adults, thus forming a bond with folk songs.

So I can sing."Xiao Qianxian said

"It turns out that Yiliang is not only the land of rice and ducks, but also the land of folk songs and lanterns. It would be great if I grew up here and could yell a few words like you.

If I was born in Peach Blossom Village, I could sing duet with you every day, right?…….."Xiao Li didn't say any more.

"Don't you want to say that through duet singing, you can become a couple with me since you were a child? You are so whimsical!

What if you were just a little baby at that time and wanted to fall in love with me? Didn’t you take too many hormones and become a child with precocious puberty?"

"Of course, what about calling you a little beauty? Why don’t I want to. Although I didn't have a folk song duet with you in the past, it's not too late for me to make up for it now. Listen carefully and I will sing it to you!

He opened his throat and sang happily:

Yaquan Temple has many stories.

After burning incense, he drank the sacred water.

If you don't come to the temple

, you can sing folk songs with my sister.

Brother and sister are blessed, they burn incense, kowtow and bow.

I repeatedly asked Bodhisattva to bless me and hoped that my little sister would have a baby soon. well! well! well!

"You sing well. Although you are not from Yiliang, Yiliangshan sings better than me.

Have you been assimilated by me?"Xiaoqian praised

"Of course, your magnetism is so strong, how about not being assimilated?"

"You wanted to have a folk song duet with me when I was a kid, and now your wish has come true. It’s really a dream come true, isn’t it??"

"People with dreams finally get married! Are you right?"

"People say that lovers eventually get married, but you have tampered with it!"

"Only by tampering can I express my true thoughts and feelings. Do you think I love using scenes to express my emotions? This is the realistic version of expressing emotions through borrowed scenes."

It's true:

Xiao Li really has a rich imagination.

He has long wanted to play folk songs with Xiao Qian.

Although it was a dream, but there is a dream and they will eventually get married.

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