After one week of class, Zhao Qianqian found that the students’ basic general examination skills were poor, and their ability to understand written word problems was even worse.

She had no choice but to catch up on the basic content of the third and fourth grades while taking new classes.

After doing this for a period of time, she sent seven or eight students in each class with poor academic performance away from late classes, and then left them alone for intensive tutoring.

These poor students are all Yi students. Judging from the clothes they wear, it seems that their families are in real difficulty.

Either he was not wearing socks or his shoes were in tatters.

After Xiaoqian saw it, she felt very sympathetic to them.

There were two little girls whose shoes were torn in the front and their toes were exposed.

Xiaoqian asked someone to buy new shoes for you to wear.

After the parents found out, they came to the school and said gratefully:"Thank you so much. Not only did you help our baby with extra lessons, but you also bought shoes for the baby to wear. You are such a good person with a bodhisattva heart.

We don't know how to thank you?"

When other parents learned about it, they all praised Xiaoqian:"Not only is she a good scholar, beautiful person, kind-hearted, and responsible, she should be grateful to her superiors for giving her a good teacher like a Bodhisattva."

Some parents brought her eggs, and some brought her walnuts. Others brought her buckwheat cakes and honey.

What Xiaoqian didn't expect was that these Yi people were so enthusiastic and persistent.

The teachers also praised her: a male teacher said:"She has only been here a few days, and the parents of the students are so enthusiastic about her. It is really not easy. We have been teaching here for several years, and the parents have not treated us like this.""

Teacher Li Yongqiang said:"Teacher Zhao not only helps students make up lessons after school, but also buys shoes for students to wear when they see their shoes are rotten. Have you ever bought them?"


"If not, don't say it. Everyone has feelings. If you respect others an inch, they will respect you a foot. It is only natural.

Don't blame me, I don't have Teacher Zhao's ability. Parents praise him for having a bodhisattva heart, which is true."

An older female teacher said:"Teacher Zhao is a kind-hearted person. She is not afraid of the students' poverty. She has gathered poor students to make up lessons in just a few days. She is so patient and can endure hardships. I also bought shoes for students to wear.

It is natural for such a teacher to be loved by parents. You young teachers should learn how Teacher Zhao behaves."

Because she lives next door to the principal, Zhao Qianqian gave some eggs and walnuts sent by her parents to Principal Yang.

Principal Yang said happily,"I have heard a long time ago that Yi parents send delicious food to Principal Yang. You, you still haven’t forgotten me and haven’t eaten alone.

This is great. It’s really rare for me to share your delicious food.

I originally had all these things, but the meaning of what you sent is very different.

It expresses your deep affection for me. Thank you!"

"Principal, you can't say that. You usually give me some cakes to eat. Is it reciprocal? This is human nature. The principal usually cares about me, a visitor from afar, how can I forget you in my heart?"

"Just don’t forget. As long as you have me in your heart, I will be very happy and satisfied.

I will take good care of and take care of you in the future.

As long as you don't refuse to answer, that's fine"

"The principal can't say this. It's normal for leaders and teachers to care about each other. It can't be you who is in my heart, it can only be my boyfriend who is in my heart."

"well! It's my fault for being too hasty and I can't say that yet. Let’s talk about it later, okay?"

Xiaoqian knows that Principal Yang is a thick-skinned person. No matter what he says, just don't worry about it. Just be careful in the future and don't let him take advantage. It's true: giving students extra lessons and buying shoes,

Xiaoqian is full of love for students..Parents responded enthusiastically to her, and teachers praised Xiaoqian for her good heart.

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