After the parents left, Vice Principal Song Wen asked Huang Wenwei:"I'm really surprised, how do you know Cai Linshan will listen to the parents' opinions?

He knew that the parents came to expose his behavior of corporal punishment of students, wouldn't it cost his life?

After he found out, , it would be weird if he didn’t get furious.

How can he say that he couldn’t figure it out when he used corporal punishment on students like this?

The superior leaders have repeatedly emphasized that corporal punishment of students is against discipline and law. Don’t he know?

He still needs to think about this. ?

You can take it out on students when you can't figure it out? What else is there to do?

Also, under his instigation, he took some students to Class 2. In the history of Zhong'an Primary School, who dared to do this?

Only he, Cai Linshan, didn't know The sky is the limit and you can do whatever you want, so you dare to do this.

If you don't seriously investigate and deal with it seriously, and everyone will follow his example in the future, it will be a mess and you won't be able to clean it up.

How can you say this in front of parents? Let it go?

If you don’t investigate, educate and criticize, it will be equivalent to tacit consent for him to do this.

How can we be leaders in the future?

How do you know that Cai Linshan will admire Teacher He from the bottom of his heart?

This time, the class he teaches will be changed to If He Yu went to teach, wouldn't it make him lose face and lose his prestige?

It would be good if he didn't kill He Yu cruelly. He still admires He Yu?

Unless it is, it is enough for him to reincarnate and be reincarnated.

This Cai Linshan, The uncle who usually relies on Dong Huaxing is the organizational director of the county party committee. He is lawless and does whatever he wants in school. He doesn't even take you seriously. Are you trying to excuse him in front of so many parents?

I really don't understand at all. I can't figure it out.

He has been known to corporally punish students, but what his parents said this time is even more shocking.

Don't indulge him just because he has a certain way of teaching.

The more you do this, the more courageous he will be.

Even though he is young, How ambitious you are!

Maybe one day, he might come and want to sit in your position."


After Principal Huang fell silent, he said:"It makes sense for you to ask me these questions. I also understand your good intentions.

However, you also heard that parents have very strong opinions on him, and their speeches were in high spirits and in a very high atmosphere.

In this case, I can't add fuel to the fire, otherwise the parents unanimously demand that he should be removed. What should we do?

Don't I hate him?

You know, he often secretly makes small moves against me to embarrass me.

I want to take the overall situation into consideration and unite everyone. As a teacher, I mobilize their enthusiasm and make the school a good place.

Therefore, there are many things that I suppress in my heart and tolerate for the time being.

If it were like the past, I would have sprayed him with blood! He will never be able to lift it up. Start.

If you do this, he will break the pot and fight you to the death.

So learn to be patient and learn to be generous and tolerant."

"I also understand you. You are indeed much more experienced, stable and well-educated than before.

However, the corporal punishment of students by teachers must be taken seriously and investigated seriously. This is a serious matter and cannot be lenient.

Otherwise, if something big happens, neither you nor I will be able to bear the responsibility."

Song Wen said

"We will definitely investigate this matter. Never let it go.

It is necessary to convene a special meeting of all teachers to conduct serious self-examination and self-education by studying the relevant documents and the spirit of the speeches of superior leaders.

Never relax, never indulge."

It's true:

The deputy asked many questions in succession, but

Principal Huang didn't say a word.

He was too anxious to eat hot tofu.

The principal already had a plan in mind.

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