‘Why did Xiao Zhang, who drives a small car from the county government, bring some parents to see me?

He brought two parents into the palace, what on earth is going to cause trouble again?

If there was a matter of class transfer, wouldn't his children and other students who moved to Class 2 quietly transfer back to Class 1 one after another?

What else are they looking for to cause trouble for me?

Could it be that he secretly and spontaneously ran to Class 2 behind my back and other leaders' backs, fearing that the school would not recognize him?

Now they want to ask me to agree with them and become an official student of Class 2? Principal Huang didn't think about the explanation and was thinking silently.

But look at how many of these parents he knows. Aren't these the parents of the second class students?

Why would they follow Xiao Zhang and ask for a class transfer? Which class are they going to transfer their doll to?

Some of these parents are government cadres. We cannot shut them out, but we should listen to what they have to say. Principal Huang took the cigarette from Xiao Zhang, took a puff and said,"Since everyone is here, please come into the office and say"

"Isn't this like an old friend? They all came to you after hearing my introduction to the situation, and asked me to take them to intercede with them.

You can't keep them out, can you?"

Xiao Zhang said to these parents:"Since Principal Huang has invited everyone in, please don't be restrained. If you have any requests, just go in and ask Principal Huang!"Xiao Zhangmi said with a smile.

A man in his forties said:"We heard from Xiao Zhang that his baby thought that the new teacher could not teach well, so under the instigation of Teacher Cai, he invited her to go there. Class two.

After a few days of classes, the students who went to Class 2 heard from the students in Class 1 that Teacher He was a good person. He treated students just like his own brother. He was very amiable and never punished students or scolded them..

Teacher He publicly announced:"If students have any opinions or suggestions on his educational methods and teaching methods, please write him a note anonymously, and he will accept it humbly and correct it seriously."

If he violates any discipline or law, beats, scolds or punishes students, I hope parents and students will write a note to the principal to report and expose, and he will never retaliate or retaliate.

Listen, everyone, where can I find such an open-minded and democratic teacher?"

After listening to what the parent said, everyone became excited and rushed to speak:

"yes! We also heard that he treated his students like brothers and sisters, very gentle and amiable.

A few students deliberately made trouble in class. Teacher He did not yell or scold them.

Instead, he walked over and gently touched their heads. He said with a smile:"Listen carefully to the class. If you think I did not teach well, please tell me." If you think you should speak in order to be understood, write a note to me. The teacher will definitely listen to you, and I will change the teaching method. '

I heard from the students that Teacher He Yu's lectures were lively, interesting, and fascinating. The more they listened, the more they loved to listen and the more energetic they became.

Listen, it’s hard to find a teacher like this who treats students like this even with a lantern or a torch. We are reassured and welcome by 10,000"

"We heard from Wawa that students regard Teacher He Yu as an older brother and they like him very much. They come to play with him after class, free and happy, laughing and asking questions.

After listening to this, I was very moved. Such a teacher is great!"

"My baby doesn't study well and is a bit naughty.

Teacher Cai, who was newly transferred to Class 2, was punished by standing at the podium and squatting.

The doll couldn't stand any longer and fell to the ground.

Then Cai Linshan lifted her by the collar, like a chicken, and squatted down. My son begged hard and said,"Please forgive me, teacher, I won't dare to do it anymore." But the man named Cai said viciously:"I have only been here a few days and you want to bully me. I asked you to reward me for my surname Cai."

Our whole family shed tears after hearing the baby's return and narration. So this time we come to ask Principal Huang to be merciful. My baby is definitely no longer in Class 2. We ask Principal Huang to be kind and be merciful and let my son be transferred to Class 1 to be taught by Teacher He! This puts our whole family at ease."

Everyone was very excited after hearing this.

It was true:

Xiao Zhang invited his parents to the palace.

He originally thought that the parents would rebel.

Unexpectedly, they came together to complain and jointly fight against the crimes of Cai.

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