Teacher Li Yongqiang saw Principal Yang coming out of Zhao Qianqian's dormitory last night. He suspected that Yang had done something wrong with Zhao Qianqian, so he hurriedly asked Xiaoqian when no one was around.

But Xiaoqian got angry and said:"Why do you want to monitor her?"

Xiaoli said very humorously:"Just to monitor her."

This made Xiaoqian very angry, and asked Xiaoli if she didn't make it clear, she would You're welcome, teacher.

Teacher Li smiled and said,"Why do you think I want to monitor you? Because Principal Yang asked you to live next door to him, the teachers are very worried about you.

Because you just came here, you don't know much about Principal Yang. Since his wife died, , he was looking for a partner everywhere like a greedy cat.

After dating two teachers in the public school, they found that he was a stingy miser with poor moral character.

After dating for a while, they broke up with him. There was no other way, and he was in a private school again. Teachers make up their minds and design things.

Teacher Zhao Li from Antfen Primary School is not only beautiful, but also very capable, and her teaching ability is no less than that of public teachers.

His student managed to catch up with Teacher Zhao.

When he was about to marry him, because Teacher Zhao's mother was ill and had to be hospitalized in Fuyuan, and she urgently needed to pay the hospitalization fee.

When Zhao Li found him, she not only ignored him, but also said she had no money.

Zhao Li broke up with him in anger."

"I know what you said about Teacher Zhao. He is indeed beautiful and has a good heart."Xiaoqian said

"It's really strange. You've only been here two days, how come you already know Zhao Li?"Xiao Li asked

"I took a bus from the city to Fucun and met her on the bus.

When I arrived at Fucun, she took me to the commune.

Find Teacher Zhu, the director of the Education Office. Then she brought me to Luna.

Along the way, she introduced me to Principal Yang’s situation and told me not to be deceived."Xiao Qian told Xiao Li

"If that's the case, why do you still live next door to him?"Xiao Li asked

"It’s not like I was going to live there, you were there at the time, and he asked you to help me carry my luggage to live there.

At the time, I didn't realize that it was just me and him living there. I found out later.

Unfortunately, it was too late. I couldn't just leave with my luggage and ask not to live there.

Having just arrived here, I can only obey the assignment.

So that's why you came to spy on me?"Xiao Qian asked Xiao Li

"Let me tell you, two old teachers who got along well with me were discussing together. The man named Yang wanted a wife and was going crazy. He was afraid that he would treat you badly at night.….., so you want me to monitor you every night to protect you.

After hearing this, Xiaoqian slapped Xiao Li hard with both hands and said,"You are so bad!" That's it, why didn't you tell me earlier?

It makes me want to cry. I have only known you for two days, and you are already under surveillance just because you are an alumnus.

In this case, I would like to thank you.

It’s better to meet you as an alumnus!

I can sleep with peace of mind from now on!"

"You cannot be careless, and you must also strengthen your awareness of self-protection. There's no way I'm going to stay awake at night to monitor you.

Unless you want me to be your bodyguard, I can monitor you every night until dawn."Xiao Li intends to tease Xiao Qian.

"Should I be your bodyguard? I'm not a big boss, I'm just a poor teacher. How can I pay to take care of you?"Xiao Qian turned up her nose and said

"If you really like me and I can be your personal bodyguard and stay with you often, I will be willing to do so without paying a penny."

"what would you like?"

"want…….your feelings"

"You are so bad! Beautiful thought!"Xiao Qian slapped Xiao Li with her hand again.

It's true:

Xiao Li revealed the secret and came to spy on her to protect herself.

Xiao Qian wanted to be Xiao Qian's personal bodyguard.

This Xiao Li is really weird.

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