A week into the school year, students who went to Class 2 of Grade 5 secretly returned to Class 1 without telling their parents.

On Sunday night, Xiao Zhang, who drove a small car from the county government, took some parents to Zhongan Primary School and asked the principal to transfer classes.

When some teachers learned about it, they made a heated discussion:

After hearing about it, Xiaodi, who had the same problem with Cai Linshan, said happily:"A good show is about to happen again, everyone, just wait and see! This time it is the request of the Erba Sutra." The principal nodded and agreed to change the class. It was not like last time, it was just a talk, it was a spontaneous change of class."

"yes! Now, Brother Cai can justifiably accept the students from the first class."

They spread the news to Cai's ears.

Cai Linshan was confused and said:"It's impossible! You heard it right! The students in the first class are returning one after another. How come there are still parents who ask about changing classes?"

"I saw with my own eyes that Xiao Zhang, who drove a car from the county government, brought more than ten parents in to find the man named Huang. I asked them what they were doing. They said they were here to ask the principal to transfer the baby to another class."

"They said they didn't say, which students were going to transfer classes? Which class did you transfer to?"The man named Cai couldn't wait to ask.

"This is not said.

Cai Linshan said doubtfully,"Has Xiao Zhang's baby been transferred back? Why does he want to ask for a transfer again?"

Maybe, as you said, they need the principal to agree that their children can be transferred to me to teach. That's great!

Let the people named Huang see that my surname is Cai is not ordinary.

He was also allowed to be a lame commander and his reputation was ruined! Get out of Zhongan Elementary School. I don't have to worry about people named Huang tracking me down."

He said with a proud smile.

Xiao Zhang took his parents to the principal's office. Principal Huang stopped at the door and said,"Why do you want to come to me again?

If you want to talk about transferring schools or classes again, we won't accept you. Please go back! I firmly declined."

Xiao Zhang hurriedly took out the cigarette case from his pocket, took out a cigarette, handed it to Principal Huang, and said with a playful smile:"Old friend, smoke a cigarette and talk slowly."

"I can smoke your cigarette normally, but I really don’t dare to smoke it today. What kind of ecstasy are you going to do today?"Huang Wenwei said

"That's so ugly to say! If you don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, it must be something, so I brought them to beg you."Xiao Zhang said

"If it's about changing classes, don't talk about it at all. Xiao

Zhang handed the lit cigarette to Huang Wenwei and said:"There is no poison in my cigarette, and it is not an ecstasy. You can smoke it boldly and safely!"

Don't let me be embarrassed and disappointed in front of everyone!

Do you want to give me this face?"Xiao Zhang said

"I didn't think twice about transferring to another school, so I immediately issued a certificate and smoked your cigarette right away.

If we were talking about changing classes, I wouldn’t give you this face! has no right to give"

‘What class is this person named Zhang and these parents going to transfer to? Is it because He Yu's education and teaching methods have caused some big problems recently? ' Huang Wenwei thought about it secretly.

It’s true:

The controversy about transferring schools and classes has arisen again, and Cai is extremely excited.

When Xiao Zhang brings his two parents into the palace,

I wonder what scene he is going to perform again?

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