The next morning, He Yu helped Zhao Qianqian carry her luggage to the bus station. Xiaoqian shed tears as she walked. She said very sadly:"Why did you assign me, a woman, to that hellish place? What kind of medicine is Section Chief Zhong selling in the gourd?

What are her good intentions for me?

I Last night, I didn't sleep all night, thinking over and over again, but I just couldn't figure it out.

I heard that it takes more than thirty miles to get to Fucun by car, and you are not with me, how can I get there?"

"Who knew that Section Chief Zhong treated the two of us like this? What are his good intentions?

Assigning us to teach in primary school is obviously a punishment!

Forget it, Sun Wukong can still bear being trapped under the Five Elements Mountain for five hundred years. No matter how hard and tired we are, we can endure it for one year and then turn around."

"One year! Don’t know how to survive?"Zhao Qianqian said with tears streaming down her face.

"what else can we do? It turns out that when I was assigned to Fuyuan, I didn’t want to come. I wanted to be a farmer.

But thinking about it again and again, it was not that simple for my parents to help me from elementary school to Qujing Normal College. They suffered so much and tried so hard.

If I become a farmer, all my previous efforts will be in vain and I will be a complete failure.

So I had to bite the bullet and come to Fuyuan.

Coming to Fuyuan and being punished to elementary school was like one disaster after another.

I thought over and over again and decided to go. As long as I get 29.5 yuan a month,

I can send more than ten yuan to my parents every month."

"You are right to think this way. No matter how hard you endure it, I will listen to you and endure it for two years.

But don’t forget me! Come see me some time.

Wait until we get married in two years and then apply to be transferred together, okay?"Xiaoqian said with a sad face.

"Go in peace, we will talk about other things later."He Yu said

"You must promise me, then I can go with confidence."Xiaoqian Liuliu said nervously.

"Get in the car! The car is leaving."

He Yu helped Xiaoqian get into the car, and Xiaoqian held He Yu's hand tightly and wouldn't let go.

The passengers next to him looked at him and the two of them so reluctantly and intimately, and they were all very envious and moved. After seeing off Zhao Qianqian, He Yu carried his luggage and reported to Zhongan Primary School.

Zhongan Primary School is on a street downhill from the county government.

The gate is close to the street, and a long row of short and old classrooms faces the street.

After He Yu looked at it, Why did he think the only primary school in the county looked like this? It looked very shabby.

It was far different from the Qingyuan Primary School he attended when he was a child.

He walked into the school angrily. There were old buildings everywhere, except for the one directly opposite the gate. There is a new three-story teaching building, and the playground below the teaching building is quite wide.

Because the school has not started yet, it seems deserted.

He heard that the teachers were having a meeting, so he carried his luggage and walked around.

This school It was too wide. There were three courtyards with ancient wooden structures.

The teachers’ dormitories and classrooms were mixed together.

After the teacher’s meeting ended, an old male teacher saw He Yu looking around with his luggage on his back and asked bluntly:"Are you divided? Did you come here to teach?"

"yes! Hello, teacher!"

"Where did it come from?"

"Graduated from Qujing Normal College. He Yu answered.

The old teacher raised his glasses with his left hand, looked He Yu up and down with his eyes and said,"How do you assign a college student to teach in our elementary school?" Did you make any mistakes in school and get sent to the army?"


It’s true:

Xiaoqin sent He Yu as a gift in the past, and

He Yu sent Xiaoqian as a gift today.

Who is the true lover?

No one can tell.

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