In the afternoon, because He Yu had left, Weihua boldly invited Xiaoqin to have lunch together.

Then he went to Xiaoqin's dormitory, held Xiaoqin's backpack, and sent Xiaoqin to the station to take the bus to Yiliang in an upright and honorable manner.

Along the way, some students pointed at them from behind and said:

‘Xiaoqin is so lucky. She just saw off her double benefactor and lover in the morning, and now an old lover comes to see her off.’

‘This Weihua is too despicable. Xiaoqin reluctantly took her lover He Yu to the car in the morning, but now he comes to see Xiaoqin off.

Didn't you see the situation where Xiaoqin and He Yu were inseparable and inseparable? Don't waste your feelings’

‘You are a bitch, you just sent your benefactor He Yu away, and now you ask Weihua to see you off.

Don't stand in two different places, seduce men and make others look down on you.’

‘You people are really nosy and worrying. If the fish that comes are willing to take the bait, that is their willingness’


Weihua and Xiaoqian were walking and talking affectionately.

"You are assigned to such a good place as Qujing, will you still like me in the future?"Li Yuqin asked tentatively

"I don't like any other woman. From the day I saw you, I have been eyeing you.

After working for a while, the two of us got married.

Then, let my father find a way to find someone to move around and transfer you to Qujing, okay?"

"As long as you have the intention, let’s talk slowly in the future!"

"What should we say slowly? We'll get married in a year. I'm afraid you'll be snatched away by He Yu.

I'll go crazy"

"How can a marriage be so hasty and hasty? It's not like a little baby playing house.

Besides, my mother and sister have never met you? Whether they agree to the marriage or not is still unknown."Xiaoqin explained

"I look like a young man, I study well, and my family has money, so they are 100% satisfied, no problem," Weihua said proudly.

"Don't boast, you won't know until my mother and sister meet you.

But I want to ask you, why do you love me so much? What do you see in me? What makes you so obsessed with me?"Xiaoqin wants to hear his true words

"I have been chasing you for so many years, and you still don’t know?"Weihua asked pretending not to know.

"how could I know? I'm not a roundworm in your belly, I know everything"

"Whatever He Yu sees in you, I see in you. The answer is this."

Weihua said with a smile.

"You are just being clever and talking nonsense."Li Yuqin said

"To tell you the truth, your pretty face, the charming black mole on your lips, and your waist figure made me fascinated the first time I saw you." Wei Huami said with a smile.

Xiao Qin's third Once I heard a man praise me so much, I felt ashamed and blushed. My heart felt warm.

"You are talking nonsense and exaggerating. I am not as beautiful as you say, I am just an ordinary girl."Li Yuqin said hypocritically.

The two of them had already walked to the bus station while talking.

Xiaoqin got on the bus with the seven classmates who were assigned to Yiliang.

"Weihua! Go back. We were all moved by the gift of a lover who was so infatuated and inseparable.

But I would like to advise you, no matter from all aspects, you are not He Yu's competitor. Even if you are assigned to Qujing, it will not help. You still have to be self-aware.

They must be fellow villagers, old classmates in junior high school.

Not to mention anything else, just because He Yu risked his life several times to save Xiaoqin, can Xiaoqin be ungrateful?

Heroes save beauty. There are many beautiful legends in ancient and modern times at home and abroad. You don’t know it, right?"A classmate stuck his head out of the window and said to Weihua

"yes! He is right, a person must have self-awareness. Another classmate added.

The classmates in the car laughed after hearing this!

Weihua was furious after hearing the words that ridiculed him.

However, in front of so many people, he was too embarrassed to fight back, so he could only swallow his anger and give up on himself.

The car drove away, and Xiaoqin didn't even stick her head out of the window to say goodbye to Weihua.

It's true; after all the hard work of saying goodbye without saying goodbye, the emotional investment was in vain.

People should be self-aware, and they don't know when they go astray.

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