Xiao Qin body didn't take the initiative, but followed closely behind Fuyuan's classmate by some strange combination of circumstances to see off his benefactor and lover.

I have never really experienced or felt what it feels like to be separated from He Yu.

Today, He Yu really wanted to say goodbye to him, which was why she felt so confused and her mind was empty.

Walk! Walk!

She didn't know where the strength came from, prompting her to suddenly show her passion, and hummed a song that she had improvised:

Send you to the road, your kindness will never be forgotten.

He risked his life several times to save me, and I will remember him in this life.

I sent you under the big tree with many intimate words in my heart.

We are together every day, and it is difficult to separate from each other day and night.

My brother’s shadow is left in the pond and river, and he risked his life to save my life.

I will never forget it, and it is hard to separate them even if they are broken.

I'll send you to the station.

I can't finish my intimate words.

Please be patient in Fuyuan.

I'll meet you in Yiliang.

Xiaoqin hummed while shedding sad tears.

At this time, He Yu realized that Xiaoqin had been following her, so he went over and held her hand to comfort her and said,"Don't be sad. I will definitely come back to Yiliang to visit you during the holidays."

Xiaoqin wiped it gently with her sleeves Tears said:"Why are you not sad? You said it softly and skillfully.

Is it easy to build a relationship in four years?

Your deep love for me always appears in my mind, but now you and I are separated. I My heart is like a knife, very sad.

You risked your life twice to save me. When I came home for vacation, my foot was injured. Not only did you carry me such a long way, you also stayed by my side to support me day and night.

In this way When will I be able to forgive my deep affection?

I will never forget it in my life." Xiaoqin shed tears again as she said it.

It's true; the song of sending you to express your emotions is too shabby to sing.

It is difficult to tell whether it is true or not.

It will become clear in a few years.

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