Xiaobo has been working in the First Affiliated Hospital for less than two months.

Lin Lin came up from Fuyuan and took him to the vicinity of the First Affiliated Hospital to find a 110-square-meter elevator room on the 13th floor.

I helped him pay half of the down payment, and asked Xiaobo to get a loan from the bank for the remaining 300,000.

My aunt was very happy when she heard the news!

He said,"Xiaobo!

You are so lucky!

You have just started working, and your brother helped you buy a big house.

It is also a hard-decorated house, very beautiful!

Your aunt and I have worked hard all our lives to live in the same place as you." It’s a wide house and you have to climb stairs.

You have to thank your brother!"

‘Thank you for what?

Lin Lin should be criticized properly.

I originally told him that I could only help

Xiaobo pay a down payment of 100,000 yuan, and let Xiaobo get a loan from a bank for the rest.

But behind my back, he helped Xiaobo pay a down payment of 300,000 yuan.

You, Lin Lin, are really a rich man."Uncle was not happy.

Lin Lin quickly said:"Uncle!

I went to Guangzhou to mobilize him to come back. I promised to help him buy a set in Kunming, which was left for him by his department director for his wedding. The set is the same size. house, so he followed me back to Kunming.

Now I only helped him pay half of the money, which is already half less.

Besides, he has to pay back this half for twenty years. This pressure is not small on him! It can be said that I paid all the money for this house for him.

Otherwise, no girl would marry him.

If you marry him, you will have to repay the loan with him for twenty years.

If Xiaobo finds a good girl who is happy with his heart, knowing that Xiaobo wants I won’t marry him if I have to pay off the twenty-year loan.

I immediately tried to help him pay off the remaining three hundred thousand in one lump sum.

Show this girl that Xiaobo’s backstage is a big boss."

"Don't boast too much about Haikou!

You only have one share in the coal mine. How dare you call yourself the big boss?

Besides, you just paid him 300,000 yuan. Where are you going to get 300,000 yuan?

Unless you go and rob people."My aunt said unceremoniously.


I say so!

The purpose is to support Xiaobo and make those girls who look down on Xiaobo change their views.

Besides, it's easy for me to come up with 300,000 yuan. I just need to write an IOU and put it at my wife's place.

She would write me a bank check for three hundred thousand."Lin Lin said arrogantly.

My aunt is usually very timid. When Lin Lin said this, she hurriedly said;

"Are you and your wife in charge of the economic power of the coal mine?

Don't be brave!

It’s better not to just take the money from the coal mine.

If you don't do it right, the coal mine owner will drive you and your wife away together!"


I'm not brave!

Normally I would not take away a penny from the coal mine.

In order to save face for Xiaobo, I borrowed money from the coal mine for the first time.

No one will say anything idle.

I am not just going to take coal mine money.

Xiaoqiong is a cashier. As long as he has my IOU as collateral, his accounts will be clear. less than a penny"


As long as your wife's accounts are clear, there will be no problem.

But I think that for an outstanding kid like Xiang Xiaobo, he won’t have to worry about finding a good girl.

You are his brother and you are so rich.

If any girl knew about it, they would be eager to marry him.

Our worries are unnecessary!"

"You two don't want to get along with each other. It's better to wait for Xiaobo to achieve results.

Some girls don't look at money, but look at him to see if he has academic papers published in national magazines?

How many books have you published?

Is it a master's degree or a doctorate?

Is the professional title high?

Have you ever studied abroad?

These are the choices of girls with ability and vision for their lovers."Aunt said

"Since Xiaobo has been favored by the department director and vice president of Guangzhou Cancer Hospital, it means that he will definitely be able to do what you said in a few years."My aunt said.

It's true: everyone is concerned about what kind of wife Xiaobo can find. My aunt's skills are not high, but her prediction is still accurate.

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