He Yu followed Hong Hong's aunt and thought as he walked; 'Hong Hong's aunt must be an old leader who looks at problems more comprehensively and cautiously.

Xiaoqian dropped out of school and lived in his house, and was greatly influenced by him.

Xiaoqian once told me that saving people and marrying them are two different things. Silk, numb.

Yang Yunpeng should be grateful for saving Honghong. I shouldn't express my opinion easily in front of Yang Yunpeng's father. We will be a family from now on.

With my support, Honghong was willing to marry Yang Yunpeng.

The consequences caused now are caused by one's own carelessness. When she arrived at Hong Hong's aunt's house, Hong Hong's aunt had already put the food on the table.

She hurriedly asked:"What did the doctor say after seeing it?

What disease did the child have?"

Hong Hong's aunt told her that she had pneumonia.

She said,"It's not like you have some strange disease!

It's just pneumonia. It doesn't matter. You'll be in the hospital for two days and get infusions.

Eat quickly. After dinner, I'll go see the child.

Why didn't Yang Yunpeng come?"

Hong Hong's aunt is a hot-tempered person.

She cares about Honghong very much, because Honghong lost her father when she was a child, and it was her sister who brought her up to the age of four before marrying He Yu.

If you tell her the reason why Yang Yunpeng is not coming, after hearing this, she will become so angry that she will not be able to eat. You may also be angry that you don’t know what the problem is.

So Honghong's aunt hurriedly said,"Yang Yunpeng has something to do at school and can't come. Let's eat quickly."

After eating, He Yu carried the food that Honghong's aunt had packed in the lunch box, and Honghong's aunt followed. He Yu goes to the hospital.

After leaving the gate of the medical school, crossing a street and walking through an alley, we arrived at the hospital.

On the way, Honghong's aunt asked He Yu;"How is the relationship between Honghong and Yang Yunpeng after they get married?

Is Yang Yunpeng caring and taking good care of Honghong?"

He Yu replied:"The relationship is okay, are you caring and caring?

It's basically okay."

"Why do you speak so vaguely?

What is okay, basically okay, is it good?"


Not bad."He Yu replied

"Your speech today is not as usual, crisp and clear.

When the baby is so sick, no matter what happens at school, he cannot ignore it.

You are the vice principal and he is just an ordinary teacher. Is he busier than you?

You don't tell me the truth!

After the baby recovers, I will follow you two to Fuyuan. I want to see for myself, is it okay?

You take great care of my sister. Whenever she gets sick, you will find herbal medicine to make her eat well. Thanks to you.

Although Honghong is not your biological child, you treat her better than your biological child. When she was a child, she got seriously ill. It was you who rode your bicycle all night to pull her in from the countryside to rescue her.

This time you brought Honghong to treat the baby's illness. You are really a good husband and a good stepdad.

Honghong's aunt and I always praise you."

"My sister cannot praise me like this. Zhao Qianqian and my classmates have studied hard for many years, and we have established a deep relationship.

She was frail and sick when she was young, and suffered many disasters after she started working. Although you are kind to me, I can't bear to take care of her.

Besides, she is very caring and protective of my parents, siblings.

My mother unfortunately died, leaving my little sister unattended.

I took the little girl to Fuyuan and gave her to be disciplined.

She didn't complain at all and stayed by her side for more than three years.

I often go to the countryside for several months. She is not in good health. Not only does she have to do a good job in teaching, but she also has to take care of several children. It is really hard for her.

We are friends in times of need. Only by caring for each other can we reach this point."

"With a good person like you by her side, I feel very relieved."

It's true; it's not easy to get praise from my sister. My stepfather is closer than my biological father. This is not something ordinary people can do.

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