Hong Hong and Yang Yunpeng obtained their marriage certificates and prepared for the wedding ceremony.

He Yu has always supported and given advice. But Xiaoqian was not very happy.

Honghong found that her mother was not very satisfied. Honghong said to Xiaoqian:"Mom!

I noticed that your father actively supported my marriage to Yang Yunpeng and gave us advice, but you were indifferent and didn't take it seriously.

Are you still dissatisfied? ?"

"What's the use if I'm not satisfied with what you've already decided?

Don’t regret it later!

There was nothing I could do to help when they came to me."

Honghong felt uncomfortable after hearing what Xiaoqian said.

She said unhappily:"Anyway, I will never regret what I decided!

When I had an accident, one of you and dad would go to recuperate and the other would go to training.

Crying every day doesn't work, calling earth and earth doesn't respond.

If he hadn't come forward to protect me, I don't know if I would still be alive today?"


I know you should be grateful to him for saving you. But just because he saves you, you can't marry him.

These are two different things!

Marriage is a lifelong event for you. With his kind of family, can you live with him for the rest of your life?

It turned out that Wang Yongkang, who worked in the county government, had a good relationship with his father. His family had good conditions in all aspects, and he was honest and honest.

Wang Yongkang took the initiative to visit you at home, but you hid in the house and did not see you.

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup you were fed by Yang Yunpeng.

But you just fall in love with Yang Yunpeng.

If anything happens in the future, don’t come to me and solve it yourself."

Honghong has a bad temper. When Xiaoqian said this, she said angrily:"If you don't want to find it, you won't find it!"

After saying that, he left.

Originally, He Yu had left a bedroom for Honghong to use as a new house when they got married.

Because Honghong was angry with Xiaoqian, he and Yang Yunpeng stayed in a room assigned by the school and decorated it. Building a new house.

After Honghong got married, she didn’t come to visit Xiaoqian for a long time.

Xiaoqian didn’t want to see her either.

A year and a half later, Xiaoqian heard that Honghong was five months pregnant. She must be a mother, then Do you feel sorry for your biological daughter?

She visits Honghong every Sunday and tells Honghong some things to pay attention to during pregnancy.

When the baby is about to be born, Xiaoqian goes to take Honghong home.

She takes care of Honghong every day.

One night, Honghong complained that she had a stomachache. Xiaoqian knew that Honghong was going to have a baby.

He asked He Yu to find a tricycle and take Honghong to the county hospital.

When she was admitted to the delivery room, it was found that she had dystocia.

After Yang Yunpeng found out, There was nothing that could be done.

Hong Hong was so anxious that he almost started crying. He asked Yang Yunpeng to go to No. 5 Middle School to call He Yu.

Because He Yu had a late study hall and was giving lectures to students.

Yang Yunpeng ran to find He Yu.

He Yu heard that Hong When Hong had dystocia, he asked the students to do their homework.

He found a taxi and went straight to the home of Gui Liuqiong, director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, with Yang Yunpeng.

Because Gui Liuqiong was He Yu's favorite student. He was admitted to Kunyang Medical College. After graduation, she was assigned to the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital.

Gui Liuqiong was about to sleep, but she heard that it was Honghong dystocia. She hurriedly got in the car and followed He Yu to the hospital. After arriving at the hospital, she entered the delivery room and was treated by Gui Liuqiong. The child was born safely.

Yang Yunpeng's mother rushed over. Before she entered the delivery room, she heard that she had given birth to a girl.

She didn't even look at it, turned around and left with a sad face and mouth.

Yang Yunpeng listened. Said that her mother left without even looking at her granddaughter.

He also left.

All this was seen by Xiaoqian.

Xiaoqian didn't say anything, she just served her daughter seriously.

Originally, when the child was born, she should It was her mother-in-law who boiled brown sugar eggs and brought them to her daughter-in-law to eat.

But after waiting all night, there was no trace of the Yang family.

Xiaoqian was angry and asked He Yu to go home quickly to boil some brown sugar eggs and brought them to Honghong to eat.

Hong After Hong learned about the situation, she didn't want to eat.

Xiaoqian didn't dare to say anything to her, but just to comfort her daughter, she said:"Don't think about anything, eat quickly. It's important to replenish your body after eating.

Other things will come later." Besides, it’s true;

Xiaoqian has the foresight to save someone and get married. It’s two different things. Just being saved by someone can make the marriage a matter of course.

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