He Yu was having a passionate toast with his boss when Principal Yin walked in with a book.

She said to the teachers,"When you are having dinner together, has Vice Principal He become a famous person, and you only like him and his wife?"

Xiaoqian hurriedly walked over and said,"Principal Yin can't say that, and I can't say that either. They dragged me here."

Several teachers hurriedly grabbed Principal Yin and said,"How can we forget you?

Because today we are the mathematics teachers of No. 5 Middle School and Town Middle School, and we invite Vice Principal He to come and get together.

To express his love for us. During the training, we were responsible for giving lectures and tutoring carefully.

Only then did we all pass the examination for promotion to professional titles.

We just met with the math teachers in the town first.

When we are promoted to professional titles, we will definitely invite you and Vice Principal He Come together and entertain you well. You care and love us very much.

How could we forget you!"

"I'm kidding you. I came from Qujing and was entrusted by someone to send a book to Vice President He.

When I passed by, I saw you and Vice-Principal He together, so I sent this book to Vice-Principal He.

Take a good look, your Vice President He has become a big celebrity in Yunnan.

Several teachers hurriedly took it and took a look, but they were frightened!


The boss came over and said to Principal Yin,"I was going to visit you specially, but today you came uninvited... Please sit down quickly.

My son has been obedient and well-behaved since he transferred to your school. His academic performance has improved a lot." Fast, especially mathematics, which I was most afraid of learning in the past. Now I not only love learning, but my grades are constantly improving.

My mother and I are very happy.

So today I specially drink Maotai to toast you."

"Your son has indeed changed a lot, which is the result of his hard work.

I am very touched that you can offer Moutai to me.

I accept your offer!

But I don't drink alcohol, so I'm sorry.

Many people, after becoming big bosses and making a lot of money, look down on us teachers. Thought he was just a teacher.

When I see you today, you can show such respect and hospitality to our teachers, which makes me very touched and admire you very much!"

Principal Yin said

"Don't say that. You and your teachers have worked very hard for our future generations and have paid too much for them!

I see it in my eyes, no amount of money can buy this!

No matter how rich I am, if the child becomes useless and becomes bad, it will be nothing.

Money is like dung, but children are worth a thousand pieces of gold." said the hotel owner

"You are right, businessmen like you are rare.

Some big bosses in Hong Kong are very strict with their children and attach great importance to study and study.

After finishing high school in Hong Kong, no matter how much money they spend, they send them to study in foreign universities or even graduate schools before coming back.

After performing well in all aspects, his children were allowed to follow him in business.

As your only son, because of your vision and strict discipline, coupled with the careful guidance and training of the teachers in our school, you not only have good moral character, but also have continuous improvement in academic performance. I am the heir to your career."Principal Yin said to the boss flutteringly

"I can't let him inherit my career.

Don't look at me making a lot of money, but I am very worried and hardworking.

All aspects have to be taken care of day and night.

I want him to finish college and find other jobs.

It would be best if you can go to the office.

Every day is free and I earn a lot of money"

"It's not bad that you have this idea. But when children grow up, they will make their own choices.

The key is to maintain your current status from high school to college.

There can't be any mistakes in the process.

Let me tell you from the bottom of my heart. No matter how good or busy your business is, you must keep him under strict control because you are a philanthropist and we admire you very much!

So since your son was transferred to No. 5 Middle School, Vice Principal He and the head teacher, I, and I have spent a lot of effort to strictly discipline your son. The math teacher who taught him was even harder. In order to improve his math scores, he not only tutored him in the classroom, but even went to her home for private tutoring.

So, your son can be like this. Everyone put in a lot of effort."Principal Yin said.

It's true; rich people can respect teachers and teach, and they will naturally be rewarded.

Disciplining their children well is more important than money.

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