Lin Lin and Xiaoqiong invited their aunt and sister-in-law to finish the meal with them in the restaurant. I hurried to the bus station and got on the shuttle bus to Qujing.

Then I took the bus from Qujing to Fuyuan and arrived at Fuyuan at around five o'clock.

When they got home, after telling Xiaoqian and He Yu about their experience in Yiliang, they hurriedly found a car to sit in, and rushed to the Damo Village coal mine before dark.

After Lin Lin left, Xiaoqian told He Yu:"Lin Lin still doesn't forget his biological mother Li Yuqin, and even wants to go to the temple to find Li Yuqin.

What if he really finds her? What will he do?"

"These are just his guesses and imaginations.

Based on her character, even if she were still alive, she would not go bald and become a nun.

Besides, if Li Yuqin was still alive, she would definitely miss his biological son and come to her door long ago. It’s been almost twenty years. He

Yu said.

Xiao Qian said:"Lin Lin's guess is not based on nothing.

Based on my perception, Li Yuqin must still be alive."

She must have found Lin Lin after we brought her to Fuyuan. She had come to find Lin Lin in hiding.

She was just afraid that Lin Lin would not recognize her.

That's why I didn't show up"

"Since Lin Lin wants to find Li Yuqin, let him go, if he can find a better one, let them know each other as mother and son.

Bring her to live with us. He Yu said.

Xiaoqian said unhappily:"What did you say, bring her to live with us?"

She is your old lover and she lives with you?

What if she sparks off with you?"

"You are just good at making random thoughts. I have broken off relations with her for more than 20 years, and we no longer give in when we meet.

Besides, if she shows up, after Lin Lin recognizes her, Lin Lin will make arrangements. We don’t need to worry about this.

These are just guesses and imaginations.

Let’s consider Yanyan’s work issues‘’He Yu said

"Didn't my brother-in-law say that he had contacted her and asked her to work in accounting at the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunyang Medical College?"

"I've called her to tell her, but she won't come.

She is going to Dalian with her boyfriend.

I don’t want to come to Kunming to work"

"Is Dalian far away?"Xiao Qian asked

"Dalian is in the northeastern Liaoning Province.

, separated from Yunnan by six or seven provinces."He Yu replied


So far apart?

When I miss her, I have to go to the Northeast to see her? no!

Let him come back to Kunming. Since her uncle has been transferred from Gejiu to Kunyang Medical College as a leader.

If anything happens, her aunt will come forward to help solve it.

She is far away, who will take care of her?"

"never mind!

It's not like you don't know his temper. It's hard for anyone to persuade her to do what she decides to do.

Besides, his boyfriend’s home is in Dalian. Our family conditions are good, so we don’t have to worry about it!"He Yu said.

No matter what He Yu said, Xiaoqian just didn't trust her to go to Dalian.

She said to He Yu:"You call her again and let me tell him"

"She just graduated from school, and she doesn’t have a big brother. Where do you want me to call?

She has graduated from college and is no longer a child.

Whatever she chooses, respect his choice.

Besides, Dalian is a relatively developed big city in Northeast China and is better than Kunming in all aspects.

After she has been working for a while and you miss her, I will take you there during the holidays. Let's take a look at her boyfriend's family situation"


Xiaoqian was silent for a while and said,"I wonder how much it will cost for two of us to go together by car?"

"Taking a train from Kunming, you have to pass through Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Hebei, and Beijing, which takes two days and three nights. When you get to Beijing, you have to take a train again, which takes one day and one night to get to Dalian. So it will be about two thousand yuan"

"Oh yo yo!

It was so far away that it took a total of three days and four nights to get there.

It costs so much money and it’s so difficult to go there.

It is better to find a way not to let her go to Dalian."Xiaoqian said

"I've thought of everything.

Do you know of any trick to get him to come back to Kunming?"He Yu said

"What's my trick?

Who asked you to name him Yanyan?

That's why she was allowed to fly away!"

Really; worried about whether Li Yuqin is still alive.

What if she is really still alive? I am worried about Yanyan flying away.

I am worried about this and that. Old worries have passed and new worries have arisen.

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