After dinner, it was getting late.

After Lin Lin and Xiaoqiong sent Xu Guirui away, they went to buy two bottles of Maotai liquor, two Dachongjiu cigarettes and a gold necklace.

After carrying it, I found the home of Yang Yuanyuan's brother and sister-in-law.

The neighbors were surprised when they saw it!

They all discussed:"I have never seen this young couple before. Who are they from their family?"


He actually came carrying two bottles of Maotai liquor and two heavy nine cigarettes.

I don’t know why I came to his house."

"Bringing such a valuable thing to his house could be because the little baby Yang Yuanyuan brought has grown up. Come give thanks!

Otherwise, who would bring these valuable things to his home?"

"I see a bit of a resemblance, but not quite.

If so, he is not He Yu's biological child.

He Yu is a teacher. How can he have so much money to buy these things for him?"

"His family has made a fortune!

These things are worth at least more than a thousand yuan"


Yang Yuanyuan's sister-in-law went out and saw these two people carrying such expensive things, so she hurriedly said:"Please come in quickly!"

Yang Yuanyuan's brother felt strange when he saw Lin Lin and the others carrying expensive wine and cigarettes.

He asked:"I don't know you, did you go to the wrong door?"

Lin Lin said;"We did not go to the wrong door.

My mother, Yang Yuanyuan, and I have lived in this small building next to the door for almost five years. Years have passed!"

Yang Yuanyuan's sister-in-law said happily,"You are Lin Lin!

I often take you to the street to buy things for you to eat.

Do you remember?

Why do you only buy these things for your eldest daddy?"

She said While talking, he impatiently took the cigarettes and wine in Lin Lin's hand and put them on the table.

Originally, Xiaoqiong wanted to take out the gold necklace she bought and hand it to her.

But when I heard her say that, I felt like she was a money-grubber.

So she put her hand into her pocket and stretched it out again.

Lin Lin answered her and said,"I am Lin Lin!

I only remember that it was my adoptive mother who took me with her while selling tofu and bought me delicious and fun things on the street.

In order to save me, she was driven into the river by a carriage. Sacrificed.

As for whether you bought me something, I may not remember clearly."

Why did Lin Lin say this to her, because in his memory, she did not buy him anything?

I feel like she is a stingy person!

Yang Yuanyuan's brother said:"How old have you become?

You haven't forgotten us and brought your wife to see us. That's great!

And you bought so many expensive cigarettes and wine. How are your father and the others?"

Lin Lin said:"My parents are very good!

How can I forget your kindness in raising me?

My father was teaching in Fuyuan, and he rarely had time to see me at that time.

You provided me with all my food and clothing.

I When my father married Yang Yuanyuan’s mother, you gave this small building to my father as a dowry.

I have never forgotten it.

Although Yang’s mother and my father are not my biological parents, they are closer than my biological parents!

I I will never forget them both in my life."

Yang Yuanyuan's brother said;"Your father is your biological father. How can you say that he is not your biological father?

Don't talk nonsense!"

"I have grown up, and it is impossible to hide this kind of thing from me anymore!

Fuyuan’s adoptive mother Zhao Qianqian has already told me."Lin Lin said

"Do you already know your life experience?

So how will you treat your current father and mother in the future?"Brother Yang Yuanyuan asked.

It's true; the neighbors were surprised when they brought cigarettes and wine to express their gratitude. They have lived here for five years and have not forgotten everything.

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