The car in which Lin Lin and Xiao Qiong were sitting drove to the foot of the tomb.

Lin Lin pointed to a big tree on the side of the road and said:"I was going to go up the mountain to find my adoptive mother's grave, because I was too tired from walking here from the county town. So I leaned under this big tree and fell asleep.

Later. It was my adoptive mother's brother and sister-in-law who found me and woke me up.

They carried me up to the grave and made me kneel in front of Yang Yuanyuan's grave and kowtow repeatedly. I lay on the grave and cried loudly.

I lay on the grave repeatedly. I wish my adoptive mother could come back to life, come home with me, and play with me every day."

My adoptive mother Yang Yuanyuan's brother and sister-in-law hurriedly pulled me away.

And said:"You can't touch the soil on your mother's grave. Just let your mother sleep here peacefully."

As they said this, they took the soil I lay down on and put it on the grave one by one. , and dug some lawn and spread it on it.

Then tamp it down with a hoe.

He also told me that when I grow up, when I come to pay homage to your mother’s grave, I must add some soil to it.

This way your mother can sleep well.

So I still remember it fresh"

"It shows that you have too deep feelings for your adoptive mother.

So you want to remove the dirt from your adoptive mother's grave, let her come alive, go home with you, and play with you every day.

Do you know that she will never crawl out, she is just a miss for you."Xiao Qiong said

"I just wanted her to crawl out, so I kept lying on the ground."Lin Lin said

"Let me tell you something that comes from the bottom of my heart.

The reason why Yang Yuanyuan is so good to you.

It's because her father has too deep feelings for her!

Love her so much!

People call her Tofu Xishi. It means that the person is beautiful and kind-hearted.

And your father has been teaching in Fuyuan for a long time and is not with her.

She transferred her love for your father to you.

That's why I sacrificed my life to save you.

Otherwise, you are not her biological child, and you are an orphan left behind by your biological mother."

"Regardless, she died trying to save me, and she gave me my life. Closer than biological mother.

She is the greatest mother in the world!"

"You are right!

It's a pity that this great mother can't be resurrected. If she can be resurrected, I can also enjoy her maternal love."

After Lin Lin talked with Xiaoqiong, Lin Lin picked up Xiaoqiong and prepared to climb up the grave.

Xiaoqiong said:"You Don't carry me!

I can still climb, just let me climb up!"

"How can I let you climb up there?

If the baby has three shortcomings and three longs, I will not be able to be a father.

Besides, it’s hard for me to explain to your mother and my parents.

I have plenty of strength. Just let me carry you up the mountain safely!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lin asked Xiaoqiong to carry the paper money, and then he carried Xiaoqiong safely and walked to the tomb hill. After a while, he arrived at the tomb hill.

After Lin Lin put Xiaoqiong down, he looked around and saw Yang Yuanyuan. The monument was erected behind the grandfather's monument.

The grass on the grave grew tall and vigorous, very conspicuous.

He was so happy that he said to Xiaoqiong:"Look at the grass on my adoptive mother's grave. , indicating that we will prosper and make a fortune in the future."

Xiao Qiong said:"The grass on other graves is really taller than the grass."

Lin Lin hurriedly walked over and took a look; the two sides of the monument were written in regular script, which was very neat.

On the right side, it said, 'Beauty and kindness will last forever in the world. , it says on the left side,"The great mother's love is unforgettable for the descendants."

In the middle of the monument, in two straight rows on the right, it says in small fonts; Born in 1943, died in 1964.

In the middle, it says in large fonts;

Love The tomb of his wife Yang Yuanyuan.

It is written in small fonts on the left;

Husband He Yu, written down.

His beloved son He Linlin.

Lin Lin was reading and touching every word of the inscription. Especially when touching the four words"Great Mother's Love", I shed tears while touching it.

It’s true; it is engraved on the monument of great maternal love.

It is too rare to leave it to future generations forever.

I warn future generations not to forget it, and I hope you will be blessed with wealth forever.

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