Lin Lin took Xiaoqiong on a boat and played on the Dianchi Lake.

The two of them took the meter-gauge train to Yiliang.

The small train is not like the big train. Not only is the carriage narrow, but it is also shaking all the time. , shuttle through tunnels or narrow mid-mountain railways.

Look down; the water flows in the deep ditch; look up; the steep stone walls reach into the sky.

Lin Lin said;‘"It turned out that my father said that many Chinese migrant workers died in France in order to build this railway?

If a dead migrant worker is buried under each sleeper, as many people will die as there are sleepers. When Xiaoqiong heard this, she was startled and said,"Aren't we sitting on dead people's sleepers and walking?""

Lin Lin said;"It doesn't mean that a dead migrant worker is buried under every sleeper.

Rather, when building this railway, all materials, machines, and rails must be moved manually.

In these high mountains and ridges, it was really difficult and dangerous to carry it, and countless migrant workers died.

People compare the number of dead migrant workers to the number of dead migrant workers as there are sleepers."


It turned out to be like this, I thought I buried the dead migrant workers under the sleepers.

From the moment you get on this train and leave the city, you will travel through high mountains and ridges along the way, which is very thrilling.

It was too difficult to build this railway at that time."Xiao Qiong said


The French in order to plunder property from our country.

At all costs, the lives of Yunnan migrant workers were used to build this railway directly to Vietnam and pass through Vietnam's seaport.

Transport the property plundered from our country to France. Lin Lin said.

When Xiaoqiong heard what Lin Lin said, she said angrily:"These French people are so abominable." It is nearly more than 300 kilometers from Kunming to Vietnam.

A kilometer is a thousand meters, and every meter is a sleeper.

Three hundred thousand kilometers will require 300,000 sleepers. According to this calculation, the lives of 300,000 Yunnan migrant workers will be lost in building this railway,


Fuyuan County has a population of only 300,000.

It is equal to the number of people in Fuyuan County.

So scary!"

The people sitting nearby were all frightened when they heard what they said.

A girl said in a Yiliang accent:"We didn't know at all unless you two said it. We were shocked when you said it.

Your accent sounds like we are not from Yiliang?

Why do you know so much? I often take a small train and go back and forth from Yiliang to Kunming dozens of times, but no one has ever known about these things."

Lin Lin said;"Although I was born in Fuyuan, my parents are both from Yiliang.

I read it from some books.

My dad also told me some stories"

"I see!

After listening to your story today, I, a native of Yiliang, realized how many of our Yiliang people died in order to build this railway?

Maybe even my ancestors died building this railway and I don’t know where they are buried?"

"You are right!

The railway passes through Yiliang. How many people must be forced from Yiliang to build this railway?

The dead migrant workers were buried in the trenches on both sides of the railway.

No one knows where their relatives are buried?

All become lonely ghosts!"Lin Lin said

"Therefore, when my family visits the graves every year, there are only the graves of my grandmother and grandparents, but not the graves of my grandfather.

They must have been forced to build this railway, and they died and were buried in the ditches on both sides of the railway!

Are these damn French people going to die a good death?"said the girl

"You are right. French people in general are still buried on both sides of the railway when they die. However, they are not buried in ditches, but are buried on the hillside with monuments.

The engineers and senior people died and were transported to France for burial."

It's true; there is only one meter-gauge train in the world, but many people died for its construction.

The train makes me feel sad and scared even while sitting.

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