He Yu called his friends together for dinner, talking, eating and laughing!

Lao Xiao asked He Yu;"You went to participate in training to obtain a national-level certificate, and you were reinstated. Your daughter was in trouble and was rescued by her boyfriend. You are blessed with three blessings. Should you go to Dali Jizu Mountain to burn incense to fulfill your vow?""

"Time to go!

But you still have to come with me."He Yu said

"I'm not like you, so you can go on your own.

I'll go there when I have a happy event."Lao Xiao said

"You are already a grandpa!

Don't forget that you came with me to ask for the blessings of Bodhisattva to have a son soon.

With the blessing of Bodhisattva, not only will you give birth to a precious son early, but your son will also become a father.

You are already a grandpa. I should have gone to fulfill my wish long ago"

"Vice Principal He is right, you should go with him to fulfill your wish.

Only in this way can our family live a safe and happy life."Lao Xiao's wife Xiao Song said

"According to what you said, if Li Zhenhe also went to Jizu Mountain to burn incense and worship Buddha, he would not be revoked from the position of vice president.

Cao Ruiming also went to Jizu Mountain to burn incense and worship Buddha, so he wouldn't step down?"Principal Yin said

"This is absolutely impossible. Only kind-hearted people will be mercifully protected by Bodhisattva.

Evil-hearted people will burn incense and kowtow every day, but Bodhisattvas will not bless them at all. All he can do is make him suffer the consequences."He Yu said

"Xiao He was right, because Teacher Zhao was kind-hearted, he was not harmed by Li Zhenhe, and you were reinstated.

When Honghong is in disaster. Yang Yunpeng protected and rescued him.

This is the result of the Bodhisattva's secret blessing."Lao Xiao said

"I think Comrade Lao Xiao is right, but it is also wrong.

If Hong Hong and Yang Yunpeng have no fate and don't know each other.

Yang Yunpeng would not take risks to protect Honghong for no reason."Principal Yin said

"Don’t even say it!

Since Xiao Yunpeng is also here, I want to hear why he dared to take risks to protect Hong Hong?

If those people find Hong Hong, he will also be beaten to death by those people."Lao Xiao said

"Comrade Xiao!

How dare I, a junior, talk about anything in front of you seniors?

I can only listen to your spiel. Gain more knowledge and broaden your horizons"

"Stop being modest!

You are a college student, I am just a junior high school student.

You teach junior high school Chinese.

I met you for the first time today. I saw your appearance and your mighty appearance.

I just think you are not an ordinary teacher. Few other teachers have the courage you do.

In order to protect the girlfriend he only made, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his life.

I am not praising you, but I heard that in order to protect Honghong, your whole family dared to use tools to fight against those extremely vicious people.

If you don't do it right, you will have to pay the price with your life.

I am not the only one praising you, everyone in the county is praising you.

This is an earth-shattering event!

I would be honored to have a son like you."Lao Xiao said

"I'm talking about you, Lao Xiao!

Now that you have a capable son, you are still not satisfied.

Even if you and Teacher Xiao Song stayed at Jizu Mountain, burning incense and worshiping Buddha every day, you would never give birth to a son like Yang Yunpeng again.

Stop talking in your sleep!"Principal Yin said

"Stop talking, everyone!

I am the son of a farmer, how can I deserve such praise from you?

Why should I come forward to protect He Hong?

First, because He Hong and I are old classmates, and the Fifth Middle School is close to Dongmen.

We have known each other since childhood.

The second is He Hong's character. Her parents have influenced her in everything she does.

Kind-hearted like her parents. Very popular.

Everyone in Dongmen Street was praising them.

Furthermore, I feel more at ease in making friends with He Hong.

No matter how poor our family was, she would never despise it.

It was for the above reasons that I went to protect her.

It's not like what Uncle Xiao said, it's an earth-shattering event.

Makes me feel ashamed to hear it."

It's true; in the world, there is no hatred without reason, and there is no love without reason.

Only when the hearts are in harmony can we take care of each other.

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