He Yu and Hong Hong carried a lot of things in their arms and met Yang Yunpeng when they arrived at the door of Yang Yunpeng's house.

Yang Yunpeng saw that it was Honghong and her father carrying something.

He hurriedly said to Honghong:"Why did you let your father buy so many expensive things? It makes me feel embarrassed.


Our family will not accept it!"

He Yu took a look; this person must be Yang Yunpeng, who is tall. Yes, he looks pretty good. From his face, he is a kind person.

He Yu said to him:"Are you Teacher Yang?"

"I am"

"I'm so happy to see you today!

After the accident happened to the student in the red class, her mother and I happened to be away from home.

Fortunately I met you and you came to the rescue.

My daughter's life was saved."

When Yang Yunpeng heard He Yu say, 'Thankfully I met you, this sentence made me happy.

It means that Honghong's father will definitely not despise me and my family.

In this way, I will be the son-in-law.

I will come to save him." Honghong, although she took a lot of risks, her efforts were not in vain."

He hurriedly said to his future father-in-law:"Vice Principal He, you can't say that.

Who knows that He Hong is my old classmate and we are in the same school? teach.

You two elders are not at home. If you see something big happen to her and I don't step in to take care of it, you will feel unbearable and will not be able to live with it.

So no matter how big the risk is, I don’t care at all.

I will rest assured as long as He Hong is safe and waiting until you come back."

"You protected He Hong well. Our whole family doesn't know how to thank you?

As long as you let He Hong follow you from now on, we will feel relieved!"

When Yang Yunpeng heard what He Hong's father said, he was secretly happy; 'It's not clear, I'm officially expressing my position to let He Hong marry me!

Isn't this the good result of a hero saving a beautiful woman?

If He Hong hadn't been involved this time, They didn't look down on me at all. He

Hong and I were destined to be together.

This should be a gift from God!"

At this time, Yang Yunpeng's father was heard shouting in the room:"Xiao Peng!

Who are you talking to?"

"I'm talking to Teacher He Hong's father"

"Teacher He Hong’s father?

Why don't you invite him in quickly? He

Yu heard Yang Yunpeng's father calling him, and he walked in with Honghong.

Yang Yunpeng's father said,"It's great if you can enter our house. Why are you carrying so many things?""


This is my father's idea. He came back with my mother just the day before yesterday.

That’s why I came to see you now.

You and your family have been so kind to me, this is disrespectful."

"Our family is so poor, it's rare for your father to come visit me."

"You can't say this, what's the point of being poor?

If my daughter hadn't been protected by your whole family, who knows what would have happened to her?

In order to thank you and your family, I will find a car and take you directly to Kunming No. 43 Hospital for treatment.

It's not good for you to stay in bed all the time"

"Thank you for your thoughtfulness!

Xiaopeng sent me there last year.

I stayed in No. 43 Hospital for more than a month. The other fractures are basically healed, but the spine is broken in several places and cannot be restored.

All I could do was lie down.

It would be nice to get back to this situation."Yang Yunpeng's father said

"Since this is the case, then I can't help you much. I can only give you a little money, and let my children buy you whatever you want to eat."

He Yu said as he took out ten red RMB and handed it to Yang Yunpeng's father."

Yang Yunpeng's father hurriedly returned the money to He Yu and said:"How can I ask for your money?

Bring so many things." , it makes me embarrassed"

"Don't say embarrassing words, we will be a family from now on, and this little money is my humble expression of my love for you.

Must accept it. He Yu said.

At this time, a woman came in and said,"He Hong's father is right, we will be a family from now on." Just go ahead!"

It's true; we are not destined to be separated, but we will be a family from now on.

This kind of expression carries a lot of weight, and it comes from the gratitude in my heart.

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