Xiaoqian said,"Tomorrow I will take a boat trip to the Erhai Lake. I can also see the wonderful performance of the Dali girl on the boat and drink the famous three-course tea.

This is something I have never dreamed of. So I feel , a few years younger.

Therefore, tomorrow on the boat, even if I can’t dance along, I have to sing along with a few lines.

I’m so happy!"

"Since you came out to recuperate, I have realized that you are really young.

This time I came to Dali, I was so happy and joyful. After visiting, you will be younger."

"I hope so, thank you principal sister for the compliment!"Xiaoqian said with a smile.

The next morning, after breakfast, the car took Xiaoqian and the others to the Erhai pier.

They boarded the Cangshan tour boat.

When Xiaoqian saw the Erhai Lake, the water quality was better than the Dianchi Lake, clear and clear. , you can see the fish swimming in the water, how free they are.

Looking at Cangshan Mountain from a distance, one mountain is connected to another, lush and green, and it is taller than the Xishan Mountain in Kunming.

She asked Principal Yin,"Why is it called Erhai Lake?""

"It is the shape of this sea, like an ear.

Although the sea surface is not as wide as the survey, the water is deeper than Dianchi Lake.

And the water quality is better than that of Dianchi Lake because there is more source water in Erhai Lake. Dianchi Lake has less water resources.

It is also almost surrounded by big cities and has a lot of pollution."

While they were discussing, the song and dance performance started.

The Dali girl is indeed beautiful, and she is good at singing and dancing.

When she sings, she sings beautifully, and when she dances, she looks like a fairy.

Xiaoqian is very intoxicated.

Xiaoqian is really She started humming along.

She hummed so happily that Principal Yin saw that she was just as beautiful as the dancing girl, just a little older.

Otherwise, there was not much difference.

Principal Yin laughed while watching!

He was also secretly feeling happy for Xiaoqian's feel sad about encounter

‘If Xiaoqian had not gone through so much torture, it is said that in junior high school, she was a girl who loved singing and dancing. She was as beautiful as these dancing girls, and her singing and dancing skills were no less than those of these girls.

It's just such a pity! I was born at the wrong time. After dancing for a while, the girls served the first small cup of tea. It was slightly bitter when I started drinking it, so Xiaoqian said to Principal Yin,"Can you also bring this bitter tea for us to enjoy?"

Principal Yin said,"If you drink it slowly, it will change from bitter to sweet."

Xiaoqian said As I drank, I felt a little sweet.

After singing and dancing for a while, a second cup of tea was served.

This cup of tea was neither bitter nor sweet, and it was delicious.

After a while, the girls affectionately served the third cup of tea.

The girl said:"This cup of tea is sweet tea. The first cup of tea is bitter tea.

The second cup of tea is neither bitter nor sweet.

These three teas are called the three teas of first bitter and then sweet.

It is our The three-course tea that the Bai people use to entertain their guests."

Xiaoqian said:"So this is what the three-course tea in Dali looks like!"

After the song and dance performance and the three-course tea were finished,

Xiaoqian was still in high spirits and continued to follow quietly. Humming and gesticulating.

He looked so happy and happy!

Principal Yin on the side smiled and said:"If you are interested, you can just sit on the boat and sing and dance with them!"

"I was so happy and excited that I didn’t want to leave right away!

It's a pity that I am already an old girl in my forties. If I could go back twenty years,

I would really sing and dance with them.

Only in this way will there be no distress, no worries

, and you will definitely live one to twenty years longer.

Unlike now, when you are around forty, you already look like an old man in your fifties or sixties!"

"I see you, red light has changed your hair these days. He is energetic and does not look like a person in his forties."Principal Yin said

"Do I look like a little girl?"Xiaoqian asked with a smile.

"Just like!"Principal Yin patted Xiaoqian on the shoulder and said.

It's true; when I saw the Dali girl performing, she actually followed the gestures and hummed.

It was like traveling back to twenty years ago, where she was a little girl who loved to sing and dance.

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