After Liu Yuanfang inquired, the new accountant went to her home and found an invoice worth more than 10,000 yuan.

She said to the new accountant:"How dare you take the invoice home?

Don't you know this is illegal?

What if a child takes it ?" Go and throw it away. This is not an invoice, but more than 10,000 yuan!

Not only does Teacher Zhao have to pay compensation, but he is also guilty of corruption.

If I am not scaring you, I may ask you to go to the detention center and change Teacher Zhao out.

You made What a big sin you have committed!

Now let me see how you can explain it to the Education Bureau and Teacher Zhao."

The new accountant cried and said to Liu Yuanfang,"I was wrong!

It's my fault that I am young and ignorant.

I have done something wrong to Teacher Zhao.

I can go and apologize to Teacher Zhao and ask her to come back to me.

As for the Education Bureau, please don’t go there.

I will repent and start a new life.

I will remember your kindness all my life."

"It's too late for you to cry now!

Teacher Zhao has been charged with embezzling public funds. You should think about it before you take the invoice home. Can this be done.

And I found that the amount on Teacher Zhao’s invoice and check did not match more than 10,000 yuan.

You should think about it calmly, why are you short-paying so much money? You should go home and look for it again and again.

In order to show your merit, you did not consider the consequences of whether Teacher Zhao was short of money.

You told Principal Li that Teacher Zhao was short of money for more than 10,000 yuan.

And Principal Li heard that Teacher Zhao was short of money. For more than 10,000 yuan, he exaggerated and retaliated as if he had found a straw. He even said that Teacher Zhao had embezzled public funds."

"I have turned over the accounting surgery to you and has nothing to do with me.

I just came to check again for Teacher Zhao's sake. As for how you explain it to Teacher Zhao, that's your business.

Seeing how pitiful you look, I won't say anything to the Education Bureau.

After Liu Yuanfang finished speaking, he left angrily! When

He Yu and Zhao Qianqian found out about this, they were very angry and went to Li Zhenhe to argue with him.

But Li Zhenhe hesitated and said:"We can only blame Xin The accountant came, I just listened to what he said, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Nothing to do with you?

You said it so lightly!

If it weren't for Liu Yuanfang's help in checking, we found out that the new accountant had taken a stack of invoices and hid them at home. Not only would we have to pay 10,000 yuan, but we would also be charged with embezzling public funds.

Teacher Zhao might have been sent to prison by you.

By then, you will be gloating!


When the teachers found out about this, they were very angry.

They all said:

"I wonder what the new accountant’s relationship is with the person named Li?

I don’t understand shit, why should I come to such a big school to be an accountant?"

"Is Teacher Zhao old and confused? How can I let her take the invoice home?

If it is lost, Teacher Zhao will not only have to pay 10,000 yuan, but also be charged with corruption for the rest of his life. Will he become a corruption offender?"

"Fortunately, the old accountant was transferred from Chongqing to help with the check, and he discovered that Mr. Zhao did not have any short payment.

Instead, the new accountant took the invoice home for verification.

He even forgot an invoice worth more than 10,000 yuan at home.

If not found.

Teacher Zhao may be taken away by the police. This is no joke"

"This time we have another good show by Li Zhenhe!

I wonder how he will perform next?"


That night, Li Zhenhe's performance art was so high!

Under the command of the director Mr. He, the performance was very exciting. I wonder if I will be able to see his performance in the future? let us wait and see!"

"Do you still want to see his performances in the future?

It will end soon!

He is no longer the principal.

It’s even harder to watch his performance!"

Really; he is a performing artist, performing one performance after another.

He actually made the teachers laugh at him.

This kind of principal is too useless.

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